Classical Notes Suites and Variations, how different Bach is
La Stampa - March 18th, 2006 (Sandro Cappelletto)
We don’t know why these six Suites are called "English" each one starts with a
prelude in a "fugato" style and goes from six to eight movements. It is a keyboard which must be played
like an orchestra, while he cites, assimilates and changes the different musical styles of the time
with that skill - proper to Bach - to remain still himself. Bacchetti falls in love with this variety
of writing; he never loses sight of the complexity of the sound architecture, but he follows its
beatings, its diversions, the rings that divide and multiply the linearity of the way.
His performance is very attentive to the variety of the weight of the sound, to the mobility of the
narrative step and the inspiration of the moment charms him perhaps more than the rule does ...
Music Cultured CDs to be bought, CDs to be avoided
J.S. BACH English Suites - Andrea Bacchetti, 2 CDs Decca
Specchio - March 25th, 2006 (Sandro Cappelletto)
The young pianist, grown up at Imola school, penetrates into Bach's universe through
the door of sound, so affecting, full of passion, but paying attention to formal structures.
Invention and law.
Reviews CD BACH, English Suites
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - DECCA 476 3127 (2 CDs) DDD
Musica - nr. 175, April 2006 (Luca Segalla)
... The young Andrea Bacchetti faces Bach from a definitely personal point of view,
with very refined sonorities (also the quality of the recording is excellent, on a Fazioli piano),
very pianistic, warm and enveloping sonorities, always supported by the pedal. ... the phrasing
is animated by delicate shades and by a meticulous work on timbre.
Just in the timbre we must notice one of the most peculiar Bacchetti's features, because if the
dynamics are contained, according to a philological perspective, the colour of the sound remains
dark and the touch is far from the incisiveness with whom most of modern performers play Bach,
Andras Schiff above all. Bacchetti's approach is an analytical one, which on one hand shows off
the structure of Bach's counterpoint, on the other hand the secret and totally inner
"cantabilità" ... with results of extraordinary poetry. It's an uncommon fact when a
young man comes to a Bach’s vision that is so original and coherent at the same time ... an
intellectual and ascetical Bach, totally inward, far away from tangible world ... it's impossible
non to recognize his charm.
Reviews CD "Andrea's Bach"
J.S. BACH, The English Suites - Andrea Bacchetti, piano - DECCA 4763127
Il Giornale della Musica - nr. 4 2006 (Roberto Iovino)
... Bach is perfectly proper to the critical "pianismo" of the young Genoese
artist, meticulous in his unravelling the contrapuntal plots, self-possessed in his dynamic
choices ... then the reading of English Suites showed in this CD is beautiful. With a brilliant
technique Bacchetti transfer Bach's harpsichord atmospheres to the keyboard of his piano in an
architectonic vision of lucid expositive and emotional conceit.
Classical Music Bacchetti, ex-wonder child, plays Bach thinking of Berio
Il Piccolo, Trieste - April 3rd, 2006 (Stefano Bianchi)
... After Decca CD published in 2001 with Luciano Berio's pianistic compositions, which
consecrates Bacchetti as a favoured witness of his Master's heritage ... now the double record
(always for Decca) with six Bach's English Suites onfirms Bacchetti as a great performer ...
Rigour and imagination are those categories which are the foundations of pages composed like a
systematic reiteration of a precise structural pattern ... rigour and imagination are categories
displayed by Bacchetti within a performance which stands out for its beauty of sound, for the
grace-notes: pieces to be listened and re-listened to with renewed wonder.
Column News in CD
Young big talents in Decca recordings
La Cittadella, Mantova - April 7th, 2006 (Dino Gatti)
... Andrea Bacchetti belongs to the narrow crowd of young Italian pianist honouring
our "concertismo" ... A reading of English Suites that is worthy of the highest esteem
from philological and stylistic side, a reading that convinces us again that Kantor from Lipsia's
works played on the modern "Gran Coda" instead of on the original harpsichord don’t play
out of tone at all, confuting the traditionalist...
Performance The Classical at the disco
Bacchetti's English Suites
Gazzetta di Parma - April 18th, 2006 (g.p.m.)
... What makes Bacchetti's performance particularly captivating is the sense of
naturalness of the talking that he takes out from the writing; without neither forcings nor
transgressions, obviously, but as if it was driven by an internal vitality which doesn't
necessarily mean scorching the earth and going fast, under the digital goad that such pages
are able to trigger off. The talking moves with a pleasantly enveloping pace ... with a taste,
a measure, a fragrance that - showing a right emancipation from the mortgage of the harpsichord
that sounds a bit forced in many executions - rescues these extraordinary pages from that sense
of graceful stylisation that often becomes "maniera".
J.S. Bach "English Suites Bwv 806-811", Andrea Bacchetti piano - 2 CDs Decca
Il Sole-24 Ore - nr.117 April 30th, 2006 (C.M.)
The worthy initiative of record company Decca goes on: this initiative highlights
the best Italian talent through a series of monographic portraits that were specularly built
between author and interpreter. ... Andrea Bacchetti, swift, rational, with an astonishing
geometrical precision reads English Suites projecting them into the future with a tenth-century
sensitivity ...
Classical Passed and failed candidates
Bach: English Suites - Pianist Andrea Bacchetti, 2 CDs Decca
Io Donna, Weekly of Corriere della Sera - April 30th, 2006 (Enrico Girardi)
All the pianists of the new generation come up to Bach trying to vivify the phrasing
and the colours, through the peculiar brilliance that comes from a very coarse-grain articulation
of harpsichord. And Andrea Bacchetti, who is the esteemed Italian representative of that
generation, isn't an exception, even in Preludes and in Dances of the so called six English Suites,
he never overdoes and he finds an already mature balance between modernity and tradition.
Music Bach, our contemporary
Pianist Bacchetti performs English Suites in an album consisting of two Decca CDs
Quadrivio, Rovigo - April 2006 (Sergio Garbato)
... A complete pianist who has already a complete mastery of all his means, Andrea
Bacchetti, endowed with a faultless technique that yet never becomes useless virtuosity but
instead essential support to interpretative choices that are clear sighted and sometimes keen,
always very coherent ... Andrea Bacchetti proposes a totally pianistic Bach, without letting
the shadows of philology and of the fathers of interpretations awe himself, without renouncing
a density of timbre and sound which is daughter of our contemporaneusness.
Cd and Video Bach, English Suites
Andrea Bacchetti - Decca / 2 CDs / 4763127 / Universal Music Italia Distribution / 2005
DDD / Booklet: suff. / Italian / 080506 -
Artistic score:  ,
Technic score:
Amadeus - May 2006 (Nicoletta Sguben)
... Completely inside the world of Bach's Suites, Andrea Bacchetti performed them
all in a series of concerts, and now a double CD comes out with six English Suites Bwv 806-811,
a recording which - just in relation to live exhibitions - can be considered a fixed point, a
verge of maturity ... Andrea Bacchetti, - this is a well-known fact - has in his artistic
DNA the contemporary language (Berio pronounced praising words for the Genoese pianist, electing
him as an interpreter of absolute level of his music). A language which leads like an upside-down
telescope Bacchetti's approach towards all that goes backwards, as far as music is concerned.
... A clear and rigorous interpretation, a Bach who is driven by pure language that shapes himself
on the language of dance with fancy, dream lightings of detached gallantry, without overdoing,
without anything unfounded.
Cd and Video Bach, English Suites
Andrea Bacchetti Decca / 4763127 /
Classic Voice - June 2006 (Gian Paolo Minardi)
... a lively personality, driven by a slight inquietude and by a cultural curiosity
that leads him towards the most various haunts, on the soloist ground as well as on the chamber
one. ... What makes Bacchetti's performance particularly captivating is the sense of naturalness
of the talking that he takes out from the writing; without neither forcings nor transgressions,
obviously, but as if it was driven by an internal vitality which doesn't necessarily mean
scorching the earth and going fast, under the digital goad that such pages are able to trigger
off. The talking moves, passing from a dancer to another, with a pleasantly enveloping pace ...
with a taste, a measure, a fragrance that - showing a right emancipation from the mortgage of
the harpsichord that sounds a bit forced in many executions – rescues these extraordinary pages
from that sense of graceful stylisation that often becomes "maniera".
Reviews English Suites BWV 806-811
ELLE Classic - June 2006 (Elsa Airoldi)
... Fazioli piano moderates with the amber colour of its voice the sharp sonorities
and the performer's Enlightement objectivity; Andrea Bacchetti often abandons himself to
moments of intense timbre and psychological sensibility.
BILL Two days of Bach for Andrea Bacchetti
From wonder child to great performer - New CD recorded in a record-time by the young
Genoese pianist
il Giornale - June 1st, 2006 (FeR)
... the ex genius-child, keen on music and football, was able to grow as far
as age and skill and expressive maturity are concerned, and he renews himself concert after
concert, record after record. Until he came to Bach, very concentrated, inspired, respectful
of tradition and - at the same time - devoid of conditionings, resolute and determined to
"perform" without "forcing" ...
MUSIC Reviews: Bach, English Suites (BWV 806-811)
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Decca / 2 cds / 4763127 /
Reviewd on magazine "Suono" nr. 393, 6/2006
Artistic score: 9
Technical score: 9 - June 15th, 2006 (Pietro Acquafredda)
... with this record Andrea Bacchetti wants to introduce himself as a complete
performer starting from Bach's literature "for keyboard", a risky fund for anyone,
after Glenn Gould put his hand on it, And he does it with an instrument that is a pride of
the big Italian building tradition: a Fazioli (F278) piano... what cancels every doubt is
the fact that Bacchetti warms the clearness of articulations with "humanitas":
without such a humanitas all great Bach's music would be a cold exercise of composition.
Reviews Decca for young pianists: Bach with Bahrami and Bacchetti
Musica & Scuola - 20th Year nr.11, June 15th, 2006 (Dino Gatti)
... "Decca" launches on record market other two young emerging performers
of keyboard, engaged in two complete Bach's works, the "Six English Suites". We are
talking about Ramin Bahrami and Andrea Bacchetti, the former was born in Teheran and the latter
in Genoa ... These two main Bach's works find high-level performances for right balance of sound,
admirable touch, sense of style and careful interpretative choice of the grace-notes, making
these recordings become important documents we can refer to ...
CD & DVD A Bach with an extraordinary maturity of thought
Cadenze, periodical of musical information - nr.7, June-August 2006 (Cesare Venturi)
... In the eternal dilemma whether exploit or not the greater chances of expression
and colour of piano in comparison with harpsichord, Andrea Bacchetti finds a point of balance,
between philology and "modern" freedom. Then, if the dynamics are restrained with
uniformity and without excessive sudden variations in favour of a linearity that makes the
clearness of counterpoint show off, the pianist feels an intimate need to intensify the
thematic aspects also by changes of speed and variety of touch that free player’s imagination ...
SHOWS Bacchetti, a CD dedicated to Bach
An integral edition of the exacting English Suites comes out for Decca
Libertà, Milan - July 2nd, 2006 (Alfredo Tenni)
A few weeks ago, within a concert at Milan Conservatory, the audience could watch
an extremely interesting pianistic performance – mature, intelligent, even innovating - of
Goldberg Variations, the most difficult and threatening of all Bach's masterpieces that a
pianist concert performer can face. ... Bacchetti offers an eloquent sample of his "Bach
style", also in a wonderful, exemplary double CD published by Decca. ... Bacchetti in
his Suites is a master in his own right. There aren’t "finto cembalistiche"
affectations, he doesn't tear along the keyboard: the perfect technique and the clear and
limpid touch are at the service of a sober style, lacking of exhibitionism, turned towards
that kind of intellectual emotion so congenial to Bach. ...
Gentlemen Back in Bach: Andrea Bacchetti plays the great Master
MF Milano Finanza - October 20th, 2006 (Andrea Milanesi)
After Glenn Gould, to go back to play Bach on piano you must have courage, or
something new to say. Bacchetti faces English Suites with an aim: giving back to Bach's page
the ancient quiver of dance from which they were born ... a dance without age, never avid
for spaces or acrobatics, but kept by Bacchetti on his fingertip: with grace and competence.
Classic Music Reviews
J.S. Bach, English Suites BWV 806-811 - Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Decca (2 cds)
Artistic Quality: 8
Sound Quality: 9
Audio Review - nr.11 November 2006 (Stefano Catucci)
... Bacchetti combines inspiration with rigour, imagination with analytical
accuracy, spirit of finesses with spirit of geometry ... Not because of immodesty but
because his eyes concentrates only on the score in front of him, Bacchetti doesn't look
at previous models and succeeds in finding an original and convincing key to read a
"staccato" which makes clear the articulation of the different sound levels of
the counterpoint, but that doesn't renounce to ties dictated more by the logic of the
talking than by an expressive intent; grace-notes often performed in different ways
depending on the Suites and on single movements; a very balanced use, that is to say
light hesitations, or accelerations very far from romantic technique; a coherent and
personal choice of speed, which has as only landmark the unitary rendering of the whole
suite without submitting to the taste for acrobatics that are an end in itself; the
lightness of touch ... a very successful performance, a recording of quality, airy
and brilliant.
Music Reviews
Bach, English Suites - Andrea Bacchetti
Decca 4763127 (2 CDs) - GOOD / EXCELLENT
Fedeltà del Suono - 16th Year, nr.133 December 2006 (Luigi Bellingardi)
... A musical execution very attentive and meticulous ... with rigorous painstaking
effort the pianist finds and enhances the traits of each movement in every Suite ... and also
from the point of view of variety of timbre the transparency of Bacchetti's touch, next to the
flexibility of his keyboard "manualismo", hits the target. The risk of technical and
phonic uniformity during the listening of Bach's "integrale", that sometime was found
with Leonhardt (Sony) and Rousset (Note), in our opinion here didn't happen.
Search Review Search sponsored by Cedille Records
J.S. Bach, English Suites - Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Decca 4763127 (CD)
Artistic Quality 9 /
9 Sound Quality - December 2006 (Jed Distler)
The young Italian pianist Andrea Bacchetti has garnered serious attention and high
praise in the European press for his prowess with new music (he recorded Berio's complete piano
works) as well as for his Bach interpretations. His warm sonority, singing line, and
expressive intensity proudly hold their own in such world-class company. His eloquent
melodic shaping of the Bourées (Suite One and Two) and the Fourth Suite's Menuets illustrate
my point, and so does this pianist's uncommonly introspective approach to the Sixt Suite
Prelude's interpretation. Repeats offer ample opportunity for Bacchetti to make subtle adjustments
in voicing or to add imaginative yet never overwrought ornaments. Decca's sonics convey formidable
impact and bottom-up detail, giving the impression that the Fazioli grand's bass notes are bowed
rather than hammered. Recommended.
IN BREF DECCA va piano ...
Jean Sebastien Bach, Les Suites Anglaises - Andrea Bacchetti, piano
( DECCA 4763127

Diapason - Mai 2008 (Etiene Moreau)
... On notera le nom d'Andrea Bacchetti, qui a enregistré les Suites Anglaises
sur un Fazioli aux coleurs éclatantes ...
Bach, English Suites - Andrea Bacchetti, p - Decca, 4763127 [2CD] 143 minutes
American Record Guide - January / February 2009 (Harrington)
With grace and elan, Bacchetti delivers the best of English Suites to come my
way since Andras Shiff back in the hate 1980s ... Bacchetti takes a fully pianistic approach
to Bach. He may scale down the dynamic contrasts to a more intimate range, but every phrase
is thoughtfully shaped and his articulation of counterpoint is exemplary. He ornaments the
musicfreely, especially in repeated sections, but always tastefully and in appropriate style.
... In summary, I would not hesitate to categorize these performances as among the very best
currently available.