
February 2010

icoJ.S.Bach - Two-parts Inventions & Sinfonias

February 23rd, 2010

icoMilan (Italy), recital

March 2010

icoJ.S.Bach - Two-part Inventions & Sinfonias

March 4th, 2010

icoVicenza (Italy), recital

March 11th, 2010

icoBrescia, recital

March 20th, 2010

icoCherubini - 6 Sonatas

March 23rd, 2010

icoLima (Peru), recital

April 2010

icoL. Berio - Piano Works

May 2010

icoCherubini - 6 Sonatas

May 25th, 2010

icoGenoa (Italy), recital

May 28th, 2010

icoSpoleto (Italy), recital

June 2010

icoJ.S.Bach - The Toccatas

September 28th, 2010

icoLuchon (France), recital

October 2010

icoGaluppi - Piano Sonatas
J.S.Bach - The Toccatas

October 2010

icoGenoa (Italy), publishing

October 12th, 2010

icoCherubini - 6 Sonatas

October 18th, 2010

icoRovereto (Italy), recital

November 2010

icoGaluppi - Piano sonatas
Cherubini - 6 Sonatas