The famous pianist Andrea Bacchetti from Genova is very appreciated on national and international musical scene. Also, he is a regular
guest in important festivals and concert recitals. Socialbg interviewed him ...
I really appreciated your Bach CDs. What does Bach mean to Andrea Bacchetti?
«Bach is my life, night and day! ... In the past, Maestro Berio used to tell me Bach was all us musicians' father. With Maestro
Baumgartner too, in Luzern, my musical education went growing as I learnt the classical fundamentals in Bach's thought, even though in
a modern and contemporary key ... the great Bach's thought has been "reread" nowadays.» ...
Andrea Bacchetti, the pianist who fell in love with Bach - January 3rd, 2022 (Schoenberg)
Andrea Bacchetti is a Bachian interpreter with very clear ideas: he plays his music on the piano, building it as a musician, without
need of winks to the past. Brilliance and enamel, virtuosity in speed, but above all character ... a personal physiognomy, the
instrumental gesture, color and shape are supported by hands and masterful thought ...
Bacchetti interprets the Bach's «Fugues»
Il Sole 24 Ore - February 27th, 2022 (Carla Moreni)
Mit seiner Aufnahme des Wohltemperierten Claviers Buch II nimmt uns Andrea Bacchetti erneut mit auf eine packende Musikreise in
Sachen Bach. Es gibt heute nicht viele Pianisten, die die Musik Bachs so natürlich und vollkommen spielen wie dieser italienische
Pianist. Wir haben an dieser Stelle schon mehrmals auf den Ausnahmerang Bacchettis als Bach-Interpret hingewiesen und wollen uns
jetzt nicht wiederholen, denn seine Aufnahme des 2. Buchs vom Wohltemperierten Klavier ist wieder einmal eine Meisterleistung. ...
With his recording of the Well-Tempered Clavier Book II, Andrea Bacchetti once again takes us on a gripping musical journey.
Today there are not many pianists who play Bach's music as naturally and perfectly as this Italian pianist. We have already
pointed out Bacchetti's exceptional status as an interpreter of Bach several times, and we don't want to repeat ourselves now,
because his recording of the 2nd book of the Well-Tempered Clavier is once again a masterpiece. ...
Bacchetti erneut als herausragender Bach-Interpret - Bacchetti again as an outstanding Bach interpreter - March 2022 (Alain Steffen)
Being a former prodigy child, Genoese Andrea Bacchetti is a pianist with a solid formation and many interests. His audience had the
chance to appreciate many and many performances, in which Bacchetti went from Baroque to Classicism, from Romanticism to the
contemporaneity. Even the ones who does not love classical music were able to enjoy him as tv star ... In the last years, Bacchetti
focused especially on Johann Sebastian Bach. «To me, Bach is the most complete author, without taking anything away from the
others major composers. But Bach is the forefather of anything else ...»
Andrea Bacchetti, the TV with Chiambretti. A homage to his mum (interview)
La Repubblica - March 2nd, 2022 (Roberto Iovino)
The main characters of the soirée, on Tuesday 8th, 9 p.m., will be the virtuoso pianist Andrea Bacchetti with Laura Marzadori on
violin. Being born and grown up in the Golfo Paradiso, for Bacchetti this is a homecoming at the "Teatro Sociale", where
on November 3rd he led the Carlo Felice Orchestra ... with Laura Marzadori, who won the contest for becoming the concertmaster of
the Teatro della Scala Orchestra when she was only twenty-five ...
Four shows in 7 days - the Sociale deals four aces
Il Secolo XIX - March 5th, 2022, (Rossella Galeotti)
... The young violinist, who is a musical precocious talent, can already claim collaboration with important conductors as Riccardo
Chailly, Zubin Metha, Daniel Hardin, and Antonio Pappano. In Camogli, Marzadori and Bacchetti will play a program that put together
four masterpieces ... Bacchetti was himself a child prodigy too and he was appreciated in his very first years of performing by
such amazing artists as Herbert von Karajan. He became a world-renown concert player, with brilliant achievements for his
interpretations ...
From Mozart to Beethoven: Bacchetti and Marzadori on concert in Camogli
Il Secolo XIX - March 8th, 2022, (Rossella Galeotti)
... on Sunday, March 27th, the cellist Francesco Mariozzi and the pianist Andrea Bacchetti will perform starting from Bach to reach
Astor Piazzolla, father of the «Tango Nuevo». The show is titled «SetteOttoNoveCento» ...
"SetteOttoNoveCento: from Bach to Piazzolla", on March 27th in Mola di Bari - March 25th, 2022 (newsroom)
... The show will open at 8 p.m. at Palazzo Pesce. This is the first of six dates on schedule till May 22nd. Every concert focuses
on that trasversality that is one of the distinctive features of Agìmus Association (under the leadership of Pietro Rotolo) ...
The duo Bacchetti-Mariozzi opens Agìmu's spring season
La Repubblica - March 25th, 2022 (Riccardo Fanizza)
... by its nature, music is prone to contaminations in style, not only to those that creates hybridisation, but to crossings that
provide new life to idioms with centuries-old roots, making the cultured feed on the popular, and vice versa. It would otherwise be
difficult to explain the beauty of certain creations by Bach or Brahms, which were fed at the popular banquet. This is the
inspiration of the opening concert in which the cellist Francesco Mariozzi and the pianist Andrea Bacchetti will range from Bach
to Piazzolla. ...
"Spring in Mola: from Bach to "tango nuevo", on March 27th in Mola di Bari" - March 27th, 2022 (newsroom)
Andrea Bacchetti has accomplished a Bach path more than twenty years long by dwelling on the places so variously marked by this
extraordinary landscape evoked by the keyboard, places that testify to the brilliant breadth of view with which the musician observed
the reality of his time in all the different facets, transferring their characters in a language that was fixed in the sign of his
miraculous absoluteness. The so sensitive traits emerge from the book 2 of the «Well-Tempered Harpsichord» that Bacchetti
proposed in recent concerts and recorded in a double CD by ArtHausMusik. It is an important, challenging milestone for the Genoese
pianist, who is recognizable in the richness of his expressive value that emerges from reading this work ...
Bach's harpsichord in Bacchetti's sensitiveness
Gazzetta di Parma - March 28th, 2022 (Gian Paolo Minardi)
Bacchetti está influido en alguna medida por las prácticas historicistas y, aunque utiliza un piano moderno (en el que no imita el
exagerado staccato que otros pianistas utilizan para parecerse a un harpsicordio), la expresividad es lograda a base de ornamentaciones
y nunca exagera el poder de sostenimiento de las nota, es decir, somos conscientes de que estamos oyendo música del siglo XVIII.
Su Bach es refrescante y estimulante; su legato es económico y suave y no abusa del rubato; su rango dinámico es muy amplio.
Es vigoroso (e incluso algo crudo) en el manejo de las acentuaciones con la mano izquierda, pero siempre evita los excesos, el toque
excesivamente muscular o una mano izquierda muy insistente. Bacchetti favorece una aproximación lírica y de elasticidad expresiva a
estas piezas (muy alejada de la interpretación de Gould, aunque similar en su querencia por extremos de tempi, o de la literalidad
austera de los alemanes de antaño) con un sonido bello, más rico en texturas que Schiff o Hewitt, dando mucha animación al contrastar
velocidades de ejecución con energía rítmica y elegancia ...

- Sonido:
There are some historicist practices that influenced Bacchetti, and although he uses a modern piano (although he does not imitate
the exaggerated staccato that other pianists use to recall a harpsichord), he gets expressiveness through ornament, he never exaggerates
his power in sustaining the notes, and we are always aware that we are hearing Eighteenth Century music. His Bach is fresh and stimulating;
his legate sounds thrifty and flowing and does not abuse the "rubato"; his dynamic range is very wide. Bacchetti is vigorous in handling
accents with his left hand, but he always avoids the excesses of an overly-muscled playing or a too insistent left hand. He prefers a lyrical
and expressively elastic approach to these pieces (that is far from Gould's interpretation, though similar in his predilection for extreme
tenses, or the old Germans' austere literalism) with a beautiful, richer in texture than Schiff or Hewitt, sound. Bacchetti gives lots of
animation by contrasting speed of execution with his rhythmic energy and his elegance. ...

- Sound:
Main review of Spain - April 4th, 2022 (Pyotr Petrovich)
Lirismo y Fantasía llevan al Antiguo Casino de Ciudad Real la música clásica. Luisa Sello, flauta, y Andrea Bacchetti, piano, han
deleitado al público que ha asistido a una nueva edición de los "Lunes Musicales". Luisa Sello y Andrea Bacchetti, que
conforman Lirismo y Fantasía, han llevado este lunes hasta el Antiguo Casino de la capital provincial la música de Johann Sebastian
Bach, de Franz Doppler y de Gioachino Rossini, entre otros, dentro del programa cultural de los "Lunes Musicales" que
organiza el Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Real. Dos artistas de dilatada trayectoria internacional, habituales en salas Lucerna, Salzburgo,
Milán, Sofia, Toronto, Buenos Aires, que han aterrizado este lunes con obras maestras de la historia de la música, presentando un
programa que da un color especial a la música que nos ha llevado a ser la sociedad que somos en la actualidad. A través de la flauta
y el piano, han deleitado al público asistente a esta nueva edición de los "Lunes Musicales".
"Lyrism and fantasy". Luisa Sello on flute and Andrea Bacchetti on keyboard delighted their audience who attended to
a new edition of the "Lunedì Musicali". Luisa Sello and Andrea Bacchetti, who performed the concert, brought last Monday
the music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Doppler and Gioachino Rossini among the others, at the Casino Vecchio in Ciudad Real. The
event was part of the "Musical Mondays" cultural program that is organised by the Civic Hall. Such two internationally
well-renown artists who are used to Luzern, Salzburg, Milano, Sofia, Toronto, Buenos Aires and who arrived last Monday with a few
masterpieces of the history of music. They presented a program with a special colour to music that contributed to create our
contemporary society. Through flute and piano, they delighted the audience of the new edition of the festival.
Lirismo y Fantasía llevan al Antiguo Casino de Ciudad Real la música clásica - April 18th, 2022 (Carlos Monteagudo)
... This "Palazzo Marino in Musica" edition focuses on the relationship between music and mathematics. In recent years,
differences between analogic reality and digital world are visibly thinning and the perceptive boundary line between acoustic and
synthetic sound is increasingly nuanced ... We will be accompanied in this journey by the duo violin and piano Manara - Bacchetti,
the harpsichord of Tania Birardi, Esoteri Consort, the Leonardo Quartet the Annunciata Academy, and the pupils from the G. Verdi
Conservatory of Milan ...
Symmetries, Numbers and Proportions - Aprile 2022 (newsroom)
... The duo's excellent understanding has highlighted Bacchetti's classic qualities in underlining with exhaustive clarity and
excellent balance the beautiful melodic lines of the violin ... and it has exalted the effective virtuosity of Manara, a violinist
who is attentive to every detail, precise in the perfect high notes, and above all it was very expressive, thanks to the good
support by Bacchetti's piano harmonies. There also was a splendid encore at the end of the famous piece "Meditation"
from the Opera "Thaïs" by J. Massenet, that was performed with deep melodic expressiveness. A loud applause from the
audience in a sold-out hall ...
Palazzo Marino in Music with Francesco Manara and Andrea Bacchetti - May 1st, 2022 (Cesare Guzzardella)
... Aunque se interpreta poco en concierto, Bacchetti interpreta esta obra de arte intemporal en piano moderno, sin echar la vista
atrás, en busca de nuevas sonoridades sin alterar el contenido, cuyo resultado es una interesante versión personal. ...
... Although it is rarely performed in concert, Bacchetti interprets this timeless work of art on the modern piano without
looking behind, searching for new sonorities without altering the piece's content. The result he gets is an interesting personal
version ...
Crítica - Discos A-Z
RITMO - May 2022 (Sol Bordas)
FULL ARTICLE (spanish)
... he extreme precision and - at the same time - naturalness with which the multiple Bach textures unravel and breathe is what
results most surprising in this double CD: these quality with the warm breath of the pianist - that was often entered in the
recording thanks to its very high quality - give reason for a pure, intense, magnetic pianism ... If we frame Bacchetti's fabulous
performance in an overall vision of the work, we do not exaggerate to call it a summit difficult to match ...
CD Reviews
Classic Voice n. 276 - May 2022 (Mattia Rossi)
Once again, Andrea Bacchetti starred on national RAI channels. This time the appointment is for tomorrow night, when on Rai5
channel the great pianist will play from the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa. This is a new important performance for the pianist
who, a month ago, just in Genoa presented his latest album, the complete "Second Book of the Well-Tempered Clavier" by
Johann Sebastian Bach ... Bacchetti was famous for his purist interpretation of Bach already at the time of the Conservatory,
and now, in the middle of his career, he reached a perfection that is rare to listen to. ...
Bacchetti, concert by Carlo Felice live on Rai5
Il Secolo XIX - May 20th, 2022 (Edoardo Meoli)
... the monumental corpus of preludes and fugues of the Book II of the Well-Tempered Clavier was challenged by the Genoese
pianist with remarkable personality, clarity of intent, and coherence. The distinctive feature in his approach is that bit
of freedom, and sometimes real originality, without pretending nor affecting, and above all never indulging himself into
extravagance ... you could find balance almost everywhere, as in his time choices, that were almost never extreme, as in his
dosage of legatos and staccatos within sentences, the result of a choice that never distorts the musical sense ... Anyway,
this has not prevented the Genoese pianist to avoid a sterile and anodyne objectivism, carrying out, when necessary, courageous
choices above all in the ascending movement of the melody, especially in the fugues. His important choices repay when you
listen to this work, an experience that is never boring thanks to Bacchetti's spasmodic attention to create real and proper
"characters" from Bach's themes and to avoid dangerous processes of pure musical abstraction ...
Bach cum grano salis
L'Ape Musicale - May 30th, 2022 (Lorenzo Cannistrà)
Tomorrow, Tuesday 31st at 8 p.m., at the Auditorium San Barnaba, there will be a récital by pianist Andrea Bacchetti, being
guest of the 59th International Piano Festival «Novecento Suite» ... a mostly classic program for a pianist with
a remarkable repertoire, known all over the world and with a relevant recording activity. ...
You come often to Brescia ...
«Yes, last time was in 2019, with the Italian Switzerland Orchestra. I remember a beautiful concert, the Teatro Grande
was sold-out, the Orchestra fantastic ...»
Bacchetti «I have beautiful memories in Brescia»
Giornale di Brescia - May 30th, 2022 (Fulvia Conter)
From Bach to Debussy. Tonight, the concert program will move between the Baroque Age and the Twentieth Century ... on the
stage, the pianist Andrea Bacchetti, who has repeatedly been applauded in Brescia ... He is a pianist with a fine international
career, and his interpretations of Bach are particularly appreciated by critics ...
Andrea Bacchetti at the Festival, between Baroque Age and the Twentieth Century
Corriere della Sera - May 31st, 2022 (Fabio Larovere)
... he is a true specialist in classical music, but he does not renounce to a «stage», during an evening that was
dedicated to this year theme, the Twentieth Century ... Already appreciated at a very young age by «historical«
characters of music such as Karajan, Magaloff and Berio, Bacchetti played for prestigious international festivals, performed
as a soloist with orchestras under the lead of Luisi, Zedda, Lü Ja, Franz ... his discography is vast and includes authors
like Berio, with a great attention to Bach ...
Andrea Bacchetti, a classical music specialist rereads the Twentieth Century
BresciaOggi - May 31st, 2022 (Luigi Fertonani)
«Novecento Suite» is the title of the 59th Brescia Piano Festival. But the pianist Andrea Bacchetti presented a
program in which you could find only Debussy from the Twentieth Century; instead, he included Bach, then Scarlatti and finally
Mozart. Evidently the organization was interested in a different program, and the pianist drew from his repertoire and his
successful recordings. The program was not long, but very demanding ... He has been an international artist for many years, he
was very sure and repeatedly applauded even in Brescia, the other night; we appreciated him especially in his Baroque repertoire
... Five encores sealed his success.
An incisive Mozart and five encores for Bacchetti
Giornale di Brescia - June 2nd, 2022 (Fulvia Conter)
... The piece of the «Bach contribution» to the soirée were one more beautiful than the other ... the various
counterpoint voices stood out perfectly, very clear within Andrea Bacchetti's interpretation. But the soirée had just begun,
and other particularly happy moments awaited us starting from three Sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti ... We could not miss a
mention of the «theme« of this year's Festival, the Twentieth Century: Bacchetti proposed two short and delicate
pieces from the famous Children's Corner by Debussy, the lunar «Little Sheperd&rlaquo; and «Jimbo's Lullaby»
... at the end the wide page of the Fantasia K397 ... Being not only good but also generous, Bacchetti did not allow himself a
moment of pause in the whole event and yet he gave five encores... A standing audience at the end to celebrate the excellent
and tireless pianist.
Bacchetti: «Notes that reflect the climate in Europe»
BresciaOggi - June 2nd, 2022 (Luigi Fertonani)
The Preludes and Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier, book 2, by Johann Sebastian Bach were a consistent part of Andrea
Bacchetti's very recent personal success in San Barnaba for the Piano Festival. Bach is a true pillar of music, to whom the
pianist has long dedicated love and study. ... the dance rhythms, thanks to Andrea Bacchetti's excellent piano technique, are
transformed into moments of pure and joyful beauty. A corpus to be explored, to be listened to and listened to again by
immersing oneself in this «divine harmony».
Bach, a masterpiece in Bacchetti's style
BresciaOggi - June 7th, 2022 (Luigi Fertonani)
Andrea Bacchetti has made J.S.Bach's music a fundamental reference and that is a fact that has been well known for many years.
In fact, listening to him on this excellent recording of the Book II of the Well-Tempered Clavier, BWV 870-893, that was released
in a double CD by Arthaus Musik in March 2022, you can immerse yourself in his musical world where his search for mathematical
perfection has been evidently combined with a deep expressiveness. ... Probably no one has devoted so much time to reach the
almost maniacal perfection in Bach's keyboard works as Bacchetti did. Both in the 24 Preludes and in the respective Fugues, he
always comes to a solution to find a proper balance to every phrase. ... We recommend everyone to purchase this excellent CD.
Andrea Bacchetti and the Book II of the Well-Tempered Clavier - June 13th, 2022 (Cesare Guzzardella)
El pianista italiano Andrea Bacchetti (Génova, 1977) ha grabado mucho Bach a lo largo de su carrera, y lo hace de un modo muy
personal. Nunca ha grabado nada del primer volumen de El Clave bien temperado y en cambio saca completo el segundo volumen ...
El planteamiento de Bacchetti en este Clave bien temperado es más bien sobrio: ornamenta bastante y a veces utiliza un ligero
rubato, pero el sonido es ligero y claro, especialmente - cómo no - en las fugas, donde se nota que a Bacchetti le gusta el
contrapunto. No evita la parte emocional y su planteamiento es muy libre, pero es el interior de las obras - la melodía, la
armonía, los elementos básicos - lo que más parece atraerle. ... el Bach de Bacchetti es ante todo su visión de Bach ...
The Italian pianist Andrea Bacchetti (born in Genova, 1977) recorded a many works by Bach during his career in a very
personal way. Although he never recorded anything from the first volume of The Well-Tempered Clavier, now he publishes the
entire second volume... Bacchetti's approach in this Well-Tempered Clavier is rather sober: it adorns a lot and sometimes uses
a slight rubato, but his sound is light and clear, especially - obviously - in the fugues, where it is evident that Bacchetti
likes counterpoint. He does not avoid the emotional part and his approach is very free, but it is the core of this work -
the melody, the harmony, the basic elements - that seems to attract him more. ... Bacchetti's Bach is, first of all, his vision
of Bach ...
Bach, Bach, toujours recommencée - July 1st, 2022 (Maruxa Baliñas)
Maestro Andrea Bacchetti took to the field for the opening of the twenty-first edition of the Paganinian Festival; to him, we
extend our sincere gratitude for his availability and acclaimed high quality. We have appreciated his international authority
as an interpreter of Bach for decades. Yesterday evening, however, Bacchetti surprised us by choosing an as always very classy,
but also conversational, intelligent, cultured programme, that fitted the atmosphere in the square like a glove ... Undeniable
warm success, and thank you, Maestro! ...
Opening concert - newsletter - July 17th, 2022 (Marzia Bologna Rossi)
Gallipoli hosts, today and tomorrow, a double musical event: the concert of the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti. The Concert is
part of the ninth edition of the «Terra tra due mari» Festival directed by Maestro Enrico Tricarico ... the pianist
will be able to make use of the beautiful musicality of a 1903 Schiedmayer piano and his performance will allow you to appreciate
pieces by Bach, Scarlatti, Mozart, Liszt, Debussy, Mancini, Arden, Battisti, Menken and Villa-Lobos ...
The pianist Bacchetti in Gallipoli
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - August 2nd, 2022 (Giuseppe Albahari)
A plastic phrasing, that was sculpted by ample breaths that enhance its forms, structural attention, clearly marked polyphonic
volumes, a shrewd use of the pedal which smooths and curves the articulation, always sober and effective ornamentation: these are
some of the characteristics of Bach's last valuable recording by the Genoese pianist Bacchetti, who highlights the dialogic nature
of the script, giving it softness and carefully emphasizing the instrumental suggestions ... His virtuosic touch and his rhythmic
vigour complete a captivating recording.
CD Reviews
AMADEUS nr. 374 - September 2022, (Letizia Michielon)
... Andrea Bacchetti sehr viel um Bach dreht und er eine glückliche Hand für diese Musik hat, das steht zweifelsfrei fest. Auch auf
seiner aktuellen Doppel-CD mit dem zweiten Teil des "Wohlteperierten Klavier" ist ein Interpret zu erleben, der diese Musik
gestochen klar seziert, ohne ihr den zeitlosen Zauber zu rauben: mit feiner Agogik den Kontrapunkt durchhörend. ... dafur aber
überzeugt Bacchetti mit einem historisch informierten Zugang in Phrasierung und Anschlag. Dieser Bach wirkt wohltuend uneitel und
natürlich. Das allein ist heute sehr viel.
Andrea Bacchetti revolves a lot around Bach and has a lucky hand for this music, that's for sure. When you listen to his current
double CD, with the second part of the "Well-Tempered Clavier", through counterpoint with agogic ends, you can also
experience a pianist interpreting this music with extreme clarity, without depriving it of its timeless magic. ... but Bacchetti
convinces with a historically informed approach in both phrasing and touch. This unpretentious flow has a pleasant and natural effect.
And this is a lot, today.
Höreindruck - KurzKritiken
PIANO NEWS - nr.5-2022, September 2022, (Marco Frei)
... the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti entertained a very large audience with music by J.S. Bach, Cimarosa and D. Scarlatti.
Bacchetti, one of the best international interpreters of the Bach repertoire, has performed six of the 24 Preludes and Fugues of
the Book 2 of the Well-Tempered Clavier, then he played a short but intense Sonata by Cimarosa and three Sonatas by Domenico
Scarlatti. Greatly applauded, Bacchetti then proposed two encores with the virtuosic Pulcinella by Heitor Villa-Lobos and again
Bach, with the rare but intense Aria and ten variations in the Italian style. ...
The musical festival "Lieti Calici" opens again with Andrea Bacchetti - September 25th, 2022 (Cesare Guzzardella)

Three exceptional musicians for a unique concert ... an unusual, demanding and extremely enthralling concert programme, suitable
for the ears of all listeners, both insiders and laymen. A bubbly, picturesque sound itinerary, that was capable to amalgamate
Bacchetti's keyboard mastery and virtuosic enthusiasm combined with Moretti's freshness of phrasing and Francesco Manara's
experience. ... Thunderous applause arrived from the large audience.
Three exceptional musicians for a unique concert organised by Amici della Lirica and Serate Musicali
Il Giornale d'Italia - September 28th, 2022 (Ivan Rota)
... It is reasonable to imagine that Bacchetti's choice of the Second Book of the 24 new Preludes and Fugues derives from his
desire to demonstrate how we have to interpret Bach's writing, even better if it is filtered by a Bösendorfer's sonority and
"sensitivity", as a freedom-imagination that the musical substance - indeed, the character - clarifies and directs.
Bacchetti is the clear bearer of this idea ... his range of staccatos, his taste for agogic oscillation, his study that melts
naturally ... all this comes with his rigorous musical consequentiality that is counterbalanced by an impetuous inspiration
without bordering on extravagance.
CD Reviews
SUONARE NEWS - October 2022 (Angelo Foletto)
He is a champion of piano that the world contends with and envies us. It is Andrea Bacchetti from Camogli, who since he was a
child has revealed extraordinary musical and piano talents in particular, to the point of obtaining the support and encouragement
of exceptional godparents ... his presence within the program of the Aperitif Concerts in the foyer of the Teatro Sociale in
Camogli, with no less than three appointments until December that will give the public the rare opportunity to hear up close, in
an intimate and informal context, an authentic genius of the keyboard ...
Camogli: Sunday Aperitif Concert with Andrea Bacchetti - October 28th, 2022 (press release)
... Three of the most loved composers by the pianist are in the line-up: Bach, Cimarosa and Scarlatti, for a programme of pieces
of whose Bacchetti restores the magic intact ... With each recording release, Bacchetti collects enthusiastic reviews from specialized
magazines from all around the world, who praise his transparency and control of sound, and the depth of his performances ...
Aperitif Concert, Cimarosa and Scarlatti reinterpreted by Bacchetti
Il Secolo XIX - October 30th, 2022 (Rossella Galeotti)
... Born in Camogli and pianist of world renown, Bacchetti will be the protagonist of the aperitif concert at 12. ... Having
been talented since he was a child, Bacchetti focused on his favourite repertoire, which is made up of those keyboard composers
who allow him to fully express his aptitude for phrasing and his sensitivity for the thousand nuances of the piano timbre. He
plays Bach, Cimarosa and Scarlatti.
Prudente and Bacchetti, two Ligurians on musical Sunday in Genoa
La Stampa - October 30th, 2022 (Alessandra Pieracci)
En el marcho de dicha Temporada, este sábado 5 de noviembre a las 19.30 hs, en el Yacht lub Punta del Este, se presenta el pianista
italiano Andrea Bacchetti. Concierto exclusivo para socios del Yacht Club Punta del Este o de «Conciertos del Este».
"Usted posee un excelente curriculum, una muy exitosa trayectoria astistica. El mencionado curriculum puede verse en su web o en la de "Conciertos del Este". Es un verdadero acontecimiento que usted haya debutado con tan
solo 11 años de edad con el famoso I Solisti Veneti, dirigido por Claudio Scimone. Hablemos de cómo se originó ese debut siendo usted
un niño." ...
The Concert Season continues Saturday 5 November at 7:30 p.m. at the Punta del Este Yacht Club, with a performance by the Italian
pianist Andrea Bacchetti. The concert is reserved for members of the Punta del Este Yacht Club and members of the "Conciertos del
Este" Association.
"Yours is a very successful artistic career and you have an excellent curriculum, visible on your website
or on the website Your artistic debut at just 11 years old, directed by Claudio Scimone with the famous
Solisti Veneti, constitutes a real event. Let's talk about when you debuted as a child." ...
Temporada de "Conciertos del Este"
Sinfónica - n.334 Noviembre 2022, (Diego Barreiro)
Andrea Bacchetti and the Teatro Sociale will be protagonists on TV. Two concerts by the pianist from Camogli that were scheduled at
the "Sociale" will be broadcast by Rai5, the national channel dedicated to culture. Tomorrow, on Thursday 1st December, the
concert of 8 March 2022 will be broadcast at 5.44 p.m. On this date Bacchetti performed with Laura Marzadori, first violin of the
orchestra of the Teatro La Scala in Milan. On Friday 2nd, at 5.58 p.m. the concert of 3 November 2021 will be broadcast: then Bacchetti
conducted and played Mozart's Concerto no. 25 for piano and orchestra in C major K 503 as soloist. At his side, on that occasion, the
Carlo Felice Theatre Orchestra. Sold-out the two Aperitif Concerts of the new season of the Teatro Sociale, on the bill in the reduced
on October 30 and November 13 ...
Bacchetti and Teatro Sociale are protagonists on Rai5
Il Secolo XIX - November 30th, 2022 (Rossella Galeotti)
The Boxing Day Afternoon will be dedicated to author music. The appointment is set for 5 p.m. in the Romanesque church to attend the
performance of two great and well-known artists such as pianist Andrea Bacchetti and violinist Francesco Manara ...
Author's notes with Bacchetti and Manara
Il Nuovo Levante - December 23rd, 2022 (newsroom)
... The programme is particularly significant and ranges from Tartini to Beethoven, from Massenet to Saint-Saëns. A combination of
emotion and virtuosity that will be able to involve the public in a journey of absolute poetry. «It is a privilege to be able
to host artists of such high prominence such as Maestro Andrea Bacchetti, who was born in Uscio, the town where his wonderful artistic
career began, and Maestro Francesco Manara, first soloist violin of the Teatro alla Scala...» Giuseppe Garbarino, the mayor of
Uscio, says ...
Bacchetti and Manara, a concert event in the millenary church
Il Secolo XIX - December 23rd, 2022 (Edoardo Meoli)
An opportunity not to be missed is the concert in the Romanesque church of Uscio. Together there will be two exceptional artists,
two excellences in the musical field ... A crowded church, and lots of applause at the end of the scheduled pieces ...
Bacchetti-Manara, super concert in the Romanesque church - December 26th, 2022 (Consuelo Pallavicini)
Over 200 people, a record for the town, attended the concert event last night with Andrea Bacchetti, who is considered one of the
most important pianists in the world, and Francesco Manara, first soloist violin of the Scala Philharmonic Orchestra ... a whole
between emotion and virtuosity that has been able to involve the public in a musical journey of absolute poetry. ...
Concert event by Bacchetti: over 200 people to applaud him - December 26th, 2022 (Consuelo Pallavicini)