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Benedetto Marcello like Bach? That is the (nice) provocation of Andrea Bacchetti. ... Marcello's sonatas for piano are really a great risk, but the Genoese interpreter loves to surprise, and probably astonish himself first of all; so he clean the Venetian composer, who was a contemporary of Vivaldi, from every possible baroque interpretations, like improvisations, embellishments and allusive concert dialogues. In this way, only the nude structure remains, and it's something of really high level. ... Bacchetti runs down the austere way of feeling of an truly spiritual author and, with the right differences of latitude and so of style, he draws Marcello near Bach. And it works. Cds and videos Amadeus nr.266, January 2012, Nicoletta Sguben
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... about Bacchetti, in years we admired his meditated elegance in performances,
especially concerning Bach and Mozart repertoire, but after last night listening we have to praise
him highly: Bach played by this young Genoese Maestro is simply perfect, in his always exact clearness
of phrasing, and able to give back Bach music thought's structure with lightful transparency, thanks
to his dry harpsichord timbre that is not unaware of intense lyrical openings in the slow movement.
Camerata Ducale and Andrea Bacchetti in Vercelli www.corrierebit.com - January 23rd 2012, Bruno Busca Once again a great music occasion at the Viotti Festival: sunday evening at the Civic
Theatre with pianist Andrea Bacchetti and the Camerata Ducale Orchestra, directed by Guido Rimonda. ... "I switch from Mozart to Chiambretti Night" - The genius of Bacchetti, amused pianist and factotum La Stampa (Vercelli), January 24th 2012, Giovanni Barberis ... We think that the duo Bacchetti-Nordio actually is one of the best nowadays in Italy. They gave a true proof of this excellence in the concert in Novara, exciting the public with a perfect understanding between their two instruments and with their interpretation of the proposed pieces. ... The duo Bacchetti-Nordio in Novara www.corrierebit.com - January 26th 2012, Bruno Busca ... It's easy to feel in his musical discourse his inspiration to the most preeminent models, Mozart and - not by chance - early Beethoven, with a really refined taste and a great attention to balance his virtuosic desire and his sentimental abandon ... A pleasant discourse between virtuosity and sensibility Corriere di Novara, January 30th 2012, Alessandro Curini «... I think that who wrote my Bach is affected on the one hand by severity, authenticity and historically classical notation I learned in my long and precious experiences with Baumgartner in Lucerna and at the Imola Music School of Scala; on the other hand, there's the way of "live" music that I learned from Luciano Berio and that made my approach to the "Kantor" more innovative. ... » Andrea Bacchetti breaks trough abroad Musica nr.234, March 2012, Nicola Cattò
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... Now the artist is a character loved also for his extraordinary pleasing personality. ... A unpredictable personality, with his true way to say anything, every time he talks: Bacchetti leaves his mark. ... «Maybe I live a little too much in my world». It is so, and it's a world made of scores, concerts and his passion for Bach, Mozart and Luciano Berio ... Bacchetti «I love women, Bach and Mozart, but I listen to Lucio Dalla too» Il Secolo XIX - March 6th 2012, Francesca Baraghini ... The Genoese pianist is cautious, humble and severe in his continuos research for new sonorities and timbers. He doesn't face up to music, but instead he seduces, courts and gentles it, making music his, always with his great intellectual honesty ... Loud ovations for Bacchetti, who conceded even three encores "encores". Bravo, Bacchetti. A roller-coaster ride with De Lorenzo Corriere Mercantile, March 11th 2012, [a.o.] ... The concert program considers music by Debussy, Mozart, Chopin, Bach and Rossini. «I chose short pieces, suitable for a concert like this on Saturday, that will be open to everyone and not only to experts» the Maestro explained. ... "Pianofortissimo" in Chiavari, a show by Andrea Bacchetti Il Secolo XIX, March 23rd 2012, Debora Badinelli ... This well-prepared program considers short pieces in order to be suitable for everyone and not only for experts. «I'll start with Bach, a cornerstone for all Music, then I'll go ahead with pieces by Soler, Mozart, Debussy, and Chopin, to conclude with Rossini». Andrea Bacchetti plays for "Villaggio del Ragazzo" society Il Secolo XIX, March 24th 2012, (news) Verona will be the capital of classic music for four music. The city of Romeo and Juliet will host Classical Music World on next April, 19 to 22, a new exhibit created by Veronafiere, the firs international showroom entirely dedicated to classical music. ... The schedule sees for Sunday 22, at 18:00, a recital by pianist Andrea Bacchetti at the Verdi Auditorium, in Veronafiere city Congress Center ... Classical music exhibit Corriere di Verona, January 19th 2012, Anna Barina
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... «Classical music encourages to look for and find always new emotions in an ideal, continuos crescendo. It is the comprehension, deepening and interpretation of thought by the great composers and interpreters of past, who made music history, through present culture. Choosing to play classical repertoire, a musician has also to innovate, sometimes risking to go against the tide». ... From concert halls to television: Andrea Bacchetti, the piano genius who conquered Europe Corriere di Verona, April 15th 2012, Anna Barina ... This is the first time I have heard Andrea Bacchetti in concerted music, indeed in anything other than JS Bach, whom he plays incomparably. ... These three concertos, loveable and brilliant as they are, hardly engage his powers, either of heroic pianism or penetration, to the full. But he shows himself to be fully able to converse, as it were, with the admirable Orchestra of Padua and the Veneto ... Orchestral Reviews BBC Music Magazine, May 2012, Michael Tanner ... The disc was given five stars in the May issue of BBC Music Magazine and our critic Michael Tanner wrote «Mozart's K415 is, for me, the finest of these works, and I have never heard a performance that so completely realises its charm without attempting to import any spurious grandeur». Free download Classical-music.com, May 2012 Ni Baroque ni classique, le Mozart de Bacchetti est avant tout oratoire. Fermement articulé, le jeu du Génois possède un élan incisif qui n'oublie pas pour d'autant d'être gracieux. ... Bacchetti soigne les dynamiques, notamment dans les développements, et ménage de belles surprises ... les disques de A à Z Diapason, mai 2012, Laurent Marcinik ... Bacchetti is a very persuasive pianist, and a stylish Mozartian too. He plays with a clean tough, beautiful legato, subtle pedalling, immaculately even passagework, and his interpretations are notably devoid of any eccentricities and idiosyncracies. These are historically informed readings but without losing any of the richness of colour and dynamics afforded by the modern grand ... Instrumental International Record Review, May 2012 ... I was very enthusiastic about hearing what he would do with Mozart. Well known for his Bach recordings, I very much admire the alchemy he creates with the simplest of music in recordings of lesser frequently performed composers such as Marcello and Galuppi and Cherubini. Mozart is particularly deceptive - easy sounding, but in fact one of, if not the most difficult of composers to get "right". Bacchetti's playing throughout sounds more than just "right". He doesn't go overboard with unconventional ornamentation or artificial impositions of character, keeping to the text of each concerto and bringing the notes to elegant life with the kind of touch which allows you to hear music, rather than "piano". ... Review MusicWeb International, May 2012, Dominy Clements A welcomed return to Thiene: on the occasion of the festival "Metti una sera in... musica", the appreciated pianist Andrea Bacchetti will play a recital entirely dedicated to J.S.Bach, the genius from Eisenach of whom the Ligurian pianist is a specialist without any doubt. ... Goldberg Variations according to Bacchetti Il Giornale di Vicenza, May 15th 2012, Eva Purelli «Because the concert was brief, I'll play for you some of Goldberg Variations in miniature». On the stage of "Fonato" Auditorium in Thiene, after his recital of Bach Andrea Bacchetti still wants to play and we can consider his encores as another little concert. Let's start then from the so-called "unscheduled" pieces: in succession, Bacchetti is studying, live playing and recording the entire Bach work for keyboard. So we hear with a magnificent touch the "Aria Variata" BWV 89 "in Italian style", of course by Johann Sebastian ... Bacchetti. A show from Bach to Goldberg Il Giornale di Vicenza, May 17th 2012, Eva Purelli ... Bacchetti's anthology, played with a remarkable fancy in touch and in his happy volubility in phrasing, doesn't celebrate without critic sense Marcello's inspiration. He plays to put near prissy little pages and an absolute disenchant; in his interpretation, instrumental parsimony and harmonic stylisation are converged in a more advanced poetic vision. ... Those naive gentlemanliness Suonare News, June 2012, Angelo Foletto
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![]() ... With his wise pianism, matured behind some legends of keyboard as Magaloff, Richter and Horszowsky, Bacchetti have never made mystery of his multiple interests: Bach but also an unusual classicism as Cherubini and Galuppi, as well as Mendelssohn and romantic authors, and the beloved Berio, his fellow citizen who encouraged him finding character and human affinities. ... The piano by Bacchetti, the grown up child prodigy whom Berio liked so much Repubblica.it, June 4th 2012, Luigi Di Fronzo
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... Without Schubert, certainly arpeggione would be forgotten. At the Olympic theatre Luigi Pioveno played an arpeggione with five strings and very delicate sonorities ... Piovano, with his elegant gesture and an extraordinary musicality, found in Andrea Bacchetti an inspirate and measured fellow, who never invaded soloist moments mastering the Fazioli concert grand with his wise pedal and a very dosed use of dynamics. ... A Schubert to clap till to skin your hands Il Giornale di Vicenza, June 9th 2012, Eva Purelli ... An egregious and wise interpretation by two well-known musicians: Filippini's noble and deep bowings perfectly mixed with the geometric lucidity of Bacchetti's pianism, creating a timber fusion of a crystalline clarity and a sober and unrethorical, very incisive interpretative lecture. The huge public homaged these two artists with a warm consensus and asked and obtained two encores. Rocco Filippini and Andrea Bacchetti at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice Amadeusonline.net/primafila, June 19th 2012, Vitale Fano
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![]() ... One of the most awaited events of the large calendar of "Percorsi Sonori" ... For Bacchetti, who last year gave a highly acclaimed recital dedicated to Italian authors of the eighteenth century, which was excelled by the daintiness of his interpretations and beauty of sound ... Andrea Bacchetti to the cloisters of St. Catherine La Stampa, July 26th 2012, A.R. ... His interpretations always do not fascinate only for their precision and austerity, but for beauty in his touch and in sound he elicits from his instrument ... Great Bach's geometry and science, without forgetting pure emotion, that is necessary and lacks of rhetoric. The public was exemplar, with an uncontrollable enthusiasm at the end of the concert ... July 26: Andrea Bacchetti's second time Cronache dai percorsi Sonori 2012, August 2012 ... This evening, in the atrium of the Steri Palace, Andrea Bacchetti will perform Bach and Mozart in a program of chamber music, the two composers whom he dedicated his latest music releases ... the sensitiveness of the Genoese pianist is oriented to the baroque sounds, despite his vast repertoire also includes nonostante il vasto repertorio che include anche Chopin, Schumann, Rachmaninov e Berio ... The pianist of Chiambretti plays Bach and Mozart La Repubblica, August 7th 2012, Alessandra Sciortino
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... As part of the International Festival "Palermo Classical Art and Music", now in its second edition, will perform Andrea Bacchetti and the Mediterranean Chamber Orchestra. The young artist, born in 1977 and known to television audiences for his participation to the TV show "Chiambretti Night", will present music of Bach and Mozart ... Girolamo Salerno, artistic director of the Festival: «This concert is part of a series of events of great importance...» Bacchetti magnifies Bach and Mozart La Sicilia, August 7th 2012, Annalisa Martorana ... the violin soft by Domenico Nordio and the piano incisively sculpted by Andrea Bacchetti propose a paginated romantic, from Beethoven to Ernst Block, where every song asks: to which big of the past I can watch? But the encore, charming, flips the terms and offers a Chopin Nocturne transcribed by Milstein, the great virtuoso. To argue he too that there is no memory, without future. That shell that echoes the culture Il Sole 24 Ore, August 26th 2012, Carla Moreni
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() Appointement not to be missed tonight in Montale of Levanto. Domenico Nordio, violin, and Andrea Bacchetti, piano, will perform in the eighth edition of the Festival Maximum Amfiteatrof. Particularly expected the performance of Bacchetti, genoese musician born in 1977, an authentic talent ... Bacchetti & Nordio: Two big on stage La Nazione, August 17th 2012, Gian Carlo Bailo El violinista guayaquileño Jorge Saade y el pianista italiano Andrea Bacchetti se conocieron en el 2009, cuando se presentaron juntos en el primer Festival de la Musica Italiana y desde entonces entablaron una buena amistad ... Además, Bacchetti tiene títulos de prestigiosas istituciones y se caracteriza no solo por entonar melodías románticas, sino por su gran compromiso con la música de cámara... Italia y Ecuador - Juntos en concierto El Universo - Guayaquil, 19 de Agosto del 2012 ... El músico estará acompañado de Andrea Bacchetti, pianista italiano con quien grabará por primera vez esas seis sonatinas de Mozart, con una disquera italiana. Ellos ya tocaron el año pasado en Génova y en esa ocasión se comprometieron a hacer esto en Ecuador... Un concierto de música clásica Viva Samborondón - Guayaquil, 23 de Agosto del 2012 ... Bacchetti, varias vece supo con la mano izquierda tejer fraseos fluidos afines al violonchelo.
El resultado logrado por Mozart habla de una ligereza que jamás debe confundirse con frivolidad. Aquella genialidad
le permitió sentirse cómodo tanto en una serenada como en su Réquiem o su música masónica. Jorge Saade y Andrea Bacchetti tras bastidores El Universo - Guayaquil, 29 de Agosto del 2012, Félix Fleming El reconocido pianista italiano Andrea Bacchetti se encuentra desde la semana pasada en
el país y hoy es la novedad en la presentación de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Guayaquil (OSG)... Piano de Andrea Bacchetti se une a Orquesta Sinfónica El Universo (www eluniverso.com) - Guayaquil, 31 de Agosto del 2012 ... Un intérprete concienzudo como Bacchetti trata de expresar el limitado potencial dinámico
del clavicémbalo ahorrando los fortísimos, por lo que hubiera sido apropiado una orquesta más pequeña para
que el sonido del piano se escuche siempre claramente. Pero aún así se pudo reconocer la detallada articulación
de Bacchetti, que logró transmitir la elegancia casi matemática de las frases de Bach. Crítica de música: Un Bach y Mozart inolvidables El Universo (www eluniverso.com) - Guayaquil, 3 de Septiembre del 2012, Carlos A. Ycaza «... This year, with the musical and artistic direction of Fabio Luisi, the orchestra of the Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo was formed by the first parts of the major European and American orchestras ... I was invited as a guest soloist and I attended the opening concert, to another symphonic program and two other concerts of chamber music ... Especially rewarding for me the collaboration with musicians from Dresden, Geneva and Vienna ... In the following days, at the headquarters of the magazine "Record Geijutsu" in Tokyo, Sony Japan has organized a press conference for the presentation of my latest CD dedicated to Bach's French Suites.» Andrea Bacchetti tells a Japanese living Musica, nr. 240 October, (news)
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... The concert by Gabriella Costa and Andrea Bacchetti has recorded a full house at the "Carabelli" hall for the fortieth season of "Asam", the Syracuse Friends of the Music Society, offering moments of emotion to an audience of at least two hundred spectators, with a repertoire halfway between the French and American culture ... Asam, a long musical journey with Costa and Bacchetti Giornale di Sicilia - October 9th 2012, Alessandra Linares Thirty years of «Autunno musicale» (Musical Autumn) in Valtrompia. ... The famous pianist Andrea Bacchetti plays the superb Goldberg Variations by Bach on October 26th in the San Filippo of Gardone Auditorium ... Autumn in Valtrompia in the sign of classic music Corriere della Sera - September 20th 2012, Fabio Larovere ... In her first part, the soirée has been dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach, stepping from the Toccata in E minor BWV 914 to the masterpiece that Goldberg Variations are (BWV 988) ... in the second part, there have been five sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti taken from the recently restored manuscript with the contribute of Banca Carige ... A full-Bach soirée with Andrea Bacchetti BresciaOggi - October 26th 2012, L.Fert. ... one of monuments in music history. Goldberg Variations by Bach will be played this evening by the famous pianist Andrea Bacchetti ... Bach's notes in Bacchetti's hands Corriere della Sera - October 26th 2012, f.l. The generalist audience has known him as guest in the «Chiambretti Night Show», but he was an enfant prodige and nowadays he is part of best Italian pianism. ... The unpredictable Ligurian artist, who is able to give talented performances, will engage in two giants of music history, Bach and Scarlatti... Classica - Bacchetti between Bach and Scarlatti Giornale di Brescia - October 26th 2012, an.fa. ... Mit Andrea Bacchetti hören wir einen hunderprozentig überzeugten und überzeungenden Bach-Interpreten. ... Es ist keineswegs so, dass der italienische Meisterpianist Bachs Musik auf die leichte Schulter nimmt. Alles in Bacchettis Interpretation hat Kopf und Fuß ... Die Supersonic-Auszeichnung ist mehr als verdient. Barock - Italienisches dressing Pizzicato - November 2012, RéF ... I already knew from his previous three releases that Andrea Bacchetti is an extremely convincing interpreter of J. S. Bach's keyboard music on the modern piano. ... Bacchetti's Bach playing possesses a high degree of an indefinable but recognizable quality: musical good will. ... Instrumental International Record Review, November 2012, Stephen Pruslin ... Bacchetti confronts the French Suites with sensibility and respect for the authorial dictation, playing the keyboard of a majestic grand piano Fazioli, an instrument that strikes for his ductility with which it reveals itself perfectly suitable to a repertoire thought for another kind of keyboard. With virtuosities reduced to minimal and tempo intervals generally not so fast, what impresses about this score is the purity of melodic lines and the attention with which rhythmic and polyphonic structures are chiseled ... an interpretation that affords the musician to show of which kind of coloristic range, always in a total severity, his hands are able to draw. Cds and Videos Amadeus, nr.276 November 2012, Claudia Abbiati
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() Music seasons at Borromeo College will open monday evening with the concert of St. Carl, that will see the pianist Andrea Bacchetti playing pages by J.S.Bach ... Season at Borromeo starts with Bacchetti La Provincia Pavese - November 1st 2012 « ... Goldberg Variations solicits a certainly superior technique... I have started playing them in 2004, and since then I have never desisted ... Playing Bach has to reveal the essence of music, and I believe that piano is the best way to do justice to this great composer, although it is said that, when Back tried one of the first piano prototype, he did not like it at all ... » Andrea Bacchetti: «My piano for Bach's genious» La Provincia Pavese - November 5th 2012, m.pizz. Some almost forgotten manuscripts by Domenico Scarlatti come back to life thanks to a project named "La Tastiera italiana" (the Italian keyboard) in order to recover, restore and publish for the first time precious Italian music manuscripts. Collaborating with the National Library of St Mark's, the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti and the music historian Mario Marcarini for "Sony Classical Italy": supported by Banca Carige, they two have recovered and studied some ancient musical books conserved in Venice, and now they are proposing them in concerts and in a CD collection ... A manuscript by Domenico Scarlatti recorded in a CD Il Gazzettino - November 7th 2012, Daniela Ghio ... Maestro Andrea Bacchetti's hands were able to execute after decades the sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti, that now live again in a CD presented yesterday morning at the National Library of St Mark's with the participation of conductor Maurizio Messina and Anna Claut, responsible of the music sector in the library ... The baroque compositor (1685-1757), known for his sonatas for harpsichord, were so appreciated by the noble class of his age that in 1733 he became music Maestro in Madrid for the Queen Maria Magdalena Barbara ... The second life of Scarlatti's scores La Nuova - November 7th 2012, Vera Mantengoli Bach, the greatest sound architect is back at Asam. With a predictable live execution of «Goldberg Variations» by Johann Sebastian Bach ... the pianist gave proof of the inexhaustible inventiveness of his author ... Applauses to Bacchetti who, well conciliating his virtuosity with his touch mastery, underscored separated articulations of sound ... Jubilation for Andrea Bacchetti: the pianist conquest the «Carabelli» Giornale di Sicilia - November 29th 2012, Corrado Genovese El pianista italiano Andrea Bacchetti visita Guatemala y participa como solista invitado junto con la Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil Municipal, de nuevo bajo la dirección del español Vincente Luna ... Este año Bacchetti realizó una gira por Japón, como huésped del Festival de Sapporo. Su llegada a Guatemala es solo el inicio de una gira que seguirá por México, Argentina, Brasil y finalmente Bélgica el próximo año. ... Concierto de gala El Periodico (Guatemala) - 27 de noviembre de 2012, Juan D. Oquendo ... Andrea Bacchetti, genovés, es quiza el mas importante representante de esta tradición italiana porque, de todos los jóvenes pianistas italianos, es, sin duda, el mas destacado intérprete de Bach. Incluso, me atrevería a decir, el Maestro Bacchetti es, con Piotr Anderzewski, el joven pianista que ha llevado la música de Bach a un nivel de lirismo desconocido hasta ahora. Más allá del monstruoso virtuosismo que exige una obra como las Variaciones Goldberg, desde el Aria de apertura, a lo largo de las treinta variaciones y de vuelta al Aria, se asoma una fluidez, una corriente subyacente que sostiene una visión mistica de la música. Bach, en las manos de Bacchetti, hace realidad aquello que siempre se ha dicho del gran Cantor de Leipzig: en su música, equilibrio perfecto entre el intelecto y la emoción, se revela un orden oculto, el orden trascendental de la matemática del universo. Andrea Bacchetti y el pianismo italiano ElPeriodico.com - deciembre de 2012, Oswalda Salazar A Nocturne concert for a class duo ... On the stage two great talents, Domenico Nordio, a internationally renown bow virtuoso, and Andrea Bacchetti, a very precocious musician and one of the finest keyboard interpreters... «Domenico Nordio - the pianist says - is an excellent and communicative violinist with whom it is really pleasant to share notes and music. We have been playing together since 2010 and now we form a musically solid and well-assorted duo. Who is my favorite composer? Johann Sebastian Bach, he is in my DNA». A «Nocturne» in duo La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - December 11st 2012, Osvaldo Scorrano ... A good concert, the one kept by the violinist Domenico Nordio and the pianisti Andrea Bacchetti at Showville Theatre for the Camerata season, all centered on the «Darkness» theme ... the harmony between these two musicians has inebriated the audience, with long applauses and encores at the end of the concert. Success for Nocturnes by Nordio and Bacchetti La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - December 13rd 2012, Livio Costarella A Bach virtuoso up against the Broadway standards. The great Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti is the protagonist, with the soprano Gabriella Costa, of the Christmas concert organized by Borgo Club that is happening tuesday (9.00 p.m.) at the Montale Auditorium of Carlo Felice Theatre ... Bacchetti, the Bach pianist in the Broadway of musicals Il Secolo XIX - December 16th 2012, Paolo Battifora |
ANDREA BACCHETTI - Official Web Site |