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... Bacchetti favorece una aproximación lírica a estas piezas (muy alejada de la interpretación de Gould) con un sonido muy bello, más rico en texturas que Schiff o Hewitt, dando mucha animación al contrastar velocidades de ejecución entre piezas de una misma suite con energía rítmica y elegancia. ... Belleza es el calificativo más apropiado Amazon.es - customer reviews, 11 de enero de 2013, Piotr Petrovich ... Bacchetti's touch, really remarkable for its clarity and limpid accuracy of sound, with a thinly veiled timbre of the beautiful Fazioli entrusted to him, has exalted as best one can the Viennese essence of the score, seconded by the breaking of tempos chosen by Rimonda. But at the same time, the execution given by Bacchetti has known to value with efficacy, concerning the dynamic and timbre aspect, those expressive moments that stand out the general atmosphere of this composition ... Long and warm applauses by the large audience that Bacchetti has wanted to thank with four encores ... Andrea Bacchetti and the Camerata Ducale in Vercelli www.corrierebit.com - January 8-13th - 2013, Bruno Busca The Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti will not miss to astonish again, just as it happened last year: tomorrow evening Bacchetti will be once more on the stage of Teatro Civico, for an appointment of Viotti Festival, with the Camerata Ducale Orchestra which with he will play the Concert n. 2 in B-flat major for piano and Orchestra, op. 19 ... Bacchetti was enchanted by this score: with this concert, he gained a gratifying success in Mexico in 2011 ... Beethoven "Allegro con brio" there's Bacchetti at Viotti Festival La reviews - January 11th, 2013 - Giovanni Barberis ... a pleased return, the one of the Genoese pianist ... a great execution. ... At the end, encore's requests were not made to wait and the audience has repeatedly recall with enthusiasm on the stage the pianist, that has offered an overall of four unscheduled pieces, both sonatas and variations, with splendid interpretations of Soler, Scarlatti, Mozart and Bach ... The Civic Theatre bows to Bacchetti, eternal little boy La reviews - January 15th, 2013 - Giovanni Barberis
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() The evening of the last december 21st was really exceptional considering music and interpretation ... Andrea Bacchetti offered an impressive, unforgettable try ... in his personality, what impress are his desire to find a dialogue with his listeners and his will to make himself clear and to tale who he is with humility (a very rare gift) and irony. Also these qualities help to appreciate completely his art, that tends to - we say it again - excellence, to absolute. And, so, he will be difficult to forget. Best concert in last ten years L'Ancora, January 20th, 2013, G.Sa Andrea Bacchetti, a fanciful talent able to very tense, highly strung lectures, «starts again» from the Concert in D minor BWV 1054 on monday 21st, in Conservatory, for the «Serate Musicali» (Music Evenings), as soloist with strings of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Turin and the direction of Sergio Lamberto. He goes on with the Concert in G minor BWV 1058, a re-elaborated version of the Concert for violin BWV 1041; in line with Bacchetti's inspired and sharp personality, here it comes a «suddenly» Suite (but, obviously, always by Bach) ... Shows - Classic music Vivi Milano - January 16th, 2013 - g.m.b. Serate Musicali (Music Evenings) do love marathons. In Nineties, Oppitz had been playing Brahms for more than four hours; in last seasons, the most tenacious pianist-runner surely was Schiff, who went over the goal of integral by Schubert, Schubert and Beethoven. Tomorrow instead Andrea Bacchetti will be the leading actor of the «Bach Marathon»... Bach Marathon with Andrea Bacchetti Corriere della Sera - January 20th, 2013 - Enrico Parola ... but no, he is right: always more and more surrealist, Andrea Bacchetti is able to step on prestigious stages and at the same time to frequent the TV parlor of Chiambretti Night Show ... Today the Genoese pianist, born in 1977, one of the best pianists under the age of forty, comes back to Serate Musicali with Bach series and Concerts BWV 1054 and 1058 A(-)flat out virtuoso between Chiambretti and Bach La Repubblica - January 21st, 2013 - Nicoletta Sguben
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... The adventure prepared by Andrea Bacchetti in these pages was memorable. A blink of genius ... The young soloist kept until the end the preamble. Having been prepared the entry by that invitation to indulge in fancies contained in the Toccata, the Aria rose as a prodigy of soft cantabile attitude tended to find its "da capo" ... And Bacchetti covered the thirty variations with as many reflections, giving all the qualities of the original movement back with very clear touch ... «Goldberg Variations» according Bacchetti Corriere di Bologna, February 10th, 2013, Alessandro Taverna ... As Marcarini suggested in the meeting dedicated to present the project "La Tastiera Italiana" (The Italian Keyboard) that was kept at the National Library of St Mark's in last october and concluded by a very well-applauded concert by Bacchetti. «May this could be the first cahier de musique in the entire history of music ... The meaning of this collection is to make perceive culture objects that are witnesses of music history as every-day things». Andrea Bacchetti replies to this motto with true stylistic lessons, music lessons without words, where the piano, that is so unconvincing by a historical point of view, reveals itself to us step by step as efficient instrument to make these forgotten objects live again. ... Tracks of history - the National Library of St Mark's Amadeus - nr.279 February 2013 - Paolo Cattelan
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... Solist ist der italienische Pianist Andrea Bacchetti, einer der besten Bach-Interpreten der Gegenwart und ein unermüdlicher Entdecker in Sachen italienisches Randrepertoire. ... Andrea Bacchetti: "Es ist unsere Pflicht, auf modernen Instrumenten zu spielen" Pizzicato - n.230, 2/2013 - Alain Steffen ... Andrea Bacchetti a choisi des accents, des tempos et des phrasés peu communs. Une certaine lenteur, mais aussi beucoup de fluidité, de souplesse vigilante. Il apporte un soin, une délicatesse extrême au contrôle du son ... Assurément, l'interprète est plus soucieux de s'enivrer de musique que de culte de l'authenticité. Et nous avec lui. de A à Z - les disques du mois Classica - nr.149 février 2013 - Stéphane Friédérich ... Bacchetti mira en su Bach más la luz sureña que a las penumbras centroeuropeas. Es una visión iluminada de colores y registros, que no se explaya en los aéreos planos de András Schiff ni sigue las rotundidades de Sviatoslav Richter. Tampoco asume la originalidad irrenunciable de Friedrich Gulda o la cuadratura sensible de Grigori Sokolov. Opta por adentrarse y recrear las Seis Suites francesas desde unos postulados proprios y cálidos que parecen reivindicar el añejo fondo popular y dancístico de la colección. ... Bach mediterráneo y cálido Scherzo - nr.282, febrero 2013 - Justo Romero ... Interpretation is alienating, very fast and electric but - in our opinion - beautiful. His wise use of sostenuto pedal, the capability to make all voices sing without making Bach look like an insensitive geometric combiner (or, on the other hand, a kind of Chopin with a lot of counterpoint, like some actually too much praised Bach interpreters do) and the marvelous choice to play the Aria Da Capo without embellishments; all these characteristics make the experience unheard-of... Unheard-of experiences: Andrea Bacchetti, an original pianist with many prolific doubts Amadeus, nr.279 February 2013, Federico Capitoni
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() It will be the Teatro Olimpico Orchestra, with Andrea Bacchetti as piano soloist, to open the symphonic season of "Thiene Classica", in the Fonato Auditorium, playing a concert all dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach. ... Protagonist of the first part of the soirée, the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti who won the memorial award Tullio Besa in Thiene in 2003 ... OTO and Bacchetti, tournée technical rehearsals Il Giornale di Vicenza - February 15th, 2013 - M.P. ... Bacchetti belongs with good right to the crowd of best actual Bach interpreters. His lecture of Concerts is scrupulous in evading every expressive derivation that seems improper by a stylistic point of view, romantic, but able to outline a world of fascinating sound. His touch is dry, not skinny: the well-used colour, often with delight pearly or pastel shades (the use of pedals is almost absent); his phrasing is clear, of remarkable significance for the left hand and crystal clear precision. Tempos and rhythm are lively, not without the necessary hesitations to define the poetic elegance of melody in slow movements. ... Bacchetti makes taste the Coffee Concerts by Bach Il Giornale di Vicenza - February 17th, 2013 - Cesare Galla
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... the 35-years-old Genoese pianist is considered as one of the most original interpreters of international scene in last twenty years. And the entire program is on the Eisenach's Maestro, the universal and preferred author, monographic and centred on instrumental productions linked to the music form of Italian concert that Bach loved so much since his first youth ... A soirée with Bach and Italian concert Corriere di Cesena - February 17th, 2013 - Cledes Moscatelli One of most important realities of this city, lead by his director and pioneer, with one of most acclaimed Italian pianists, who's operating on the international scene since years. They are protagonists of the new appointment of the festival «Ravenna Musica» promoted by the Angelo Mariani Association. February, tuesday 26th, at the Alighieri Theatre the Chamber Orchestra of Ravenna will play, directed by Paolo Manetti, with the participation of the pianist Andrea Bacchetti ... Piano Magics by virtuous Bacchetti La Voce - February 23rd, 2013 With an undoubtedly charming program, this evening Paolo Manetti is back on the stage of Alighieri Theatre, on the podium of "his" Chamber Orchestra of Ravenna ... on the stage with the orchestra there will be the soloist, Andrea Bacchetti, a pianist whose curriculum does not leave any doubt: his debut at the age of eleven, a brilliant career that brought him in the theaters of all the world and a rich discographic production... Manetti's baton and Bacchetti's piano for a nineteenth-century classic Il Corriere di Romagna - February 26th, 2013 - Susanna Venturi Con motivo de sus próximos conciertos en España, dentro del ciclo "Bach Modern" del Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical, el 8 de marzo, con música de Bach y Berio, y dentro del XI Festival Pórtico de Zamora, el 10 de marzo, RITMO ha entrevistado al pianista genovés Andrea Bacchetti (1977). Reconocido intérprete de la música de Bach y considerado uno de los principales defensores del patrimonio musical para teclado de Italia, el italiano está llevando a cabo fundamentales grabaciones, como se demuestran en sus discos dedicados a Marcello, Galuppi, Cherubini o Clementi, al que acaba de incorporarse Domenico Scarlatti, con la última grabación de Bacchetti, titulada "The Scarlatti Restored Manuscript". ... Entrevista: Entre Bach y Berio RITMO - marzo de 2013 - Gonzalo Pérez Chamorro Nos ha sorprendido gratamente este pianista genovés nacido en 1977. ... un programa estimulante y bien diseñado, tocado de un tirón ... un pianismo limpio y un fraseo elocuente. Limpio y elocuente SCHERZO, n.284 abril de 2013, Arturo Reverter Andrea Bacchetti volvió a demostrar su doble faceta artistica como pianista virtuoso y buon conocedor de la musica de J.S. Bach en el Auditorio Nacional de Madrid ... Bacchetti es también un magnifico intérprete de la música de su compatriota Luciano Berio ... Bacchetti conseguió una gran ovación del público, al que persuadió hasta el final con pasajes de gran virtuosismo y con la gran agilidad que mostraron sus dedos. Actualidad - Hemo escuchado a ... RITMO - n. 863 de mayo 2013, Nuria Torres El "bambino prodigio" irrumpe hoy en san Cipriano, emocionado por la oportunidad que le brinda el Festival y bajo un programa que, «Salvo en Italia, no se ha escuchado en ninguna parte del mundo» ... (Entrevista) La musica de Bach es en sí misma el placer de lo trascendental El Adelanto - 10 de marzo de 2013 - L.M. De Pablos ... Bacchetti firmó una interpretación deslumbrante, por brillante y por exacta, dejando en el aire su ya habitual incógnita de su decisión por lo que al aria se refiere, por completo carente de los trinos y los grupetos que parecen pedir su condición a ultranza barroca y que la mayoría de los intérpretes ejecutan. El artista desnudó por completo el aria para entrar y para salir y dejó entreambas una sucesión frenética de variaciones, algunas de ellas, ejecutadas con justeza y rotundidad a una velocidad endiablada, bastante por encima de la equivalencia que habría pedido el metrónomo. ... Andrea Bacchetti pone la nota final del X Festival «Pórtico de Zamora» ABC.es - 10 de marzo de 2013 ... la brillante actuación del talentodo Andrea Bacchetti, pero también dejó en la retina uno de los momentos más místicos y espirituales, y son muchos, de cuantos ha dejado el Pórtico en su dilatada trayectoria ... Las actuacione de Bacchetti y la Schola Antiqua vinieron a poner ayer el acento a una edición brillante de un festival que aguarda ahora conocer su futuro. Al Pórtico más místico El Adelanto - 11 de marzo de 2013 - E.A.Z. ... un intérprete que milita en una tradición pianistica que, tanto a nivel técnico como expresivo, se aleja de criterios filológicos o inquietudes de estilo. Sí. Bacchetti es un instrumentista heterodoxo, inclasificable, que aborda la literatura barroca para teclado sin complejos de ningún tipo. La interviene. Y este modo de hacer afecta tanto a los textos que interpreta como a la forma de hacerlo, defendiendo eso que se llama una lectura singularizada, sorprendente, creativa y muy, muy personal; en resumen, inconfundible ... todas nuestras expectativas - y eran razonablemente altas - se vieron superadas. Bacchetti resolvió de forma brillante el maratón técnico, expresivo y físico que suponía el programa ... Bacchetti inocula una tensión creciente al público, que se empapa con su capacidad comunicativa, una comunicación basada en la personalidad y en el dominio del instrumento. El resultado de este modo de hacer fue memorable ... El pianista eterodoxo La Opinión - 11 de marzo de 2013 - Inés Mogollón ... El público zamorano - y llegado de fuera -, arrobado y en suspenso emocional durante la interpretación de Bacchetti, expresó ruidosamente su entusiasmo y aclamó al tímido pianista, quien reservó su agradecimiento para el final del concierto, ofreciendo en medio de otros bises una deslumbrante versión del Estudio "de las teclas negras" de Chopin a modo de vivificante vaso de agua fresca que contrastaba con la inmensa laguna de las Variaciones Goldberg. Nuevas obras de arte MundoClasico.com - 26 de marzo de 2013 - Xoán M. Carreira Una música preciosa interpretada con todo el estilo del mundo por Bacchetti, un pianista que estoy empezando a descubrir, menudo lujo. Grata sorpresa Amazon.es - customer reviews, 25 de marzo de 2013, Pierre Son It does not take many word to introduce to MUSICA readers the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti, with whom I had a long conversation at the start of February. Enfant prodige and pupil of Luciano Berio, one of the most exciting Bach interpreters of his generation, Bacchetti is a shy man, strict with himself in a very singular way. But in his words, in his so rapid and captivating talk, a total dedication to music and a sharp awareness of the major actual problem of classical music - communicating with the audience - shine through. Also for this awareness Bacchetti chose to participate in many episodes went on the air between autumn 2010 and spring 2011 of the multi-coloured TV circus of «Chiambretti Night Show»: in that atmosphere, smartly dressed in his concert suit, Andrea interacted with other guests of Piero Chiambretti in a way that was now surreal for some uncertain duets with the starlette on call, now amazing with a Toccata by Bach that reaffirmed his value in a true sonorous chaos. Of course, critics were not missed and exactly from this point our chat started in Milanese office of Sony ... Voice to Andrea Bacchetti, a pianist paladin of the Italian Eighteen Century MUSICA - April 2013 - Nicola Cattò
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... Bacchetti seems (and not from today, not from this double disc) to have found such a maturity to be able to ignore the temptation to "interpret" in his way the page by Bach, changing in this way the presuppositions (and there is who did this, rather!), finding instead in the slightest details the way to express his own soul in the maximum respect of Bach's spirit. ... To listen to Musica Insieme, April 2013, Lucio Mazzi Great concerts in sight for the many music lovers of our region ... This evening at 20:45 Schumann and Schubert will be the leading thread of the chamber concert at Verdi Theatre in Pordenone: protagonists will be Domenico Nordio at the violin and Andrea Bacchetti at the piano ... Small animistic scenes in the first part, then a second part with the Fantasia by Schubert, conceived for very highly virtuous musicians ... Here they come: Ashkenazy, the duo Nordio-Bacchetti and Angela Hewitt Messaggero Veneto - April 3rd, 2013 ... just as they start to play, they reach the perfect balance: both gifted by great technique and refinement, they own light sensivity, cleanness in touch, and sagacity in not to overload ever the sound, even in most moving compositions ... Bacchetti and Nordio have excited the Verdi Theatre ... Bacchetti and Nordio, a bizarre and excellent duo Il Gazzettino - April 5th, 2013 - Valentina Silvestrini ... Absolute masterpieces come back to life through a selection by the same Bacchetti, who, of himself, put depth of thought, an impeccable technique, elegance of touch and a true sensibility for the sense of the ineffable and the mystery, a peculiar cypher in the interpreter's personality ... Scarlatti with a touch of mystery SETTE, Corriere della Sera - April 5th, 2013 - Andrea Milanesi ... the pianist Andrea Bacchetti, renowned for his skill and the extraordinary talent he has to put the composer of the past and a contemporary, also young, public really in touch with each other. ... His world is made of scores (he spend ten hours a day on keyboard), readings (he loves the novels of Italian neorealism) and tours all around the world. He only listens to classic music, but he diverges from the mould of this genre with his irony and his innate liking. By the musical point of view, he is the excellence ... With Bacchetti among King Bach's secrets Libertà - April 11th, 2013 - Donata Meneghelli « ... Pieces which - the pianist confesses - require without any doubt a huge effort, of every kind, also cerebral. I love very much the Variations. They need a not so pianistic thing, because technical difficulties are far superior the rule because the two original harpsichord keyboards have to be moved on the one of the piano. But Bach's power passes over also this ... » The brilliant Bacchetti interprets Bach this night in Fiorenzuola Libertà - April 13th, 2013 - Donata Meneghelli ... We never heard such a Bach: genial, wrapping, very fluent. In a single word, fabulous. ... We can only say that Bacchetti's try has been superlative: his very clear and impressive sound, the wrapping phrasing, the perfect style, the fluency of the rhythm and his very fine touch ... But what really impressed was the expressiveness of the famous Bach's counterpoint, intended as expressive purpose and not as medium ... We believe not to mistake if we say that the clearness of Bacchetti's sound remembers exactly Gould's. ... Bacchetti's triumph, applauded for a long time and asked for a curtain call more than once, ended with even four encores and, as a last gift, a touching Moon River... Bacchetti, a paradisiac Bach Libertà - April 16th, 2013 - Mauro Bardelli ... a curios and introverted nature, pearly sonorities with light touch, a very measured and controlled phrasing, and the imperceptible nervous starts typical of who offers and at the same time denies himself ... Bacchetti, a "breathtaking hypnosis" Il Cittadino - May 5th, 2013 - Elide Bergamaschi ... a program comprehensive only of XVIII century authors: Bach, Galuppi and Scarlatti. In an age as ours, that is dominated by "muscular" pianism, such a counter-current choice wakes surprise. But the most remarkable datum is the interpretative autonomy that Bacchetti demonstrated to own in this repertoire ... in Goldberg Variations, it is possible to admire his ability to always put Bach's polyphonic and colourful play in a new light, a fascinating and pure reading, lacking in prickly sounds and yet gifted of prospective depth constantly exalted by the modern piano timbre ... The Italian XVIII by Galuppi and Scarlatti resulted intensely new, far from the most known paradigms of past and present ... Andrea Bacchetti gives new life to the musical XVIII century Giornale di Brescia - May 8th, 2013 - Marco Bizzarini ... Andrea Bacchetti «made a present» with a applauded recital to the International Piano Festival of Brescia and Bergamo, the festival that made him debut when he was not fourteen yet in 1991 ... the execution of the Goldberg Variations by Bach offered to the audience the chance to appreciate Bacchetti's ability to produce that dry sound that enriches his interpretation ... his thrifty use of pedal was«strategical» to underline every shade. At the same time, the principal theme and its derivations has been dressed by a delicate and cantabile musicality ... Bacchetti, emotions that turn back Brescia Oggi, May 9th, 2013 - Nadia Spagna ... Fabio Luisi debut on May 18th at the Carlo Felice Theatre in Genoa with the Traviata, followed by a concert with the pianist Andrea Bacchetti on 24th, «a underestimated genius of whom I have got all the records. In 2012 I invited him at the Sapporo Festival: there everyone remained speachless» ... A Maestro in New York Donna (la Repubblica) - May 18th, 2013 - Nicoletta Lucatelli ... this night Luisi proposes a program dedicated to two incredible composers as Mozart and Wagner are. First part of the concert foresees the execution of the "Concerto in A major for keyboard and orchestra K414" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with the participation at the piano of Andrea Bacchetti, Genoese interpreter celebrated on all the international stages ... On the podium Luisi conducts Bacchetti and De Vlieger il Secolo XIX - May 24th, 2013 ... a Wagner expert of quality as Fabio Luisi is and an orchestra of the theatre that gave the best it could ... Luisi conducted with incredible certainty, conquering the public that joined the orchestra at the end in a warm applause. The homage to Wagner was preceded, in the first part, by a limpid execution of the Concerto in A major K414 for piano and orchestra by Mozart: the very appreciated soloist was Andrea Bacchetti, asked for a curtain call more than once and "forced" to other, always long applauded, three encores. When Luisi and Bacchetti exalt Wagner Il Secolo XIX - May 26th, 2013 - W.Edwin Rosasco ... Bacchetti plays and becomes a character in the huge Mozart theatre with his piano, with the strings and the winds: and with Fabio Luisi, who plays too from the podium, supports the soloist phrasing and takes part to scherzos and dances. And if we are used to Luisi, well, with Bacchetti the surprise is even more pleasing: once he has touched the keys of his instrument, the Genoese artist changes himself, frees his extreme sensibility and sweetness, sings and conquers the sympathy - in the literal meaning of this word, sharing an emotion - in all the instruments of the orchestra. A perfectly balanced and clear execution, managed with serene and composted spirit, technically precision, balanced sonorities, attention to pauses, to dynamics, morbid but intense. ... Genoa - Carlo Felice Theatre: Fabio Luisi and Andrea Bacchetti in concert www.operaclic.it - May 26th, 2013 - Barbara Catellani ... the concert that closed the symphonic season at Carlo Felice Theatre was on a international scale: on the podium, Fabio Luisi, and Andrea Bacchetti in the role of Mozart soloist. Both Genoese, on the stage of their city. ... Bacchetti, appreciated on the international scene for his Bach's interpretations and for much more, today is a mature artist, with a pronounced personality. And he gave proof of having found - in a crescendo, in last years - a very special empathy also with the pianistic corpus by the author from Salzburg. A confidence that expresses depth in simplicity. ... From the audience MUSICA - nr.248 July-August 2013, Giorgio De Martino
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... the Special Bach Project sees as protagonist the eclectic and talented pianist Andrea Bacchetti who will make his audience listen to his very personal and fascinating reading of the most beautiful pages in Bach's repertoire. It will be possible to admire his great virtuoso abilities and his deep interpretative study of pieces characterized by an undisputed beauty ... Conductor and soloist of the Concerto, Andrea Bacchetti is one of the most eccentric, polyhedral and versatile Italian artists and is considered among the best interpreters in the international pianistic scene. ... "Special one" Bach. Bacchetti's project and a dedication to Florence ilgiornaledivicenza.it - May 25th, 2013 ... Bacchetti has always treated Bach with free and fascinating musicality, according to a sofisticated and detailed range of colours, never forgetting an intelligent and controlled pianism ... a dry sound, with just a light halo in some situations (especially in slow movements), in which the elegant and deft touch is fundamental, and the overall sense of Bacchetti's interpretation - at the same time personal and faithful, pressing in fast movements, thoughtful in slow ones - is entrusted to its shades ... Bach Project plays in the Olympic Theatre with the freshness of a jam session Il Giornale di Vicenza - May 27th, 2013 - Cesare Galla ... a phrasing that unties and knots again polyphony of lines with the naturalness of a spring speech. Bacchetti "reads" Bach between science and poetry Il Cittadino - May 2th, 2013 - Elide Bergamaschi La Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional del Ecuador (OSNE) presenta dos conciertos con la participación del destacado pianista italiano Andrea Bacchetti y bajo la batuta del director armenio, nacionalizado ecuatoriano, David Harutyunyan. Las funciones empiezan hoy en el Teatro Sucre a las 19:30 y mañana en la Casa de la Música a las 20:00 ... El pianista Andrea Bacchetti está considerado entre los mejores intérpretes de piano del mundo ... Quito: El piano italiano deslumbrará en dos conciertos La Hora Nacional - 30 de Majo de 2013 Después de la obertura "La clemencia de Tito" de W. A. Mozart, con que empezó el programa, el italiano Andrea Bacchetti se posesionó del piano para ejecutar una bella versión del "pequeño concierto en la mayor" escrito en 1782 por el gran compositor salzburgués. Bacchetti tocó sin partitura. Consciente de que la maestría y la sutileza de la obra radica en el segundo movimiento, el pianista centró su técnica y habilidad con el instrumento ... Pianista italiano y director armenio en dos conciertos de la OSNE www.sinfonicanacional.gob.ec - 30 de Majo de 2013 ... Bacchetti shines a light on Scarlatti's music which seems to me at times entirely new, and with no enlightenment to be had from the booklet about his approach to these performances I decided to go the extra mile and ask him why he went for these tempi. This is Bacchetti's fourth in-depth single composer exploration after his work on Cherubini, Galuppi and Marcello, and his long reflection on these works has included comparisons with other theorists and interpreters as well as immersing himself in the original extant material. Bacchetti sums up his performances as a synthesis of this wide background and detailed examination of the sources of the music and its times - something which has brought him "inside" these pieces as much as anyone. Interpretation of these works is of course something which remains intuitive and intangible, and as we don't really know how fast or exactly in which manner these pieces were played there is no-one who can say Bacchetti is wrong in his performance decisions. I for one salute his occasional abandonment of accepted trends. With the utter conviction of these performances there are none which seem "wrong", and certainly not after the initial adjustment has been made to your expectations. ... Review Music Web International - June, 2013 - Dominy Clements The role of orchestra leader is relatively recent in music history. Till XIX Century, in fact, instrumental ensemble was conducted by the harpsichord player or the first violin. The pianist Andrea Bacchetti and the violinist Sonig Tchakerian make this tradition of Bach concert live again with the Teatro Olimpico of Vicenza Orchestra, June 10th at the Conservatory for Serate Musicali. The Genoese virtuoso is soloist and leader in three concertos for harpsichord by Bach ... Bacchetti & Tchakerian "conductor maestros" ViviMilano.it - June 7th, 2013 - Daniela Zacconi ... the Genoese Bacchetti is a Bach specialist. Host at the Serate Musicali since many years, he always revealed a remarkable musical affinity with Eisenach's geniality, creating interpretations with a particular formal balance in which the sonorous geometries - that are expressed with grace and beauty in timbre - make the masterpieces of XVIII century attractive by the aesthetic point of view. In last years he demonstrated many affinities with author of eighteen century as Galuppi and Benedetto Marcello. His execution of the two concertos was of a fine making and collected long applauses at the end Andrea Bacchetti and Sonig Tchakerian at the Serate Musicali corrierebit.com - June 12th, 2013 - Cesare Guzzardella Focus on pianistic art - from Bach to the XXI century - with the recital by Andrea
Bacchetti, who will flip through the last pages of the enthusiastic musical spring playbill of the
2013 Concert Season of the Amici della Musica, on wednesday 12th June at 20:30 at MiniMax, the
smaller hall of the Teatro Massimo of Cagliari. Andrea Bacchetti at the Minimax of Cagliari for the Amici della Musica's season teatro.org - June 12th 2013, Anna Brotzu ... In last days, instead, there was the Matinée in Casa Mozart with Andrea Bacchetti. A Genoese pianist appreciated in all the world who played in a recital for Ami's members. The first part of the program was dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach (Toccata in E minor and Goldberg Variations). In the second part, Bacchetti confronted himself to Mozart first (Fantasia in D minor) and then to the tarantella by Rossini. Loud applauses and more requests for encores "obligated" the Genoese pianist to go on with Soler, Scarlatti, Chopin and Liszt. With him, the 2012/2013 season of the Matinées in Casa Mozart ended. Today at Casa Mozart the "World Day of Music" Trentinocorrierealpi.it - June 21st, 2013 ... Andrea Bacchetti plays as only his equals can do the Sonatas of the first volume from the Marcianum Library with interpretative inspirations that light these splendid «ingenious scherzos of Art». Bacchetti and Scarlatti's treasures il Giornale - June 27th, 2013 - Giovanni Gavazzeni A personal through Bach made of virtuosity and sprightly, nervous, in good taste
communication ... with neatness and clarity Bacchetti outlines a musical profile made of essential
shapes that are sometimes as rough in sound as dynamic and musically captivatin ... Virtuosities at piano by Andrea Bacchetti Gazzetta di Parma - July 1st, 2013 - L.B. ... Bacchetti se perfila como aquel intérprete que une la esquisitez a un fraseo colorido y bien deletreado, lleno de fantasía y de rigor estilístico. La trasparencia y el toque suave predominan en todo esto disco, donde el intérprete se sumerge en una introspectiva búsqueda de la belleza conceptual sin ninguna prisa. ... Es un disco novedoso por el repertorio y excelente por la cristalinidad que en él impera. Exquisitez Scherzo - nr.287 Julio de 2013, Emili Blasco With this record of the French Suites, the young Genoese pianist Bacchetti proves himself to be a mature and renown interpreter of Bach: clearness and solidity, control and expressivity (E. Fava) ... Bacchetti proposes an interesting, limpid and personal lecture of five Sonatas plus two Minuets by Benedetto Marcello (R. Iovino) ... The Eighteenth Century according to Bacchetti il giornale della musica - year XXIX nr.305, July-August 2013 - E.Fava, R.Iovino After being inaugurated with a sumptuous soirée with Uto Ughi, his magic violin and the chamber orchestra I Filarmonici di Roma as very applauded protagonists before an as large as in the greatest occasions audience, at its fiftieth edition the International Festival of Cervo goes on tonight on the Sagrato dei Corallini with another beloved host of this manifestation, the young Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti ... Cervo - Bacchetti's piano on the Sagrato dei Corallini La reviews - July 17th 2013, Stefano Delfino To the Solisti of Perugia, citizen summer gives two concerts in Saint Peter's Church. The first tonight at 9.00 pm with Andrea Bacchetti, young and talented pianist, one of the most interesting new faces in the Italian and international classic concerts' world ... Andrea Bacchetti with the "Solisti" Music in St. Peter la Nazione, Umbria - July 31st 2013 (newsroom) ... the concerto in G minor for keyboard and orchestra by Bach and the concerto in A major for keyboard and orchestra by Mozart. These two compositions, played by Andrea Bacchetti on grand piano with the strings from Perugia, are by the Musica notturna delle strade di Madrid by Boccherini and the well known Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major by Mozart ... Talented pianist to make night Il Messaggero, Umbria - July 31th 2013, Stella Carnevali ... Bacchetti recorded several discs for Decca and for Sony and his concerts was broadcast by radio as Radio3 RAI, BBC Radio3 and Radio France... Two concerts for the "Solisti" for FareNight il Giornale dell’Umbria - July 31th 2013, RE.PE. Bach and Mozart tonight at 21,30 in the cloister of the Gallery of Modern Art, fort the festival Palermo Classica, with Bruno Canino, Andrea Bacchetti, Davide Cirrito and Irene Maria Salerno, piano soloists in the Triple concerto in C major by Bach and the Concerto in F major by Mozart. On the podium of the Mediterranea Chamber Orchestra, Domenico Sanfilippo ... Mozart and Bach for three piano led by Bruno Canino's keys Giornale di Sicilia - August 7th 2013, Sara Patera ... «The Triple by Bach, in which I'll be busied with Canino and Cirrito - Andrea Bacchetti says - is an example of counterpoint, a proof of intellect and a very complex page, that will be very demanding for all the three pianos. Its fashion stays exactly in its intricacy. The Triple by Mozart, that I'll play with Canino and Salerno, is very different: it's a dedication to the noble family Lodron from Trento, and so it is a caprice destined to the court, of more lovable and "lighter" taste» ... Pianists under the stars la Repubblica - August 7th 2013, Gigi Razete
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() ... With Bach suddenly everything gets another dimension, for the author's ability to give intensity at his science of counterpoint in a admirable of the three soloist lines without overlays, nor a piano gets more significance on the others. Bruno Canino, Andrea Bacchetti and Davide Cirrito collaborate to it with balanced knowledge, and slowly, as awaking a sense of gratified quiet, the Bach speech comes out in a concert relationship which the orchestra follow set apart ... In the Concert di Mozart by Mozart, Bacchetti puts sonorous incisiveness and Canino answers with harmonious plenitude. Bach in Saint Anna, a perfect trio exalts the counterpoint science Giornale di Sicilia - August 9th 2013, Sara Patera LEUCHTENDE MELODIEN ... In der "Aria variata alla maniera italiana" sind es
vor allem die sehr gesanglichen Melodien, die an den italienischen Barockstil erinnern. In diesen
kantablen Passagen zeigt sich eine Stärke Bacchettis: Sein Anschlag ist weich und warm, der Klang klar
und schön. Damit bringt er viele der Melodien zum Leuchten. Andrea Bacchetti - The Italian Bach NDR.de Kultur - 14/08/2013, Ulrike Henningsen ... It is evident how, choosing these Sonatas, the interpreter meant to catch especially a feature in the brilliant composer's personality, something more shaded than the pronounced and creative character it is possible to find in the extraordinary pianistic phrasing; Bacchetti is going to explore a deeper and more intimate Scarlatti, being able to catch continuous surprises... Thirty Sonatas by Scarlatti for Bacchetti Gazzeta di Parma, Shows - August 19th 2013, g.p.m. ... Records that exalt his quality as very fine interpreter with an absolute instinct and lucid intelligence, entering with this cd in a so great virtuosity of sound control, of little gestures and microshades of colour that evokes the image of a precious music box of Eighteenth century. A player who is able to make this with a nowadays top level piano (a Fazioli) seems - more than gifted - even fated to the old instrument. We whetted him about it. Actually he hesitated. Never say never. The 5 stars Cds of Amadeus Amadeusonline - September 2013, Massimo Rolando Zegna
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() The Pianist Andrea Bacchetti inaugurates at 9.30 pm the autumn concert festival at the Santa Maria of Acqui Hall: since it is the first tenth anniversary of Luciano Berio's departure, part of the program will be dedicated to this composer (the other one to Bach), also because Bacchetti was his pupil for more than a decade and tonight he will offer a direct statement. The same concert will be repeated by Bacchetti sunday in Milan for the MiTo festival ... Bacchetti remembers Luciano Berio first with notes and then with words La reviews - September 6th 2013, R. AL..
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() .. The concert by Andrea Bacchetti, dedicated to Bach and Berio's pages and further enriched by executions of Scarlatti, Villa Lobos and Chopin as encores, was charming. The Genoese pianist showed an impressive approach to the page (already starting from the fifth of the English Suites and the fifth of the French ones, "attacked " with an alive pungency, that - we could say - is connoted of a complex, organic colour): his certainty, property, his way to express the language were amazing; the languages, because the pieces by Bach and Berio are separated by a time space of two hundred years ... Great soirée of music with Bacchetti L'ancora.eu - September 12th 2013, G.Sa Essentially, the last great event of the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana is the "Recital Fellini" ... on the stage tonight at the Teatro degli Atti in Rimini, two talents of piano: Orazio Sciortino, who pleases himself on transcriptions (or paraphrases) of Verdi by Franz Liszt, and Andrea Bacchetti, who is phenomenal in Bach's repertoire, with the task to make Nino Rota's genius live again; they will play his Due valzer sul nome di Bach, two of his Preludes for piano and the "Romanza" and the "Can Can" from Concert Soirée. ... Nino Rota (almost) as Bach La Voce - September 24th 2013, D.B. While the twentieth anniversary of Fellini's death (October 31st), the tributes to the director from Rimini go on. This time the sixty-fourth Sagra Musicale Malatestiana of Rimini organizes a double pianistic recital to remember the departure of the artist, tonight at 9 pm at the Teatro degli Atti. This concert will have two young pianists of extraordinary and well known talent, Andrea Bacchetti and Orazio Sciortino. The recital program has been specifically created for this occasion. ... The Sagra in the name of Fellini Corriere della Romagna - September 24th 2013, (newsroom) It's rare to find interpreters so generous to offer five encores and propose them creating an atmosphere that grows always more and more confidential with the audience, who would like to have a little more. These encores are the evident sign of a very successful concert that satisfied the expectations completely. On the stage, two solid and considerable interpreters: violinist Domenico Nordio and pianist Andrea Bacchetti. ... The program offered by these two musicians was demanding and substantial: beauty of sound emerged both in instrumental mastery by Nordio and in pianistic touch by Bacchetti. Technically stable and exemplary, they went trough a program that do not allow abandons and that needs to be held up with concentration ... Enchanting romantic harmonies Libertà - September 28th 2013, Lea Rossi Concert schedule, organized by the Associazione Idea Valcerrina, offers a new high-level appointment. The program, in fact, sees for saturday, September 28th, at 4.30 pm in the Church of Saint Bononio at Pozzengo, a concert of thel "Violin and Piano Duo" with Domenico Nordio and Andrea Bacchetti. They will play musics by Schumann, Beethoven and Saint-Saens ... Author music in Pozzengo La Vita Casalese - September 26th 2013, (newsroom) New appointment with the prestigious and appreciated music festival "Armonie in Valcerrina" tomorrow - saturday at 4.30 pm - in Pozzengo. The duo composed by Domenico Nordio at violin and Andrea Bacchetti at piano will play in the beautiful baroque church build in 1724 and dedicated to Saint Bononio (who was abbot of Lucedio).... Il Monferrato - eptember 27th 2013, Mario Giunipero ... Every year, after a striking and durable season, Uto Ughi comes back to the capital in September or October with his celebrated festival "Uto Ughi per Roma" ... September 25th on the stage of the Olympic Theatre there was the young Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti, very successful abroad and specialized in Twentieth century music by Boulez and Berio ... Especially Andrea's freshness and his proverbial transparency in execution emerged, also in his encores; among them there was a very rapid Villa Lobos. It was predictably a great success. ... "Uto Ughi for Rome" with Andrea Bacchetti and Bruno Aprea Uniroma Network - October 3rd 2013, Paola Pariset First concert at the Auditorium Pollini for the cycle "OttoNoveCento strumentale italiano", with two exceptional interpreters: Rocco Filippini, Italian-Swiss cellist who can be proud of a long and brilliant international concert career - he plays a Stradivari cello made in 1710 - and Andrea Bacchetti, pianist of great fame ... the duo Filippini-Bacchetti will play a program of great interest ... Four soirées between Nineteenth and Twentieth century with the Omizzolo Peruzzi Foundation Il Gazzettino - October 13th 2013, Maria Pia Codato ... the composer from Thuringia was affected by many influences which, especially the Italian ones, were crucial in the development of his peculiar personality. Some of these influences - about sensibility, taste, brightness, rhythm and melody - are highlighted in this beautiful Sony CD by Andrea Bacchetti, Bach interpreter all along. There is brilliance, contrast, determination and energy ... That taste for melody that affected the genius Corriere della Sera - October 17th, 2013 - E.Gir.
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() The pianistic recital on stage last saturday, October 26th, at Teatro Civico in Busca was an event which the audience will not forget. It was impossible not to caught the interpretative genius of Andrea Bacchetti who, freed by the epithet of former child prodigy at the age of thirty-six is a great of piano on the international scene. One hour of uninterrupted music by heart, starting from "his" very loved Bach and reaching Mozart, Liszt, Deubssy, Chopin, Berio, ... Bacchetti, understood genius www.comune.Busca.cn.it - October 28th, 2013 A great pianist who interprets one of the greatest composers with the Sanremo Symphonic Orchestra lead by a prestigious wand. It will happen tonight at the Teatro Ariston, when the concert «Mendelssohn and Bacchetti's touch». ... Symphonic Orchestra at the Teatro Ariston, at piano Andrea Bacchetti La Stampa - October 31st, 2013 - M.C. The twentieth edition of Youth Symphonic Orchestra of Piemonte is at the starting gates ... November 6th the pianist Andrea Bacchetti will perform a recital ... Two concerts in rapid sequence at the Mozart Auditorium in Ivrea il Risveglio Popolare - October 31st, 2013 ... This evening on stage there will be the young pianist Andrea Bacchetti, who recently played at the last edition of MiTo and has got an enviable professional curriculum. Soirée program is a very notable example of generosity by this pianist, who plays pages of very great breath and difficulty ... Bacchetti's pianistic recital at the Auditorium la Sentinella del Canavese - November 6th, 2016 - Sergio Giolito The second appointment of Ivrea's season, after the debut with the Youth Orchestra, sees the partecipation of young Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti who, at the age of 36, spent 25 years in professional career ... at the Mozart Auditorium he will begin his recital dedicated to Bach ... A Bacchetti's recital Torinosette (la Stampa) - November 7th, 2013 - L.O. ... With joy we listened to this absolute masterpiece on november 6th at the Mozart Auditorium, in pianist Andrea Bacchetti's recital ... A true high stature artist, who is very technically fierce and gifted of a notable capability to comprehend the pieces that he played and recreate the stylistic and spiritual premises which inspired them. In this way, the baroque play (in the noblest meaning of this term) of the thirty Goldberg Variations was performed with plenty concentration and internalization and with a touch that, as long as possible, recreated the sound of harpsichord for which they were composed. Every variation speech was lightly clarified, well evidenced the recurrent themes in canons and fugues, expressive the phrasing, well calibrated the agogic. A very convincing performance that thrilled. ... Long and warm applauses. Goldberg Variations: one of the greatest monuments built to music ... il Risveglio Popolare - November 14th, 2013 - Carla Zanetti Occleppo ... About that smart sprite of keyboard that Andrea Bacchetti is, we cannot say anything but repeat: in these years he went on perfecting more and more "his" sound, that is made of a very calibrated and limpid touch, a crystalline timbre and a miraculous precision of tempos and dynamics, with a "Viennese" cantabile ability, that makes Bacchetti the ideal interpreter of Mozart, and so of that Piano Concerto N.2 by Beethoven, played more than ever in the style of Mozart, that the Genoese maestro performed perfectly: splendid for his choice of tempos and tone-colour the Central Adagio, in which keyboard, under Bacchetti's fingers, was of a peerless softness. ... Pianist Andrea Bacchetti and violinist Philipp Graffin in Novara corrierebit.com - November 29th, 2013 - Bruno Busca Long afternoon of music in the Great Hall of Sapienza University with three grown-up nfant prodigies - Andrea Bacchetti (piano), Francesca Dego and Domenico Nordio (violins). Bacchetti played the "Toccata in E minor (BWV 914)" and the "French Suite N.5 in G major (BWV 816)" by J.S. Bach; in both these compositions, his harpsichord, agile and clear touch on the modern, splendidly sounding keyboard got great suggestions across to the audience. Fugatos in the Toccata and dances' sequence in the Suite are exalted by the pianist's great sensibility; Bacchetti, especially in slow tempos, immerses us into purity of Bach's atmospheres. ... Three former infant prodigies at IUC teatro.org - December 4th, 2013 - Umberto Asti ... a score that represents on the one hand Bach's capability to regain style and on the other hand Bacchetti's interpretative coherence in confronting himself with his favorite composer. A little virtuoso Bach, for necessity and for choice, and yet the lack of brightness clears some space to a thoughtful melancholy that looks to us to be a new note in the path of the Genoese pianist. ... By the stylistic point of view, it's a not philologic Bach at all, with a large use of pedals and a very regular phrasing. But at the same time, we see a Bach in a plenty XVIII century spirit, in the double sign of those clarity and anxiety that are typical of that age. ... Sometimes, the cure in details becomes preciosity, although elegance and clearness of timbre never fail. Bacchetti comes across being perfectly at ease: he found a difficult balance between intellectual asceticism (which he is inclined to) and a rare introspective finesse ... the exact meeting point between rational control and sensitive abandon, between being cantabile and clear, between vitality and Apollonian objectivity. Musica's Reviews MUSICA - nr.252 December 2013, January 2014, Luca Segalla
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() An entirely dedicated to Beethoven's music concert inaugurated the symphonic part of First Season of Concerts in Sondalo on sunday evening ... A virtuoso and expressive Andrea Bacchetti was uncontested protagonist: he performed two concerts for piano and orchestra by Beethoven (n.2 op. 19 and n.4 op.58). His exquisite and always expressive virtuosity, his light touch and his good harmony with the orchestra were able to keep the audience always the audience's concentration on. Numerous and warm applauses received the performance ... Bacchetti and the Filarmonica orchestra conquer their audience in Sondalo La Provincia - December 4th, 2013 - Mariella Gusmeroli ... The second part of soirée saw Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti to join in with the two violinists; he also opened the concert as solo with a pair of pages by Bach, the Toccata BWV 914 and the splendid French Suite n.5 BWV 816, with his stylised and bright dances' sequence. Bacchetti's Bach mastery is known. His executive choice is never influenced by style, being intended to find a persuasive expressive rigour that exalts primarily Bach's invention, in its complex plot in counterpoint and rhythm. ... Soloists and chamber musicians: Dego and Nordio architects in a dialogue il Giornale di Vicenza - December 4th, 2013 - Cesare Galla
FULL ARTICLE (italian)
![]() In Fiorenzuola classic music will meet jazz. Also, two famous musicians will be there: Andrea Bacchetti, very renown classic pianist, and Andrea Pozza, a sophisticated jazz pianist... We talked with Bacchetti about their program: he is a particularly pleasant and extrovert personality, talented and very modest ... «A happy hug between Bach and Ellington» Libertà - December 5th, 2013 - Eleonora Bagarotti ... This performance will be a "dialogue" between two pianists who, for this occasion, will propose pieces by Bach and Ellington, Mendelssohn and Powell, Debussy and Monk, Bartok and Evans, Villa Lobos and unpublished compositions by the same Andrea Pozza. ... «The spirit will be a tit for tat between me and Andrea Bacchetti» ... «Bach and Gershwin in dialogue» Libertà - December 6th, 2013 - Eleonora Bagarotti ... the two pianists play a piece simultaneously, together they slide among notes with self-confidence, almost joking. They look like old friends who try a new game. Their match is in a perfect balance, an out-and-out original mix of music, between jazz and classic music. On stage there is the will to go through something new, the desire to destroy the continuos hostility that "bonds" the exponents of these two genres. ... Two geniuses, two souls that together will be able to do anything but thrill playing. Jazz and classic music together, astonishment of music at Verdi PiacenzaSera.it - December 7th, 2013 - Valentina Barbieri ... «It is not easy for a classic musician to play jazz - Bacchetti said at a certain point - besides, the contrary for a jazz player is not easier either. Because classic music has got well-defined schemes, it starts from a melody and harmonizes it, while jazz pianist does just the opposite, starting from chords or harmonies and creating melody». ... On the stage of Verdi two pianos to confront, like in a duel; and in the end, there has been a winner: music, that Music with a capital M, whose beauty goes beyond genres, ages and composers ... Jazz and classic music together: it is possible Libertà - December 9th, 2013 - Mauro Bardelli |
ANDREA BACCHETTI - Official Web Site |