
January 2010 |
J.S.Bach - Two-parts Inventions & Sinfonias
- Fono Forum 1/2010 - (Richard Lorber)

- Piano News 1/2010 - (Anja Renczikowski)

- ABC - 31/1/2010 (Alberto Gonzáles Lapuente)

- Fanfare Magazine - Jan-Feb 2010 (Phillip Scott)

J.S. Bach - English Suites
- Ritmo - enero 2010 - (L.G.)

- Fanfare Magazine - Jan-Feb 2010 (Jerry Dubins)

- International Piano - Jan-Feb 2010 (Richard Whitehouse)

February 2010 |
J.S.Bach - Two-parts Inventions & Sinfonias
- Mundoclasico.com - 19 feb 2010 (Ignacio González Pintos)

February 23rd, 2010 |
Milan (Italy), recital
- Andrea Bacchetti for the Musical Evenings
www.corrierebit.com/musica - 24/02/2010 - (Cesare Guzzardella)
March 2010 |
J.S.Bach - Two-part Inventions & Sinfonias
- Suono - March 2010

March 4th, 2010 |
Vicenza (Italy), recital
- Remembering Love the Heine-Schumann Anthem
Il Giornale di Vicenza - 6/03/2010 - (Eva Purelli)
March 11th, 2010 |
Brescia, recital
- Emotions for a few close with Lieder by Schumann
Giornale di Brescia - 13/03/2010 - (Fulvia Conter)
- Nardis and Bacchetti make Heine's poetry relive
BresciaOggi - 17/03/2010 - (N.Spa.)
March 20th, 2010 |
Cherubini - 6 Sonatas
- www.ResMusica.com - (Maxime Kaprielian)

March 23rd, 2010 |
Lima (Peru), recital
- Romanticismo puro
El Comercio - 22/03/2010 - (redacción)
April 2010 |
L. Berio - Piano Works
- The Record Geijutsu - 4/2010

May 2010 |
Cherubini - 6 Sonatas
- scherzo - n.252 mayo 2010

May 25th, 2010 |
Genoa (Italy), recital
- Guidarini and Bacchetti in "Concerto Soirée"
Il Secolo XIX - 24/05/2010 - (Giorgio De Martino)
- Two Genoese musicians for the 20th Century
Il Giornale della Musica.it - 27/05/2010 - (Roberto Iovino)
May 28th, 2010 |
Spoleto (Italy), recital
- Audience in raptures at Caio Melisso theatre about M° Bacchetti
www.tuttoggi.info - 29-31/05/2010
June 2010 |
July 2010 |
J.S.Bach - Two-part Inventions & Sinfonias
- Fedeltà del Suono - nr.175, July 2010 (Luigi Bellingardi)

- Muzyka 21 - july/august 2010 (Pawel Chmielowski)

J.S.Bach - The Toccatas
- Gramophone - July 2010 (Jed Distler)

- MusicWeb-International - July 10th, 2010 (Dominy Clements)

- Panorama - July 15th, 2010 (Lorenzo Arruga)

- Musica - July/August 2010 (Luca Segalla)

- International Record Review - July / August 2010 (Stephen Pruslin)

- International Piano - July / August 2010 (Graham Lock)

September 2010 |
J.S.Bach - Two-parts Inventions & Sinfonias
- amazon.com - customer review - September 8th, 2010 (fCh - GMT-5, USA)

J.S.Bach - The Toccatas
- Scherzo - Septiembre 2010 (Emili Blasco)

- ABC Cultural - Septiembre 2010 (A.G.L.)

- Fanfare Magazine - issue 34:1 Sept/Oct 2010 (Phillip Scott)

Galuppi - Piano Sonatas
- Musical Opinion - nr. 478, Sept/Oct 2010 (Alexander Leonard)

Berio - Piano works
- Fanfare Magazine - issue 34:1 Sept/Oct 2010 (Art Lange)

- Fanfare Magazine - issue 34:1 Sept/Oct 2010 (Colin Clarke)
< a target="_blank" href="Berio_Fanfare_10.2010.htm">

September 28th, 2010 |
Luchon (France), recital
- La Gazette du Comminges - 22 septembre 2010

- www.LaDepeche.fr - 23 septembre 2010

- La Gazette du Comminges - 29 septembre 2010

October 2010 |
Galuppi - Piano Sonatas
- Musical Opinion - Sept/Oct 2010 (Alexander Leonard)

J.S.Bach - The Toccatas
- CD Compact - 10/2010 (Josep Pascual)

- Suono - 10/2010 (Umberto Padroni)

Genoa (Italy), publishing
- Beauty of Sound
In Genoa & Liguria magazine - October 2010
October 12th, 2010 |
Cherubini - 6 Sonatas
- L'Eco di Bergamo - 12/10/2010 (Stefano Cortesi)

October 18th, 2010 |
Rovereto (Italy), recital
- The bright darkness of Nordio and Bacchetti
L'Adige - October 25th, 2010
November 2010 |
Galuppi - Piano sonatas
- Audio Clásica - Año XIII n.161, 11/2010 (Rafael Fernández de Larrinoa)

Cherubini - 6 Sonatas
- Diapason - novembre 2010 (Jean Cabourg)
