
January 2012 |
B. Marcello - Piano Sonatas
- Amadeus - nr.266 January 2012 (Nicoletta Sguben)

- Ritmo - nr.848 Enero 2012 (J.C.G.)

- Gramophone - January 2012 (Jeremy Nichols)

- The Independent - 6.01.2012 (Andy Gill)

January 22nd, 2012 |
Vercelli, recital
- Camerata Ducale and Andrea Bacchetti in Vercelli
www.corrierebit.it - 23/01/2012 (Bruno Busca)

- The genius of Bacchetti, amused pianist and factotum
La Stampa - 24/01/2012 (Giovanni Barberis)

January 25th, 2012 |
Novara, recital
- The duo Bacchetti-Nordio in Novara
www.corrierebit.it - 26/01/2012 (Bruno Busca)

- A pleasant discourse between virtuosity and sensibility
Corriere di Novara - 30/01/2012 (Alessandro Curini)

February 2012 |
B. Marcello - Piano Sonatas
- Pizzicato - 2/2012 (Steff)

March 2012 |
Milan, interview
- Musica - nr.234 March 2012 (Nicola Cattò)

March 8th, 2012 |
Genoa, recital
- Bacchetti: «I love women, Bach and Mozart, but I listen to Lucio Dalla too»
Il Secolo XIX - 6/03/2012 (Francesca Baraghini)

- Bravo Bacchetti. A roller-coaster ride with De Lorenzo
Corriere Mercantile - 11/03/2012 (a.o.)

March 24th, 2012 |
Chiavari, recital
- "Pianofortissimo" in Chiavari, a show by Andrea Bacchetti
Il Secolo XIX - 23/03/2012 (Debora Badinelli)

- Andrea Bacchetti plays for "Villaggio del Ragazzo" society
Il Secolo XIX - 24/03/2012 (news)

April 22nd, 2012 |
Verona, recital
- Classical music exhibit
Corriere di Verona - 19/01/2012 (Anna Barina)

- Andrea Bacchetti, the piano genius who conquered Europe
Corriere di Verona - 15/04/2012 (Anna Barina)

May 2012 |
Mozart - Piano Concertos
- BBC Music Magazine - May 2012 (Michael Tanner)

- Classical-Music.com - May 2012

- Diapason - Mai 2012 (Laurent Marcinik)

- International Record Review - May 2012

- Music Web International - May 2012 (Dominy Clements)

B. Marcello - Piano Sonatas
- Musical Opinion - May 2012 (Robert Matthew-Walker)

- MusicWeb International - May 2012 (Byzantion)

May 15th, 2012 |
Thiene, recital
- Goldberg Variations according to Bacchetti
Il Giornale di Vicenza - 15/05/2012 (Eva Purelli)

- Bacchetti. A show from Bach to Goldberg
Il Giornale di Vicenza.it - 17/05/2012 (Eva Purelli)

June 2012 |
B. Marcello - Piano Sonatas
- Suonare News - June 2012 (Angelo Foletto)

June 4th, 2012 |
Milan, recital
- ... Bacchetti, the grown up child prodigy whom Berio liked so much
www.Repubblica.it, 4/06/2012 (Luigi Di Fronzo)

June 7th, 2012 |
Vicenza, recital
- A Schubert to clap till to skin your hands
Il Giornale di Vicenza - 9/06/2012 (Eva Purelli)

June 15th, 2012 |
Venice, recital
- Rocco Filippini and Andrea Bacchetti at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice
Amadeusonline.net/primafila - 19/06/2012 (Vitale Fano)

July 26th, 2012 |
Finalborgo, recital
- Andrea Bacchetti to the cloisters of St. Catherine
La Stampa - 26/07/2012 (A.R.)

- July 26: Andrea Bacchetti's second time
Cronache dai percorsi Sonori 2012 - agosto 2012

August 7th, 2012 |
Palermo, recital
- The pianist of Chiambretti plays Bach and Mozart
La Repubblica - 7/08/2012 (Alessandra Sciortino)

- Bacchetti magnifies Bach and Mozart
La Sicilia - 7/08/2012 (Annalisa Martorana)

August 16th, 2012 |
Ravello, recital
- That shell that echoes the culture
Il Sole 24 Ore - 26/08/2012 (Carla Moreni)

August 17th, 2012 |
Levanto, recital
- Bacchetti & Nordio: Two big on stage
La Nazione - 17/08/2012 (Gian Carlo Bailo)

August 25th, 2012 |
Guayaquil (Ecuador), recital
- Juntos en concierto
El Universo - 19/08/2012

- Recital Solo Mozart en el Teatro Sánchez Aguilar
La Republica (www.larepublica.ec) - 21/08/2012

- Un concierto de música clásica
Viva Samborondón - 23/08/2012

- Jorge Saade y Andrea Bacchetti tras bastidores
El Universo - 29/08/2012 (Félix Fleming)

August 31st, 2012 |
Guayaquil (Ecuador), recital
- Concierto
El Universo - 26/08/2012 (T.C.A.)

- Piano de Andrea Bacchetti se une a Orquesta Sinfónica
El Universo (www.eluniverso.com) - 31/08/2012

- Crítica de música: Un Bach y Mozart inolvidables
El Universo (www.eluniverso.com) - 3/09/2012 (Carlos A.Ycaza)

September 2012 |
J.S.Bach - The French Suites
- Scherzo - n.277 Septiembre 2012 (web site)

October 2012 |
Sapporo (Japan), tournée
- Andrea Bacchetti tells a Japanese living
Musica - n.240, October 2012 (news)

October 7th, 2012 |
Siracusa, recital
- Asam, a long musical journey with Costa and Bacchetti
Giornale di Sicilia - 9/10/2012 (Alessandra Linares)

October 26th, 2012 |
Brescia, recital
- Autumn in Valtrompia in the sign of classic music
Corriere della Sera - September 20th 2012 (Fabio Larovere)

- A full-Bach soirée with Andrea Bacchetti
BresciaOggi - October 26th 2012 (L.Fert.)

- Bach's notes in Bacchetti's hands
Corriere della Sera - October 26th 2012 (f.l.)

- Classica - Bacchetti between Bach and Scarlatti
Giornale di Brescia - October 26th 2012 (an.fa.)

November 2012 |
J.S.Bach - The French Suites
- Pizzicato - November 2012 (RéF)

- International Record Review - November 2012 (Stephen Pruslin)

- Musical Opinion - nr.52 Nov/Dec 2012 (A.L.)

- Amadeus - nr. 276 November 2012 (Claudia Abbiati)

Mozart - Piano Concertos
- Suono - November 2012 (Umberto Padroni)

Sapporo (Japan), Interview
- Andrea Bacchetti, pianist
The Record Geijutsu - vol.61 nr.747, December 2012 (news)

November 5th, 2012 |
Pavia, recital
- Season at Borromeo starts with Bacchetti
La Provincia Pavese - November 1st, 2012

- Andrea Bacchetti: «My piano for Bach's genious»
La Provincia Pavese - November 5th, 2012 (m.pizz.)

November 7th, 2012 |
Domenico Scarlatti - The Restored Manuscript
- Il Gazzettino - November 7th, 2012 (Daniela Ghio)

- La Nuova - November 7th, 2012 (Vera Mantengoli)

November 25th, 2012 |
Siracusa, recital
- Jubilation for Andrea Bacchetti: the pianist conquest the «Carabelli»
Giornale di Sicilia - November 29th, 2012 (Corrado Genovese)

November 29th, 2012 |
Ciudad de Guatemala, recital
- Concierto de gala
El Periodico - 27 de noviembre de 2012 (Juan D. Oquendo)

- Andrea Bacchetti y el pianismo italiano
ElPeriodico.com - deciembre de 2012 (Oswalda Salazar)
December 11th, 2012 |
Bari, recital
- A «Nocturne» in duo
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - December 11th, 2012 (Osvaldo Scorrano)

- Success for Nocturnes by Nordio and Bacchetti
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - December 13th, 2012 (Livio Costarella)

December 18th, 2012 |
Genoa, recital
- Bacchetti, the Bach pianist in the Broadway of musicals
Il Secolo XIX - December 16th, 2012 (Paolo Battifora)

December 21st, 2012 |
Acqui Terme, recital
- Best concert in last ten years
L'Ancora - January 20th, 2013 (G.Sa)
