... El solista Andrea Bacchetti deslumbró con su virtuosismo y sus
momentos de delicado lirismo. Todo un éxito del pianista italiano que respondió
emocionado a los continuos aplausos del público con sendas obras de Chopin y Johann
Sebastian Bach. ... Una fiesta de la música que vino de la mano de Alberto Zedda y
de las magníficas actuaciones de la Sinfónica y del solista.
Temporada de la OSCyL - Una noche redonda
Diario de Valladolid - 23 de enero 2005 (Augustin Achucarro)
... La presencia de Alberto Zedda en el podio y la del pianista
Andrea Bacchetti, junto con una orquesta en estado de gracia, hicieron posible
una velada de altísimo nivel musical, dedicada a Mendelssohn. ... Por si fuera
poco, apareció un excepional pianista para ofrecer una espléndida versión del
concierto n. 1. Dotado de un mecanismo portentoso y una naturaleza musical
desbordante, sentó los principios de una obra escrita por y para el piano ...
Los bravos del público invitaron al pianista a ofrecer sin mácula el "Estudio
op.10 n. 5" de Chopin, y el "Aria de las variaciones Goldberg"
de Bach. ...
La eterna juventud de Alberto Zedda
El Norte de Castilla - 23 de enero 2005 (Emiliano Allende)
FULL ARTICLE
... los extraordinarios Zedda y Bacchetti, un tandem magnífico
para hacer que el concierto resultara además de atractivo gratificante tanto para
aficionados como para intérptetes. ...
El pianista genovés Andrea Bacchetti, brillante, nervioso, temperamental y
delicado, en consonancia con el tejido orquestal, inquieto y estruendoso, lució
su tremendo virtuosismo, lleno de acrobacias y plétorico de sensibilidad expresiva.
Como propina nos regaló algo que no iba muy a cuento con el programa como fue
"La Catedral sumergida", de Debussy, decadente, intimista y puntilloso.
Un gran concierto ...
Hay alguien ahì?
Diario de Léon - 24 de enero 2005 (Miguel Angel Nepomuceno)
... Este último concierto de la Sinfónica de Castilla y Léon invita
a muchas y variadas consideraciones. ... Bacchetti, un pianista de apenas 28 años
que esconde el talento y la envergadura de un gran intérprete ... Una palabra más
acerca de esta vertiente interpretativa. La actuacion de Andrea Bacchetti logró
expresar en toda su profundidad el caracter de los tres tiempos, diferenciándolos
muy bien entre ellos. La impaciencia y el nervio del porte externo de Bacchetti
desaparecía cada vez que acercaba sus manos al teclado: una vez aquí, el movimiento
de dedos, muñecas y brazos discurría con perfecto dominio, manteniendo igual
brillantez y elegancia en los staccati que en los legati. Una verdadera muestra de
la altísima virtualidad expresiva del joven artista. ...
Un concierto con "Fuoco"
ABC, Madrid - 24 de enero 2005 (Rosa Sanz Hermida)
Valladolid. Teatro Caldéron: ... Andrea Bacchetti tocó primorosamente
el Concierto para piano n° 1, con un antológico secundo tiempo, acompañado a la
perféccion y tuvo un gran éxito agradecido con dos regalos.
Un extraordinario Mendelssohn
Scherzo, Madrid - Año XX nr.194 febrero 2005 (Fernando Herrero)
FULL ARTICLE
... There is a sort of still adolescent shame in the young artist Andrea
Bacchetti, a tender candour that make us go back to the idea we formed of the divine kid
Mozart, who was totally made of music and emotiveness. ... At the Aula Magna for Chamber
Concerts of IUC the Genoese pianist proposed an austere program, of pure technique and
absolute music ... Bacchetti's clear and adamant touch, of a crystal-clear transparence,
was the best mean we could be given to intensify the contrapuntal lines of Bach's
dictation. The artist doesn't imitate the pearly sonorities of the harpsichord, but he
invents them again at the piano with its wider peculiarities of timbre. The fine and
eloquent touch, the suffused and tasty sound are put at the service of Bach's alchemies
also thanks to a very sober use of the pedal and to a measured expressive phrasing ...
(Extraction from an unpublished article)
January 25th, 2005 (Lorenzo Tozzi)
... A high-quality performance last Tuesday night at Fratello Sole Theatre;
the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti and the string quartet of the Scala were the
protagonists. ... the formation proves to have a big musical personality, with a typically
"Italian" sound, energetic and passional, of a great interpretative color yet
delicate and soft where the score asks for this ... The Ensemble shows a really high-level
intonation and agreement ... and Bacchetti, on piano, can well settle in the ensemble,
displaying clear and precious sonorities, that are definitely suitable to Chamber sphere,
and accompanied by the great precision and clearness of sound that has always distinguished
his "pianismo" ...
Busto, what a String Quartet - that night, with Bacchetti on piano
La Prealpina - February 17th, 2005 (Tullia Pedersoli)
... Sãptãmâna trecuta, publicul concertelor Filarmonicii de Stat "George
Enescu", a admirat un program simfonic sustinut de dirijorul Marco Zuccarini si de
pianistul Andrea Bacchetti. ... Bacchetti este un pianist de expresie celestã ... o
personalitate fulgurantã. Sonoritãtile pianului sunt la Andrea Bacchetti o amplificare si o
prufuzie de timbralitãti, care îl confirmã ca un autentic pictor în imaginarul cu atât mai
adevãrat cu cât este cel al partiturii muzicale, ca tezaur de aur si de diamante în asteptarea
fericitã de a gãsi interpreti cãrora sã nu li se poarã reprosa nimic. Andrea Bacchetti este
o flacãrã vie, este incredibil si inimaginabil, totodatã. ...
Doi mari muzicieni italieni au adus soarele peninsular la Bucuresti
Dimineata, Bucuresti - 23 februarie 2005 (Mircea Stefãnescu)
... The Marchigiana Philharmonic Orchestra greeted Andrea Bacchetti, a
young talent, as a soloist. Inspired, sensitive, it seems he hardly brushes the keyboard
making a flood of notes stem from it. The style is clear and self-confident, both when he
treats the calligraphic Berio in the blazing shivers of sound of "Six Encores"
and when he faces the gallant and playful score of Concert n.11 by Mozart o the one,
classic and elegant, of Concert n.1 by Mendelssohn. ...
The Philharmonic Concert - Nine "Encores" in concert
La Voce della Vallasima - March 13th, 2005 (A. Franco Cardinali)
... A slight thread links the program of Andrea Bacchetti's recital, at
his 5th appearance at Michelangeli Theatre, with the themes of the Festival. He came before
the collection of opera n.116 by Brahms with four Luciano Berio's "Encores pour
piano"; the link was briefly explained by Enzo Restagno, who is coming back to the
Donizetti theatre on 27th May just together with Andrea Bacchetti for a meeting-concert.
Berio's Encores, with their sorrowful singing, the strewn distances, the almost-Debussy
reverberations and the rough sound "puntellati", are some reconsiderations of
Brahms' and Schubert's extreme pianistic sonorities. ... Bacchetti gave a very clear
intensity, with well-defined pronunciations, that are outlined in their more intimate
and mystic parts ...
Bacchetti, "prelude" beteween Berio and Brahms
L'Eco di Bergamo - March 17th, 2005 (Bernardino Zappa)
... We have the feeling to be in front of an artistic prodigy and to a unique piano talent. A prodigy,
with the due proportion, like certainly Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was ...
Bacchetti's piano opens music season
La Sesia, Vercelli - March 18th, 2005
... Andrea Bacchetti, Genoese pianist who today is 27 years old, has been
a popular concert player for all of 16 years. Master, is difficult to be an enfant prodige?
I lived that period with serenity, perhaps thanks to the carefree unawareness of that
age, so much that at first I was not afraid at all when I got an the stage. One
"learns" to be afraid later, as time goes by, becoming an adult, acquiring aware
of what he is doing.
Have you ever had any problem in entering music and also social context?
Sincerely, I haven't; on the contrary, today I'm realizing that I regret - like everyone
does, I think - adolescence, when I had many friends and many contacts. Later, studying
absorbs you in a total way and it obliges you to close yourself towards the world even more.
When did you understand that something was changing in the perception of the audience?
People measure you through categories: when you get about 18 years old, when you are not
a genius-child any more, they start pointing the rifle ... It isn't by chance that so many
precocious talents as time goes by are "burnt" till they disappear. ...
"The genius child too is an unconscious blissful"
Il Secolo XIX, Genoa - March 20th, 2005 (Roberto Di Perna)
At the Auditorium in Thiene ... the pianist Andrea Bacchetti measured swords
with a great page of the major Johann Sebastian Bach: Golden Variations, which were composed
in 1740. Since they had been taught for the harpsichord with two "manuali", during
modern times only the mythical Glenn Gold was able to recover them ... and those who want to
meet the Goldberg Variations can't avoid facing that historic performance, a touchstone ...
Bacchetti adapts a strict and analytical style, and also in this way he makes us remind the
"golden" Glenn; yet his extreme sensitiveness and an extraordinary musicality grant
him a laboured, ardent and soft performance, too ... his rich choice of grace-notes,
"flourishes", "ornaments", becomes a part of an overall expressive design.
Perhaps some passages need a bigger "decantation" but the outcome is superlative.
Applauses also for Luciano Berio ... Bacchetti's performance amazed with its aggressive charge,
fullness of timbre, variations of rhythm that were dominated in a superb way ... Between past
and present on the program, the young pianist proved that he can move with intelligence.
Bacchetti superstar between Bach and Berio
Il Giornale di Vicenza - April 25th, 2005 (Eva Purelli)
... Andrea Bacchetti completed the integral execution of English and French
Suites on piano, a project that was born in 2003 and articulated in three concerts ... following
this not yet 30-years old pianist in his extraordinary journey within these big monuments of
Baroque Age ... (
not only) let us catch his vivid talent and ductile and thoughtful musicality,
it (also let us find), along his performance, the sense of a significantly deep approach ...
next to a complex speculative conception of Bach's universe.
... Bacchetti does not renounce to any feature of modern piano, and he explores the musical
material of the Suites according to an interpretative line that is at the same time rigorous
and slightly articulated. The expressive levels are respected with attention and outlined with
incisive clearness, but the phrasing in still "free" ... (It is) the fruit of a
thought that goes beyond the borders of style ... according to a logic that is not philological
in a strict sense, but that answers to absolute musical reasons. A difficult but gratifying
listening, which opens a sound world made of great melody juxtaposed to the polyphonic rigor,
of pulling beats, drawn close to others of absorbed elegance ... revealing particulars to be enjoyed.
Bacchetti helmsman in the big sea of Bach's Suites
Il Giornale di Vicenza - April 30th, 2005 (Cesare Galla)
The pianist Andrea Bacchetti as time went by became a Berio's specialist,
he played the master's music even in his presence, and he has recently recorded it on CD
(Decca). Restagno is a specialist of contemporary musicology, and he weaved with Berio an
important professional relationship and friendship. ... the probable guidelines of the
evening are two: on one hand, the piano program (
Berio, Bach and Debussy) gives space to
Berio's most "classic" dimension ... who, though settled in the world of
vanguards, has never denied the past ... on the other hand they want to highlight the
dimension of longing that is also in Berio's music ... who - Rostagno explains - used with
such an aim the "campo armonico", that is a series of harmonies with more enlarged
hedges than traditional ones. ...
Bacchetti's homage to Berio
L'Eco di Bergamo - May 27th, 2005 (Bernardino Zappa)
... the course of words (
by Enzo Restagno) and music entrusted to the pianist
Andrea Bacchetti outlined a night of successful poetic concentration and original stylistic
coherence. The idea to assemble Petit Air II, Rounds and 4 Encores, that is a sample of
Berio's superior and sober "pianismo" (which was played with an even sharper and
more fervent determination by Bacchetti in a route that was revealed by a fanciful Bach of
the English and French Suites and that made some Debussy's pages be rigorously selected) gave
to the program a strong ideal and instrumental reason. Bacchetti's reading, feeble in the
sound but stinging and capricious in the taste, then very consonant Debussy's timbre
imagination, vindicated the unusual musical itinerary. A brief proof to the heart of the
creative technical dimension and to the sensitiveness for piano sound (Bach on the modern
instrument let it only to those who has got the proper virtuose vein), from which Berio's
versatile handicraft come out with magnetic evidence.
Berio's superior level between Bach and Debussy
La Repubblica - May 30th, 2005 (Angelo Foletto)
... Andrea Bacchetti is exhibiting today before the head of the State in
the wonderful scenery of Cappella Paolina of Quirinale. In a duet with the master Rocco
Filippini, he will present a particularly demanding fund. The concert will be broadcast live
by RAI Radio Tre at 12 o'clock. ? Andrea Bacchetti can by now be considered as one of the
most popular pianist of the world, and also the critics agree in acknowledging to the young
artist an extraordinary talent in continuous growth ...
Andrea Bacchetti in concert at Quirinale Palace
Corriere Mercantile, Genoa - May 29th, 2005 (Massimo Lagomarsino)
The ex genius-child ... Andrea Bacchetti, today 28 years old, an artist endowed with an introspective
look, this night at Verdi Hall seals the playbill 2004/2005 of Musical Nights playing Bach, an author
beloved by Andrea, a promise that was kept in piano world ...
Bacchetti on piano with Bach
La Repubblica, Milan - June 20th, 2005 (Luigi Di Fronzo)
... Bacchetti es un gran intérprete, ya conocido en La Coruña. En su
recital del día 25 hizo un Bach muy auténtico y acertado por su maestría en la
exposición contrapuntística esencial en el autor, con una gran elegancia en su forma
de fundir y aclarar las distintas voces. Pero también en su capacidad de expresión, de
una viva y sobria elegancia y con una gradación dinámica muy bien matizada en todo
momento. Su versión de las obritas de Berio supuso un precioso contraste que rompió lo
monográfico para enriquecerlo.
El Bach pianístico en el Festival Mozart (ossia, la patada en el fondo) - 7 de mayo 2005, (Julián Carrillo)
FULL ARTICLE
El Festival Mozart está tocando a su fin y a una semana de su clausura
cerró uno de sus ciclos, el de conciertos. Con especial dedicación al piano, fue este
instrumento el que sonó ayer en el teatro Rosalia. El italiano Andrea Bacchetti fue el
encargado de esta despedida, en la que desgranó un programa protagonizado por las suites
inglesas y francesas de Bach, el gran compositor del Mozart. ...
El piano se despide con las suites inglesas y francesas de Bach
La Coruña, Madrid - 26 de junio 2005 (Redaccion)
... Hay una cualidad que se aprecia en todos los grandes artistas, y es
el moldear cada motivo, engarzar las frases entre si y hacer aparecer temas emergentes en
momentos puntuales. Todo ello se consigue mediante una regulación perfecta y un sutil juego
con la dinámica, que en Bach ha de ser muy medida teniendo en cuenta que el destino original
de estas piezas admirables fue el clavecin. Y si en la interpretación de las obras del
maestro de Eisenach valoramos sobre todo la claridad expositiva, la nitida disposición de
las voces y de los planos sonoros, estímaremos especialmente el arte de Andrea Bacchetti.
Y, aceso sobre todo, el canto. Porque si Bach no se canta es ininteligíble. Y Andrea canta
con el piano, y también con la voz. ...
Cantar por dentro
La opinion, Madrid - 27 de junio 2005 (Julio Andrade Malde)
... Dos jóvenes pianistas abordaron Bach con serieded y calidad técnica;
tanto las treinta variaciones de las Goldberg como los veintiocho piezas que constituyen
las Suites Inglesas y Francesas con un verdadero tour de force. Creo que para Stadtfeld
y Bacchetti se abre un porvenir esplendoroso. ...
Bien está lo que bien acaba
Scherzo, Madrid - Año XX n° 200, septiembre 2005 (Julio Andrade Malde)
... A brilliant ending - because of the pianist's level - that gained
recognition of international attention for the technique and brightness of his performance.
... He is already a myth the thrilling homage to Berio by the Ensemble - in November 2004
at Milan Conservatory when Bacchetti played some of Berio's "Six Encores" which
in 2001 had earned him the Special Prize for a contemporary piece in Micheli Contest,
where also Maurizio Pollini was a member of jury ...
Bacchetti closes "Piano in the moonlight"
Il Tempo - July 4th, 2005 (Paola Pariset)
Andrea Bacchetti, un gran virtuoso del piano, impresionó al público asistente al Teatro Caja Duero.
Tribuna de Verano, Salamanca - 10 de julio 2005 (Gabriel Alonso)
... Andrea Bacchetti, Italian pianist, already an "enfant prodige"
and today popular and talented player, is opening the show conducted by Julius Berge. Enfant
prodige who didn't disappointed expectations: it's the case of Andrea Bacchetti, whose
interpretative thickness is on of the most interesting piano reality of our years, a man who
never went above himself despite the collection of international successes and the esteem of
guru like Luciano Berio, who elected him as an absolute-level player of his own music. ...
Bacchetti between Bach and Schumann
Il Giornale di Vicenza - August 7th, 2005
... Auch Andrea Bacchettis Bach (
2. Französische Suite) ist tags darauf reich
verziert. Er wirkt bei aller Klarheit romantischer als bei Derzhavina. Mozarts fast simpel
startende Variationen über "Lison dormait" KV 264 rückt der Pianist im Adagio - Teil
(mit Recht) in die Nähe des späten Beethoven und demonstriert mit der Sonate "Quasi una
fantasia" op. 20 (1824) des Böhmen Jan Hugo Vorisek, welch reiche Ernte damais neben
Beethoven und Schubert auf den Feldern der Sonate einzubringen var. Bacchetti weiß genau,
was er musikalisch tut. Manches mag erst unspecktäkular anmuten. Doch wer zwischen den Zeilen
hört, merkt, welch gutes Gespür er für Mendelssohns Fantasien op. 16 und für Schumann hat - vor
allem für dessen frühes Allegro op. 8. Das zerbröselt den meisten Pianisten zwischen den Fingern.
Bacchetti nimmt es ungewohnt gemessen. Und plötzlich erscheint es vielsagend, konsistent und
gewichtig. Ein erhellender Abend! ...
Feiner Jahrgang von der Westküste
Kieler Nachrichten - August 30th, 2005 (Michael Struck)
... one of the most interesting Italian pianists of the latest years. He boasts
an international curriculum and a fund which led him to match with contemporary music (
one of his LPs "Decca" dedicated to Berio). ...
Piano, Bacchetti faces the Goldberg, test for the greatest performers
CITY, Bologna edition - October 12th, 2005
... homage to Luciano Berio, a program totally about Bach with the Goldberg Variations.
Berio - Bacchetti explains -
introduced me in the world of contemporary music, that I
love very much ... formative music, it refines the technique and the use of pedals, (it is) a
balsam also when we go back to the classical fund of the eighteenth - nineteenth centuries. ...
Bacchetti pays homage to Luciano Berio
Il Giornale, Milan - October 28th, 2005 (Piera Anna Franini)
... the Goldberg Variations are a multiform and trans-generational masterpiece,
able to attract and charm today also the audience of the young ... Bacchetti, for his part,
is a fanciful and original pianist, he began to play in Milan when he was a kid with an
always astonishing determination and personality. For this reason, from his hands, the
audience can't expect an ordinary Bach. ...
"Variations" of genius at "Dal Verme" theatre - October 2005 (Gian Mario Benzing)
A wonderful concert the one held on 28th October by Andrea Bacchetti at the
"Dal Verme" theatre for the Musical Nights (
by now he is an inalienable guest). ...
the young pianist wanted to give us a monumental composition written by J.S. Bach for harpsichord
with two keyboards but that entered in the best pianistic stock years ago, the "Aria with
thirty variations", later became "Goldberg Variations BWV 988 (1742)".
More than ninety-five minutes of music ... that Bacchetti executed in a captivating way,
with moments of great clarity and elegance of sound alternating with others of greater
emphasis of rhythm and timbre. He is very clever at the slowest and most meditative
variations like the wonderful Variation n. 25 where he showed a skill of emotional -
expressional involvement worthy of the greatest performers of Bach.
Warm success of audience.
Information about Bacchetti in his website http:/
Andrea Bacchetti plays the Goldberg Variations for the Musical Evenings - October, 2005
(Cesare Guzzardella -
... these "Goldberg (
Variations)" are absolutely "pianistic",
animated by iridescences of colours and light contrast; rather than re-create the "dry"
sound of cembalo, Bacchetti pursues a secret "cantabilità" supported by a rich use of
the pedal. A "cantabilità" which at times seems to glide towards Romanticism, but that
always remains controlled and lucid. It's the intellectual rigour, not philological, of a
pianist who is running along a way far from the most beaten paths and that in Bach perhaps could
lead - during next tears - to unexpected results.
Bacchetti plays, no virtuosities
La Prealpina, Milan - November 2nd, 2005 (Luca Segalla)
... Inspired, sensitive, he seems just to brush the keyboard, making a flood of notes spring from
it. He has an astonishing musical sensitivity, a wide range of sonorities that let him get a play
of colours and expressions really remarkable. He has an expositive clearness of first rate, too ...
The omnivorous music of Luciano Berio
Musica & Scuola - Year XIX nr. 19 - November 15th, 2005 (Laura Ruzza)
... the pianist from Genoa performs the Goldberg Variations from a very personal point of view.
It's the rigour of the intellect, the one of Bacchetti, not the one of the "authentic praxis".
The phrasing remains smooth and meditative, far away from the rippling of the specialists of Baroque ...
such an analytical approach cools the emotional temperature of some of the Variations, but it doesn't
happen every day to listen from a young man Goldberg Variations that are so personal and so coherent
in their basic choices. And when it happens it can only give pleasure.
MUSICA - nr. 172 December 2005/January 2006 (Luca Segalla)
... an unforgettable performance of Rocco Filippini in the charitable recital
dedicated to the support to the activities of Terre des Homme ... besides his exceptional
artistic qualities as a violoncellist, we could appreciate also his skills as an arranger of
Wagner's and De Falla pages ... Faithful fellow of this musical journey, Andrea Bacchetti has
confirmed himself again as a pianist endowed with an extraordinary sensitivity, a sure
reliability and temper, supported by a faultless instrumental tecnique. ...
Filippini beneficent testimonial for Terres des Homme
Corriere del Ticino - November 9th, 2005 (Susanna Zalateo)
... Bacchetti's love for Mendelssohn is a declared one.
He is a wonderful author -
the pianist describes him in this way -
in the true sense of the word. His serene genius
opens amazing themes of art and poetry to sensitivity and to intellect. ...
A piano virtuoso plays with the Sinfonica
La Stampa, Imperia - November 11th, 2005 (m.c.)
... Bacchetti stands out within the thick host of pianists of his
generation as long as originality of stroke and happiness of hand are concerned ...
He got over without breakdowns the obstacle of one hour and forty minutes of incessant
music, going on unperturbed along the fantastic journey drawn by the Goldberg (
absorbed in his own point of view that, if on one hand certified the full persuasion of the
pianistic appropriation, without camouflages of the harpsichord, on the other hand
"recharged" with originality the improvisations of ornamentation ...
"Variations" entrusted to Bacchetti's talent
Gazzetta di Parma - November 23rd, 2005 (g.p.m.)
... Andrea Bacchetti, a humble and minute pianist yet endowed with
fingers made of steel, exploits the resources of piano not to prove that Bach can
be executed on any instruments, but to show that the piano can arrive where Bach
couldn't believe it was possible and where perhaps Bach himself would have liked
to get; he uses the pedal and the percussion of the piano key in order to modify
process like a function of the personality and of the compatibility between a melodic
virtuosity and contrapuntal segments ... a pianist who attracts the applause without
"if" and without "but", with the peculiarities and the uncertainties
of pure talents ... it's difficult to imagine a better coming-out for the showing ...
Bacchetti, much "pianist"
L'informazione - November 23rd, 2005 (Angelo Foletto)
... Bacchetti totally confirmed his marvellous qualities: a sense of
structural conduct of the piece, a delicacy of phrasing and an admirable musical
dialogue that was built merely on the quality of the sound, free from rhythmic madness
and abstruseness ... In our opinion the most suitable author to Bacchetti's musical
authenticity is Mozart. The Nine Variations K264 on "Lison dormait" were
astonishing in their clearness of exposition: the musical speech became life at each
beat, painted by an exemplary innocence and a model sound eloquence. A Mozart who has
very refined colours, who re-created in the hall an atmosphere and a relationship
between sound and silence that can hardly be got. ...
In Bach's geometry
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - December 2nd, 2005 (l.cost.)
... An exceptional night, on Friday at the Cavour theatre, with the
awaited Bacchetti's concert, one of the most important event of the 42nd International
Festival of Chamber Music in Cervo ... Man of genius and great piano performer who has
been considered for many years among the most important contemporary executors ...
Homage to Berio by the great Bacchetti
Il Secolo XIX, Imperia - December 14th, 2005 (Viviana Spada)
... it was a long time since it had been kept a concert of such a thickness where Bacchetti,
who was set to a very bright career, wandered from Bach to Beethoven, from Debussy to Chopin,
to Goldberg Variations and to the unpublished works by Meldelssohn he offered in his encores.
Extraordinary recital by Bacchetti
La Stampa, Imperia - December 18th, 2005 (s.d.)
... To that neverending list of participations to which the International Festival of Chamber
Music in Cervo accustomed us since a long time ago - let's cite some names like Michelangeli,
Richter, Kempff, Annie Fischer, Pollini, Badura-Skoda, Schiff as examples - now we must add the
one of the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti, a name the readers of Amadeus know ...
Bacchetti: homage to Luciano Berio
AMADEUS - March 2006 (Michele Coralli)
Christmas Concert with Andrea Bacchetti, one of the uncontested talents of piano in Italy ...
since he was a child Bacchetti showed prodigious skills that earned him the admiration of lots
of contemporary musicians.
Andrea Bacchetti a pianist with prodigious talents
La Nazione - December 23rd, 2005