

This concert has been organized by GOG, Giovine Orchestra Genovese, and its proceeds will go on charity to "For the smile of Ilaria di Montebruno" Association, that was created in 2014 in order to raise money for the Friedreich's ataxia research. FRDA is a rare and actually incurable genetic disease ... Nowadays Andrea Bacchetti is one of the most sensitive Bach's music performers on piano: he finds a special performing level thanks to his analytic lecture of music and to his refinement in sound articulation ...

Camogli: at the Social Theatre a charity concert by Andrea Bacchetti

www.levantenews.it - December 28th, 2018 (newsroom)

A special artist and a charity date: on Saturday 5th, 9 p.m., thanks to GOG, the Social Theatre hosts a concert by pianist Andrea Bacchetti. Proceeds will go to the "For the smile of Ilaria di Montebruno" Association ... «Our mission and our hope - Ilaria's parents say - is to offer a future to many youths in the world who suffer for FRDA as our daughter, as our friend Emma and as many others»...

Charity concert at the Social Theatre - Andrea Bacchetti against a genetic disease

il Secolo XIX - January 3rd, 2019 Rossella Galeotti

Music touches, fires up excitement and is able to contribute to write a better future for the suffering ones. Tonight, 9 p.m. at the Teatro Sociale in Camogli, the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti will be the protagonist of a charity concert in favour of the "Per il sorriso di Ilaria di Montebruno" Association. An all-Bach program ... «Bach is perfect, he always made me able to go beyond, and that's why I love his music», Bacchetti says «I love to let myself get carried away by music, by its freedom ... tonight I will perform to offer my little contribute».

Andrea Bacchetti on concert to help medical research

il Secolo XIX - January 5th, 2019 Claudio Cabona

Concert Hall of the Accademia Perosi on next Friday night, January 11th, 8.45 p.m. The piano virtuoso Andrea Bacchetti is back in Biella. Bacchetti is a very talented musicians and he already performed in Biella. This time he will play together with Giuseppe Nova, one of the most representative flautists in his generation, according to critics, and with Giorgio Boffa on basso. Boffa is an eclectic musician and since his training he has been pulling together his classical studies with new stylistic paths and unexplored, contemporary ways to express himself ...

Accademia Perosi, three big shots for the Bx3 concert

www.newsbiella.it - January 6th, 2019 (b.b.)

Three composers, all of them first initial "B", and three very talented performers. A concert that runs through ages, weaving three different genres: classical music, jazz and musical. In this new year, the Accademia Perosi concert season starts again tonight, 8,45 p.m., in the Concert Hall (Palazzo Gromo Losa al Piazzo, first floor) with «Bx3: Bach, Bolling, Bernstein», and three exceptional musicians to perform. The piano virtuoso Andrea Bacchetti is back in Biella after his concert with Roberto Ranfaldi on violin (May 2017), this time with Giuseppe Nova, one of the most representative flautists in his generation, according to critics, and the eclectic bass player Giorgio Boffa. ...

A voyage from classical music to jazz: the "Bx3" concert on the stage at the Accademia Perosi

www.lastampa.it - January 11th, 2019 (Simona Romagnoli)

The most awaited concert of the 33rd Chamber and Symphonic Music Season in Mestre at the Toniolo Theatre (2018/2019) sees the Italian, internationally renowned violinist Uto Ughi together with Andrea Bacchetti on piano. On Friday, January 25th, 8:30 p.m., Ughi will be back at the Toniolo fourteen years after his last performance. In 2005, he inaugurated the Music Season after the first phase of restoration of this theatre. This time, he will perform a homage to his amazing career as classical music ambassador in the world. This concert has been conceived by the Artistic Director, Mario Brunello ...

Uto Ughi and Andrea Bacchetti

www.comune.venezia.it - January 8th, 2019 (newsroom)

... and the most awaited concert of the 33rd Chamber and Symphonic Music Season did not disappointed expectations. Long minutes of applauses for Uto Ughi who performed a selection among the most beautiful pieces for violin from Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries ...

Sold out at the Toniolo Theatre in Mestre for the concert "Homage to Uto Ughi"

www.giornalenordest.it - January 26th, 2019 (newsroom)

According to custom, on December 8th the music festival "Dicembremusica" will open. Every year its audience grows more and more ... It is organized by the Phylharminc Society in cooperation with the Chiavari Municipality. Also this year the Superba Chamber Orchestra will be the absolute protagonist, with some of first solos of the Carlo Felice Theatre Orchestra playing ... Another guest who is always really very appreciated by the Chiavari audience will be Maestro Andrea Bacchetti. The piano virtuoso will perform on January 27th, with a concert dedicated to the "Day of Remembrance", for a very emotionally intense date ...

On the stage Superba, then Ventura and Big Band, and Polverelli, Benitez, Iovino, Bacchetti...

il Secolo XIX - November 21st, 2018 (P.P.)

... the GIMYF will debut on Wednesday, January 30th, at Palazzo Ducale. The first concert of the festival will be dedicated to "Central Europe Symphonic Music", and will have Andrea Bacchetti as soloist, with the Alpen Symphonie Orchester and the Spanish conductor Ricardo Casero. The program will see musics by Mozart (the Overture from The Marriage of Figaro and the Concerto No. 25 in C major for piano and orchestra K 503) and by Beethoven (Symphony No. 6, the Pastoral Symphony). A "Sinfonia Caracteristica", which score «expresses sentiment instead of drawing sounds», as Beethoven himself wrote. ...

The "Central Europe Symphonic Music", a concert by Andrea Bacchetti and Ricardo Casero

www.genova24.it - January 29th, 2019 (newsroom)

Genova - You can read it "Gimyf", as it is written, but it has many senses. It is the "Genoa International Music Youth Festival", and it is dedicated to young talents and to anyone who loves classical music. On January 30th, in the hall for the first concert, "Central Europe Symphonic Music", there were about 400 people. To open the soirée, the twelve-years-old Jacopo Di Gennaro, from Rome. To him, the festival was «A chance to perform on an important stage and a great emotion». According to the pianist Andrea Bacchetti, GIMYF was «a homecoming, with the "Alpen Symphonie Orchester"'s enthusiasm». The "Alps Orchestra"" is a team composed by more than 40 professional musicians from several countries, and it operates to promote the territory. ...

Gimyf Festival, sold out for the debut concert

il Secolo XIX - Januar 31st, 2019 (Giulia Cassini)

An excellent substitution for the OSI last date of January in the Auditorium. On Thursday, January 31st, 8:30 p.m. in Lugano (Stelio Molio RSI Auditorium), Krzysztof Urbanski will lead the orchestra in absence of Markus Poschner, who is in Abu Dhabi for a prestigious production by the Bayreuther Festspiele. Many international orchestras contest Urbanski, who is also the Indianopolis Symphony Orchestra. With the fancy Italian pianist Andrea Bacchetti and the OSI, the Polish conductor will perform a program dedicated to the masterpieces by Mozart and Beethoven. ...

Krzysztof Urbanski leads the Italian Switzerland Orchestra (OSI)

www.varesenews.it - January 29th, 2019 (newsroom)

... What do we always look in Mozart?
«The naturalness with which Mozart wrote: he seemed to naturally think to themes, without making adjustments. Choosing tempos setting as performers we have limited scopes, rather we should give character to those themes, always keeping agility and a solid but never heavy line». ...

«Mozart's always actual charm is in the naturalness of his writing»

Corriere del Ticino - January 30th, 2019 (Giovanni Gavazzeni)

... Bacchetti indulges a very few to Romantic abandons and languors. And this sentimental reticence makes him able to transfigure Mozart and Bach's music in very fine lines. Bacchetti prioritises lightness and elegance on timbre richness and phrasing variations. His attitude offers touching sensations for the clear details and the proportion between the parts, but also for the quality in phrasing in the cantabile. Bacchetti's reticence never becomes an aseptic neoclassical perfection. His Mozart was deservedly applauded by the audience ...
The two encores were precious. The Prelude from the English Suite No. 2 in A was perfect in the fingers' game, with a rhythmic, dragging anxiety, as if music was about to break the boundary but never reaching the break point. After that, to complete the soirée, the Goldberg Variations' Aria: melancholic, distant, enigmatic, this Aria could be considered Bacchetti's signature. In fact the pianist has always been obsessed by this masterpiece by Bach ...

The glazed, antiRomantic Mozart by Andrea Bacchetti

www.rivistamusica.com - February, 2019 (Luca Segalla)

FULL ARTICLE (italian)go

... The pianist Andrea Bacchetti performed with all the characteristics that make the audience fully enjoy Mozart's pieces. He has a clear, limpid touch and he is excellent in phrasing, and he also gave to his performance fluency, transparency and clarity. The beautiful frequency he created was great in the first tempo ... Also, the balance between soloist and orchestra was perfect: woods were discreet, often called to accompany, preventing to overshadow piano. Then, in the two Bach encores, Bacchetti demonstrated once again his capabilities with a touching performance. You could clearly enjoy all the counterpoint voices ...
A sold-out hall. That's amazing, if you consider that Schiff and the Cappella Barca were playing the same night at the LAC. Conductor, pianist and orchestra were warmly applauded. And so, we say goodbye to the "OSI in the Auditorium" series with a bang ...

The season "OSI in the Auditorium" closed with a bang

www.ilpaese.ch - February 23rd, 2019 (Carlo Rezzonico)

... on program at Serate Musicali, in the Verdi Hall at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan, the Italian Switzerland Orchestra lead by Krzysztof Urbanski, piano soloist Andrea Bacchetti. For eight seasons the musical director of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the "gritty" Polish conductor made his debut at the Serate Musicali ... the pianist Andrea Bacchetti will be his guest in the first part of the concert, back on the stage of the concert society that hosted his debut in 1988.

The pianist Bacchetti returns with a Mozart concert

www.ilgiornale.it - February 4th, 2019 (LuPav)

The Italian Switzerland Orchestra conducted by Krzysztof Urbanski and Andrea Bacchetti on piano are the protagonists of the concert to be held tonight for the Season of the Concert Society at the Teatro Grande ... a program that will begin and end with Beethoven: the OSI will perform the "Coriolano" Overture as a debut piece by the German genius, followed in the first part by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Concerto for piano and orchestra in C major, K503, performed by Andrea Bacchetti on keyboard; in the second part of the evening, the Symphony in C major op. 21 by Beethoven ...

Bacchetti with the Orchestra of Italian Switzerland

Brescia Oggi - February 5th, 2019 (Luigi Fertonani)

With a truly beautiful program, the Italian Switzerland Orchestra, on tour directed by Krzysztof Urbanski, arrived at the Teatro Grande on Tuesday. ... Then the well-known pianist Andrea Bacchetti appeared. He often performed in Brescia. After the dense orchestral introduction, the soloist performed Mozart's K.503 with confidence, clarity of sound, regularity and extremely well-organized dynamism. The «Allegro maestoso» is complex, virtuoso and masterly: the piano is part of the orchestral discourse. Mozart, in 1786, seemed not to be really interested in the pleasure with which he had imposed himself on the Viennese public. The «Andante» followed full of ideas, expressive. Finally, the «Allegretto», imaginative, playful, operatic. Long applauded, the pianist conceded an excellent Sonata by Scarlatti, with freshness, good taste. ...

The Orchestra is excellent, the director is young

Il Giornale di Brescia - February 7th, 2019 (Fulvia Conter)

A splendid personal success for the pianist Andrea Bacchetti, last night at the Teatro Grande ... an excellent interpretation for the pianist, who always dialogues tightly with the orchestra - a rigorous conversation between the parts, piano and orchestra, perfectly integrated. The Andante was very nice. Bacchetti was able to exhibit a remarkable virtuosity, which he represented in the final Rondò, reaffirming with a special lightness that was perfect with the popular atmosphere of this brilliant conclusion ... the public drew Andrea Bacchetti back on stage over and over again, and got a delicate Bach encore, greeted by new applauses ... the pianist signed his records in the Ridotto del Teatro Grande, and the small crowd of enthusiasts who gathered around him further testifies the remarkable impression he generated during the concert ...

Bacchetti, an authorial dialogue

Brescia Oggi - February 7th, 2019 (Luigi Fertonani)

The Enoarmonie festival, which offers the unusual and very appreciated combination of great music and prestigious regional and national wines, stops off in Cividale del Friuli, the city of the Sergio Gaggia musical association, promoter of the event. The fourth event on program will be hosted by an unusual venue with excellent acoustics, the auditorium of the "Elvira and Amalia Piccoli" middle school: "Bach versus Jazz" is the promising title of the evening, which will see the Alba Music Festival Ensemble (composed by the excellent flutist Giuseppe Nova, by the pianist Andrea Bacchetti, also known for his television appearances in a lucky transmission by Piero Chiambretti, and by Giorgio Boffa on double bass) perform on music by J.S. Bach, C. Bolling, L. Bernstein. ...

Enoarmonie makes a stop in Cividale

www.ilfriuli.it - February 23rd, 2019 (newsroom)

... Interpretación de fino pulimento y luminosidad que los conocedores esperan en las grabaciones de los concertos para piano. Bacchetti y Luisi muestran conciencia del estilo clásico, y tocan de manera bastante limpia y expresiva ... A destacar las cadencias del propio Mozart con la cual Bacchetti nos deleita en cada una de las obras. Por lo general, el pianista italiano mantiene su juego bajo control, en un intento de imitar el pequeño sonido del fortepiano, sin embargo, deja de lado esta pretensión y toca el pedal en pasajes fortisimos y en momentos de gran emoción. La orquesta se ha reducido a proporciones clásicas, con precisión en el tono de cuerda y los timbres de viento. ...

Crítica - Discos A - Z

Ritmo.es magazine - n.927 March 2019, (Luis Suárez)



... in Foggia three great protagonists of the international concert scene: Maxence Larrieu, one of the most famous flautists in the world, awarded by the French government with the Legion of Honor and of the Knighthood of Arts and Literature, the famous Italian colleague Giuseppe Nova and the extraordinary pianist Andrea Bacchetti, soloist and chamber musician admired by the major international audiences. A team of excellences, therefore, that will offer a sophisticated program that ranges from original pieces for two flutes and piano to opera paraphrases to the Foggia audienc ...

One of the greatest flautists in the world arrives in Foggia for Musica Felix

www.ilgiornaledimonte.it - February 27th, 2019 (newsroom)

... The concert highlights the qualities of the flute in all its technical and musical possibilities, emphasized and enhanced by Bacchetti's piano style, a classical artist also known to the general public for his participation in the television programs of Piero Chiambretti. ...

For Musica Felix the flautist Maxience Larrieu

www.statoquotidiano.it - February 27th, 2019 (newsroom)

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On Monday, March 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall of the Matera Campus, University of Basilicata, there will be the third appointment of the "Universa Musica" cycle of lesson-concerts, in order to celebrate Johann Sebastian Bach's birthday (born on 31 March of 1685). To the great German composer the concert lesson will be entirely dedicated by the internationally renowned pianist Andrea Bacchetti, who will perform three English and French Suites (BWV 807-810-816), the Ouverture nach Französische Art in B minor BWV 831 and the Chromatic Fantasy and escape in D minor BWV 903 ...

Universa Musica celebrates Bach's birthday with a concert in the auditorium of the Matera Campus

www.sassilive.it - March 15th, 2019 (newsroom)

An Egyptian conductor, two great Italian soloists and the Sanremo Symphony Orchestra to pay a tribute to one of the greatest geniuses that music has ever known. ... El Saedi studied and made his debut in Vienna, later he conducted orchestras such as the Royal Symphony Orchestra and the Prague Symphony Orchestra, and he is also a highly regarded composer. The Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti had his debut at age of eleven at the Verdi Hall of the Milano Conservatory with the Solisti Veneti; he graduated from the Paganini Conservatory in Genova and also studied with Luciano Berio. Giuseppe Nova debuted as a soloist with the Rai Symphony Orchestra, and is considered one of the best Italian flautists ...

Bacchetti, Al Saedi and Nova, at the Casino to pay tribute to Mozart

La Stampa - March 21st, 2019 (Marco Corrado)

Andrea Bacchetti achieved an intense concert player career after his debut as child prodigy playing. When he was just eleven years old, in fact, he performed with the Solisti Veneti under the lead by Claudio Scimone. After that, he played many recitals for piano solo and many concerts together with famous orchestras and great conductors, from the Salzburg Chamber Orchestra to the Scala Philharmonic Orchestra, from the Hamburg Philarmonie der Nationen to the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra. Plus, he recorded many discs, especially for Sony Classical.

Andrea Bacchetti plays Bach

www.daybreakmusic.it - March 15th, 2019 (newsroom)

... At 5,30 p.m. a great afternoon of music will be performed for the Roman Philharmonic Academy, in the Casella Hall. Piano and Johann Sebastian Bach. Pianist Andrea Bacchetti will play masterpieces by the great musician from Eisenach ...

Classical concert week in Rome, March 18-24

www.aboutartonline.com - March 16th, 2019 (Claudio Listanti)

... His vocation for piano, his technical capability and his beautiful touch made Andrea Bacchetti dear to the great avant-garde composer Pierre Boulez. Boulez, shared Bacchetti's passion for Bach. And not for nothing, also today concert will be dedicated to the German Maestro. Also, you have not to be surprise if contemporary composers see Bach as the maestro, because purity of shape and mathematical perfection in his music have the same abstract structure of a lot of avant-garde music ... In Bacchetti's repertoire, you can find many works by Pierre Boulez and Luciano Berio, which he performs with the same clearness and lightness which the Eighteenth-Century harpsichord players had. An enviable capability. ...

Maestro and avant-gardes' prophet: Bach's revolution

il Tempo - March 24th, 2019 (Paola Pariset)

Today, at the Roman Philharmonic Academy, the concert will be a homage to Bach. Andrea Bacchetti will perform, 41, one of the most interesting pianists of the last generations. He has a particular affection for Bach's repertoire, and he recorded it many times ...

A recital by Bacchetti, Bach's pianist

Il Messaggero - March 24th, 2019 (newsroom)

The Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti performed at the Philharmonic. At last! He has an amazing international career, that is true, but it is really hard to find him in Rome, also because of his new TV duties. He passionately studied Bach, especially Goldberg Variations, recording with Decca and Sony Classic. "His Bach" is his strong suit, without devaluing the masterpieces for keyboard by Cherubini and Scarlatti which Bacchetti always performed brilliantly. So, Bach was the absolute protagonist of Bacchetti's concert on March 24th, at the Philharmonic Academy of Rome, in front of an audience of specialists and attentive listeners in the Casella Hall. Bacchetti offered what they expected. He played six complex works, all of them by heart and without intermission. One of these works was BWV 802-805, the four Duets, four pieces with fugues. With his agile and bright phrasing, Bacchetti performed some of the English and French Suites, with the Overture in the French style BWV 831, with all its ten joyful dances. Then, an amazing Bach for his obscure counterpoint, the Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor BWV 903 (1720): Bacchetti performed this work in his proper relentless rhythm and a sharp pianism without making concessions to reach the magistral break of the fugue. After this trial, probably nobody waited for those Duets, with their extraordinary fugues. This was the great concert by Bacchetti at the Philharmonic.

Bacchetti's piano charms the Philharmonic

www.uniromanetwork/altervista.org - March 26th, 2019 (Paola Pariset)


FULL ARTICLE (italian)go

Spotlight «Albino classico« exhibition this month. ... The eighteenth edition will begin on Saturday 30, at 9 p.m., in the San Giuliano Church with the "Marino" Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Natale Arnoldi. The Genoese 41-year-old pianist Andrea Bacchetti will be the soloist. They will perform Mayr's concerto in C major for piano and chamber orchestra, the Mozart's concerto in E flat major for piano and orchestra and the Symphony in D major n. 42 by Haydn ...

Andrea Bacchetti inaugurates the Albino classic season

Suonare News - n.258 March 2019, (newsroom)


FULL ARTICLE (italian)go

It's been a long time since I last listened to a concert by Andrea Bacchetti, to whom I dedicated many articles. Yesterday a "double concerto" gave me the chance to listen to him again, performing both as soloist and as well together with other excellent musicians, the flautist Giuseppe Nova and the double bass player Giorgio Boffa. In the first part, Bacchetti played his beloved Bach with the French Overture in B minor BWV 831, the Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor BWV 903, and the Four Duets BWV 802-805. The famous pianist is one of the best Italian Bach interpreters since years, and yesterday he confirmed his excellent qualities with an interpretation that looked different, event better, to me, than those I was used to. Bacchetti showed a greater creativity and expressed it with a surer touch, a better conciseness in discourse and better dynamic contrasts: these characteristics offered an excellent performance, even in the hardest Fantasia and Fugue ...

Bacchetti, Nova and Boffa: a trio at the Conservatory Serate Musicali

www.corrierebit.com - April 2nd, 2019 (Cesare Guzzardella)

Do you remember him in the TV show Chiambretti Night? He was the pianist who, with his "surreal" presence, rebutted each and every sharp point by the clever Chiambretti. The forty-one-years-old Andrea Bacchetti, former child prodig who enchanted Karajan and who was chosen by Luciano Berio as the absolute, definitive performer of his compositions. He didn't pretend on TV. He is really different from the charming posers who are everywhere, even in classical music. He diverges. And his programs diverge too ...

Bacchetti "My little concert without orchestra"

La Repubblica - April 15th, 2019 (Nicoletta Sguben)

Together with the pianist Andrea Bacchetti, the musicians of the Teatro della Scala performed in the Verdi Hall to play Mozart, Mayr, Rossini and Bottesini. Bacchetti opened the concert playing the Sonata in D Major K 576 with flowing fluidity, light touch and a remarkable dynamic sensitiveness. His formal but really expressive perfection was evident also in the other two pieces Bacchetti performed with the orchestra: first, the unreleased Concerto no.2 in C Major by Johann Simon Mayr (1763-1845) and then the Concerto in C Major K 503 by Mozart in the chamber music transcription for the six musicians ... An amazing concert! We'll remember it.

The Scala musicians an Andrea Bacchetti at the Serate Musicali

www.corrierebit.com - April 16th, 2019 (Cesare Guzzardella)

Easter concert on Sunday 21st, 6 p.m., at the Teatro dell'Unione in Viterbo. There will be a special guest in order to close the lyrical and symphonic music festival: the pianist Andrea Bacchetti. The musical season is promoted by Viterbo Civic Hall together with ATCL - Theatre Association among the Lazio Civic Halls - and Mythos Opera Festival. The theme of the concert is a historical music duel, between Mozart and Salieri, who were portrayed as rivals by Puskin in the terrible myth about Mozart having been poisoned. Being an incredible classical performer, Andrea Bacchetti, renown as the Chiambretti Night Show pianist, will offer to us an excursus between these two composers. ...

The pianist Andrea Bacchetti at the Easter concert on the Teatro dell'Unione stage

www.ellemagazine.it - April 16th, 2019 (newsroome)

An entire month of classical music, four concerts dedicated to piano and to the art of keyboard. ... On April 28th, 11 a.m., on piano there will be Andrea Bacchetti, who had his debut at the age of eleven with the Solisti Veneti and who performed in the most important international festivals and prestigious music centers in his career. He will perform a curious program entitled «Mozart vs Salieri». ...

Alba: a stage for talented and fine pianists

La Stampa - April 20th, 2019 Cristina Borgogno

... during the «Music at School Week», a venture by the Ministry of Education, of University and Research, there will be "Musicians at School", an event with Roberto Ranfaldi, violinist of the RAI Symphonic Orchestra, and Andrea Bacchetti to accompany on piano ...

Ranfaldi and Bacchetti at the Pascoli School

Il Monferrato - May 14th, 2019 m.cast.

He played for 77 minutes, maybe even more, without a break to present his new record. The Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti proposed his "Mister Bach's European Journey", hat has been released by Musicmedia ... We can consider it a marathon, because he played all the pieces in the CD in a matinée, in the music hall of the Relais Santa Croce, for a Bösendorfer Lounge musical mornings ... The most charming piece in the program was the Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue BWV 903: in its structure, Bach looked to the future anticipating some Nineteenth Century peculiar solutions. Bacchetti indulged this impulse, proposing also a lecture of the Fugue, that was less austere than usual and very cantabile. ... The audience payed a great attention to this repertoire, then enjoyed the informal chat Bacchetti offered after the concert. Or better, after the official program, because Bacchetti also performed an entire sonata (K 545), all its three movements, after talking of Mozart, accepting the invite by a spectator. Because a marathon worthy of its name goes on even after the finish line.

A Bach Marathon with Andrea Bacchetti

La Nazione - May 26th, 2019 Michele Manzotti

On Thursday, June 13rd, 7 p.m., Andrea Bacchetti will perform the first concerto of his Japanese tour in the "Shizuoka ongakukan AOI" vent hall. This event is promoted by the CIDIM (Italian National Music Committee) for the "Suono Italiano" project. "Suono Italiano" (Italian Sound) has been realized thanks to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism - Show Business General Direction. This tour will see also concerts in Machida (Saturday 15th), Nagoya (Sunday 16th), Tokyo (Monday 17th and Thursday 20th), and then back to Nagoya (Saturday 22nd). ...

The pianist Andrea Bacchetti opens his Japanese Tour

www.aise.it - June 11th, 2019 newsroom

... Also the duo Nishimura Naoya and Andrea Bacchetti has been stunning since the first moment. ... I knew the exceptional qualities of a true virtuoso that Nishimura Naoya has got, and I had great expectations for the co-protagonist, the Italian genius Andrea Bacchetti. The result has been even better than expected. ... Both musicians have been able to adjust their tones depending on the musical phrase and the composer's style, making the music sheet stand out rather than themselves. ... A variety of timbres, perfect freedom swerves and, above all, a movement of piano that was full of improvisation; especially the improvisation of the sonata by Ravel, never listened to before. ..

Tokai Gakuen, an opera teacher and a violinist specialized in Nissei ""Hengle" and Nishimura Naoya

www.iketakuhonpo.com - June 21st, 2019 Takuo Ikeda


FULL ARTICLE (japanese)go

There was a large crowd yesterday in the Santa Caterina Oratory at Cervo. There, the Ligurian pianist Andrea Bacchetti, who debuted very young and who is now world-widely renown, performed a few of the most famous works by one of the greatest composers of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach... A synthesis between ancient and modern, between science and invention. ...

Cervo: a great success yesterday in the Santa Caterina Oratory for Andrea Bacchetti's piano concert

www.sanremonews.it - July 18th, 2019 newsroom

Italian pianist Andrea Bacchetti is one of the great Bach performers of our time and he convinces again with his new album and shows the listener a lively, virtuoso composer beyond all intellectual interpretations. "Mister Bach's European Journey" is therefore a musical journey full of sparkling ideas, rousing dynamics, wonderful poetry and simple but always captivating expressiveness. Bacchetti also proves to be a wonderful architect who skillfully combines musical lines, tonal transparency and interpretative flow. The choice to record Bach's music on the Bösendorfer 280 Vienna Concert proves to be an excellent solution, as Bachetti skillfully shows that Bach's music can be played on such a sonorous instrument, opening up new tonal perspectives that move away from the subtlety of chamber music and present Bach as a thoroughly captivating, virtuosic composer. Thus, the listener experiences 77 minutes of musical pleasure. Unfortunately, the sound quality does not quite correspond to the level of the performances.

Bach with Bacchetti on tour in Europe

www.pizzicato.lu - July 31st, 2019 Alain Steffen



... "Rapallo at the piano" is back for its 3rd edition with two days of music in the squares of the town ... And there is a very awaited guest, the outstanding Andrea Bacchetti who reaches Rapallo after his third tour in Japan, that went sold-out, but also after his success in the concert with the Orquesta Filarmonica Municipal de Guayaquil ... He is living a year rich of successes: he performed concerts with the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, a sold-out event in Saint Petersburg, and he played as protagonist in Cortona Mix Festival with Michele Di Toro, and also in Paris with Uto Ughi ...

Five music "island"

Il Secolo XIX - July 28th, 2019 Silvia Pedemonte

La relación entre Andrea Bacchetti y Bach no solo se ha manifestado en el apellido del pianista; para el italiano es una disciplina, un deber diario que se ha convertido en una rutina exigente, plena de dedicación y perfeccionismo ... Bacchetti vuelve a demonstrar que su Bach tiende al nervio, a la intensidad de la pulsación, a la expresividad en el extremo; es decir, su Bach es no convencional, arrastra una pasión desmedida, pero fruto de una inteligencia y reflexión muy concendradas ...

Critica Discos A-Z

RITMO - nr.932 Septiembre 2019, Gonzalo Pérez Chamorro



... Returning to style, Bacchetti's approach seems to me to have become ever more narrative over the years, moving further away from the analytical touch of Glenn Gould and seeking the human voice in Bach's expressive worlds. The results are by no means heavy, but the drama in the music is allowed to speak as well as the purity of the notes. The excitement in that feeling of abandon which we have from, for instance, the opening Prelude of BWV 807, is palpable, and the melancholy story that unfolds from the gorgeous Sarabande from the same work traverses poignant regret, hope and many of life's hard-won lessons in under a minute and a half. ... This is a movement that anticipates Beethoven and others, and Bacchetti whips up a storm as well as creating something poetic and tender. ...


www.musicweb-international.com - October 2019, Dominy Clements



We know very well Andrea Bacchetti's qualities. He is a Genoese pianist who has been playing in Verdi Hall since years and we appreciated his performing skills ... Bacchetti has an excellent, bright and stylistically precise sound. He found a good orchestra, with very Italian timbrals to shape the three tempos of the Concerto no. 8 for piano and orchestra in C major K246. These tempos are characterized by the youthful freshness that Mozart had at the age of twenty ...

Bacchetti, Alogna and the Chamber Orchestra Fiorentina in Conservatory

www.corrierebit.com - October 30th, 2019 Cesare Guzzardella

There's some beautiful playing here of French and English suites, with decent attack and articulation, but the whole thing sounds as if it were recorded in a carpeted sitting room.

Brief Notes

BBC Music Magazine - November 2019, OC



Being now a mature and affirmed pianist, Andrea Bacchetti has the merit to publish recordings which are never predictable nor related to commercial trends. Instead, these recordings are almost always driven by his interpretative impulses and by a coherent and specific musical path. It is the case also of this last CD, which wants to focus the European path, if we can call it so, of J.S. Bach. Everyone knows that the magnificent musician from Eisenach never crossed his homeland borders, limiting his scope to his Thuringia and going only to Leipzig, where he died at the age of 65. But he hadn't any problem to assimilate foreign music. He decided to study thoroughly sheets and texts instead of training on the field. He collected pages of French, Italian and even Nordic and Spanish music, and he studied them assiduously. They contributed to his evolution as composers, also through un his continuous work of transcription and reworking. For this reason, in Bach the several styles and musical schools are well evident also when they are not explicit in titles. Bacchetti shows them to us in his way through two English Suites (BWV 810 and BWV 807), two French Suites (BWV 816 and BWV 831) together with the Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue BWV 903 and with the Four Duettos (BWV 802, 803, 804 and 805). The Genoese soloist's pianism is always shining and well proportioned: it gives us back an authoritative Bach in his geometric plasticity in sound and in construction, following a dialectic coherence that is in perfect empathy with key notes.


Amadeus - nr.11/360 November 2019 Antonio Brena

... Andrea Bacchetti takes this European journey on a modern piano ... his dried touch and his use of pedal doesn't betray the sheet. Instead, for a moment they allude to harpsichord sonorities, and the sequent moment they suggest another dimension for Bach's journey, spacing through the European and through time to future.

To listen to

Musica Insieme - nr.4/2019 December 2019 Roberta Pedrotti

... « had the chance to study and work with Maestro Berio and Maestro Baumgartner. They both strongly helped me to build "my" Bach. On one side, the charm of thought and beautiful and innovative ideas by the greatest contemporary composers; on the other side, the rigor, the classicism, the history, the schooling by one of the greatest chamber musicians of our time» ...

Italian Maestros - Gabriele Pieranunzi and Andrea Bacchetti

Musica Insieme - nr.4/2019 December 2019 Mariateresa Storino

FULL ARTICLE (italian)go

... Those who participated in the concert were part of a true and proper reification of Mozart spirit. The author of this «revival» were five exceptional musicians: the pianist Andrea Bacchetti and the violinist Gabriele Pieranunzi, both performers and rediscoverers of sophisticated repertoires, together with three fine chamber musicians as Fabrizio Falasca, Francesco Fiore and Giovanni Gnocchi ... with two quartet with piano and a concerto for piano and orchestra, "delicious cameos" as Maestro Pieranunzi defined these pieces, they showed that Mozart that lies hidden behind a glaze of simplicity with that we are used to associate him. While the Schubert trio showed the inevitable influence which Mozart had on all those who followed him.
The five musicians themselves presented the program like an example of intellectual, timbrical and color virtuosity. In this way, they broke the fourth wall - a thing I always appreciate, because it makes the spectators part of the musical journey the musicians are going to undertake, closing the gap between the stage and the audience. ...

Mozart's virtuosity to Manzoni

www.chorusmartini.it - December 16th, 2019 Roberta Rimondi

The pianist Andrea Bacchetti has got a musical world that is characterized by many interests, repertoires and desire to experiment. And in this world a special is reserved to Bach's music ... Who wants to experience Bach on a modern piano has to respect the score and simultaneously not to distort an instrument with many mechanical and dynamic possibilities. It is a complex issue, but Bacchetti - a youth of great experience - is capable to impress with his self-confidence and his technical strength.

Bacchetti plays Bach

Trovaroma - December 8th, 2019 M.L.

Bach's music has always been at the heart of Andrea Bacchetti's stylistic research in his concerts and in his recordings; Bacchetti is one of the most original and appreciated pianists on the international scene, today. ... Tonight, he presents a monographic concert with a remarkably challenging program. It considers how much stylistic variety there is in Bach's keyboard music ...

Andrea Bacchetti: when piano plays blaring Bach

La Repubblica, December 11th, 2019 Andrea Penna

In Rome he played on March in the Casella Hall for the Filarmonica Romana: the Genoese Andrea Bacchetti is now back in the city with his Bach, in the Ennio Morricone Auditorium at Tor Vergata University ... By now, the pianist focuses on Bach's repertoire in an all-embracing deepening. His lecture is on the one hand severe and labyrinthic in counterpoint, on the other hand enlighted by the purest joy, with something of paradisiac ...

Bacchetti with his Bach

Il Tempo - December 11th, 2019 Paola Pariset
