Culture Bacchetti performs Cherubini on piano
E Polis Rome - March 5th, 2007
A few day before the release of "Luigi Cherubini Integrale Per Tastiera"
CD, Andrea Bacchetti will offer a generous assay in the extraordinary concert promoted by IUC,
"Istituzione Universitaria per i Concerti" at Sapienza University ... For the first time
in world discography history, Bacchetti recorded on a modern piano Six Sonatas for keyboard
composed by Cherubini about in 1780 ...
Music - I Dischi del Sole
Cherubini, "Six Sonatas" - Andrea Bacchetti, piano
Il Sole 24 Ore - March 11th, 2007
A precious anthology: these truly unknown Six Sonatas, written by the celebrated
Florentine opera composer, open the door on the background of a lot of our authors of Eighteenth
and Nineteenth centuries, who had fame thanks to the sceneries of all Europe but who had grown on
a rigorous instrumental discipline, on the taste for a severe and antique writing. Keeping the eyes
closed, Cherubini seems Christian Bach. Gallant as him, weird in flourishes which break formal
schemes, he is imaged in a splendid record by Andrea Bacchetti as shining, adamantine sound with
a little of virtuosity foolishness.
Events "Six Sonatas" by Luigi Cherubini
Il Sole 24 Ore - March 15th, 2007 (Gv. B.)
In 1780, the twenty-year-old Luigi Cherubini wrote Six Sonatas per cembalo o
fortepiano ... which now come back to flourish and reveal to be really interesting in the execution
to piano by Andrea Bacchetti. There, Bacchetti found the Eighteenth-century salons, French
gallantry and also a little of revolutionary essence.
Cultured Music Andrea Bacchetti in Quiliano with Six Sonatas by Cherubini
La Stampa - March 20th, 2007
... First world record on a modern piano, the Six Sonatas by Cherubini's CD -
produced by Sony on RCA label - is in releasing since March 9th after official presentation on
March 6th in La Sapienza University's Assembly Hall, Rome.
Bacchetti says: "... I think that expressive resources of modern piano can create a truly
interesting fantastic essay, which is not less valid than baroque executive praxis ... The
articulation plasticity and the pleasure of the flourish invented on the spot are sealed by
the warmth given by the timbre of the piano, which is inspired, tender and, sometimes, visionary.
Cultured Music Cherubini according to Bacchetti
Specchio (La Stampa) - March 24th, 2007 (Sandro Cappelletto)
... Andrea Bacchetti, an emergent Genoese pianist with a versatile repertoire,
recorded (CD Rca-Sony) Six Sonatas per cembalo by Luigi Cherubini, which he is also performing
live. ... These are works written by a twenty-year-old who listens to and assimilates instead of
creating. Their best moments are the less predictable ones, in which it is already possible to
hear a pre-romantic anxiety.
Reviews Super Audio CD
Cherubini: Sonata nr.1 in F; Sonata nr. 2 in C; Sonata nr. 3 in B flat;
Sonata nr. 4 in G; Sonata nr. 5 in D; Sonata nr. 6 in E flat -
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - RCA RED SEAL 88697057742 DDD 75:35
MUSICA - nr. 185, April 2007 (Luca Segalla)
... So we could discover - and appreciate - the delicious, and for some
respects surprising, pianistic trifles of young Cherubini, we had to wait for the record
by the Genoese Andrea Bacchetti, an eclectic pianist who, after executing the counterpoint
of Bach, Romanticism by Mendelssohn and the experimentalism of Luciano Berio with the same
elegance and conviction. ... It's clear that for the Genoese pianist Six Sonatas are more
than few unknown pages which have to be disclosed to the audience with his intellectual
honesty and stylistic propriety. Bacchetti shows to catch the embryonic germs of a stylistic
and emotional research which Cherubini developed in the years of maturity, especially in
opera scene. In this execturion, that's smooth as marble, perfect in his sonorous balances,
there aren't almost remains of gallant and affected Eighteenth century; every detail is
cured with tremendous patience to obtain timbres and dynamics in an almost miraculous harmony.
Sonorities are always contained and differences between sonorous plans are just mentioned:
fragile structures of these youth pages couldn't stand a too much emphatic interpretation
concerning strong contrasts and clean chiaroscuros, and yet Bacchetti doesn't indulge in
lightness of pre-classic Eighteenth century ... he guesses other models and suggestions to caught
the openings on a expressive world made of continuous modulations, sudden trespasses in minor
modality and irregulars phrasings. ... Rightly, Bacchetti doesn't interpret these sonatas
through virtuosity filter that can be as attractive as misleading. The timing direct cuts
are always moderated, phrasing hasn't sudden accelerations and rondos flow as elegant and
quiet composure. ... This is a fine CD, a little jewel of discography. ...
Reviews Bright and aristocratic
Cherubini: Six Sonatas, Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Sony Bmg, 2007 reg. 2006 long. 76'
Suonare News - April 2007
... An interpreter able to give a classic and aristocratic tone to little
essays of sonatas for salons by Cherubini; his tract is well accentuated through an
intelligent interpretation about variety of touch and gallant fickleness of tempo which
legitimate the choice of an execution on modern Grand Piano Fazioli ...
CLASSIC MUSIC Bacchetti reads Cherubini again: the polished variety of timbres
LA REPUBBLICA - April 6th, 2007 (r.i.)
... The Six Sonatas, which were published in 1783 by a young and still
unknown Cherubini and now recorded by Andrea Bacchetti in a valuable Sony CD, are
interesting. ... The interpretation is really varied on the dynamics' plane, which are
led with clarity and extreme power about the phrasing, unravelled with expositive
clearance and essential gestures.
Movies, CDS, DVDS Reviews - CLASSIC
Bacchetti: in the Sonatas there are signals of a great future
Il Giornale - April 13th, 2007 (Lorenzo Arruga)
Andrea Bacchetti is a young, pointed pianist who loves searching for; he
knows and plays classics and romantics, but for example he recorded Luciano Berio's
compositions being well at ease with nowadays language. Now Bacchetti ventures in
Six Sonatas, which were the first publication in 1783 by famous Cherubini - also author
of Medea and Great Masses - when he was twenty-three. Written in his age style, Sonatas
are brilliant, in two movements, without adagios, playing not an original cembalo but a
racy Fazioli, they are searched as best in rhythm and colours contrasts, and in youth
happiness they don't hide the future signal of greatness.
RECORDS A gallant "man from Milan": Cherubini (Corriere della Sera) - April 18th, 2007 (Gian Mario Benzing)
At bottom, also Cherubini, the durable monumental learned professor Cherubini,
was a boy ... we found out this above suspicion Cherubini in Six Sonatas for cembalo recorded
by the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti in a new RCA Red Seal CD. These pages are graceful,
all in major, in two movements, but with nice cues and vivid rushes. Bacchetti walks through
this chill and mental simplicity with great respect, a cured and sensitive sound, a kind
elegance with a rigor that doesn't prelude the gentleness of more affective nuances.
Repeated Cherubini: A first worthy of being listened to record
Cronaca di Mantova - April 27th, 2007
... recent Six Sonatas record (RCA Red Seal, Sony) seems to be the first one
and becomes valuable due to the rareness of pieces, going to fill a gap not just in the
modern recordings. ... the piano execution is well done by Andrea Bacchetti, intelligent
and sensible who is used to play Bach and therefore well-tempered in cembalo style.
Bacchetti is clean, well balanced in dynamics, incisive and offers another attempt of
professional seriousness, interpretative vitality and total mastery of technique.
He gives a product worth of highest attention.
RECORDS AND BOOKS Bacchetti and Cherubini
L'Invito, Periodical of Musical information of Friends of the Nuovo Carlo Felice
Society - nr.78, May 2007
... Written in 1783 and dedicated to Florentine noble Antonio Corsi, Six Sonatas
are worthy of attention. These pages are now repeated in a precious Sony CD by Andrea Bacchetti ...
his interpretation is appreciable for dynamic variety, expositive cleanness and stylistic rigor.
A mindful and complete study that gives new light to Italian late eighteen century instrumental
production, that is often unexplored ...
CLASSIC Cherubini Six Sonatas
ELLE - May 2007 (Elsa Airoldi)
Rareness of this Sony CD consists in proposition of pages for piano written by a
composer who is famous for everything else. These Sonatas needed the anxious and fine curiosity
of Andrea Bacchetti, a thirty-year-old who has been revealed when he was only four; nowadays
Bacchetti can say to have well deserved Karajan and Baugartner's estimate. He is severe and
lyrical, researched and modest.
Reviews Cherubini Six Sonatas
Andrea Bacchetti, RCA / 88697057742 / BMG Ricordi / 2006 / DDD / booklet: good / Italian / 140507
Artistic:  ,
Amadeus - May 2007 (n.s.)
Bravo Andrea Bacchetti: he doesn't slip on this proposition that apparently seems
easy. ... Being a pianist who can read this kind of sonatas at first sight, Bacchetti dives in
this collection with sacral aura. ... Immediately, he liberates Sonatas from their gallant sheen
and according to his usual analytic approach practiced by Bach performances and constructions of
contemporary music. ... A superior sense of reflection which, with his accomplice, the alien
timbre of piano, set Sonatas free by their age with interpretative fineness and great executive
control. A little intimidated, they say thank you.
REVIEWS Cherubini Six Sonatas
Andrea Bacchetti, pf. RCA 88697057742 TOT: 1.15.35 - DDD 2006
SUONO - June 2007 (Umberto Padroni)
... Chamber pictures that are full of inventions and takes into account the great
Viennese lesson. The character is bent as a not-sugary fineness and so the masterly Andrea
Bacchetti's performance is very properly well drawn in a gracious atmosphere with learned delay on
mannered harmonic modulations and juicy detail of all embellishments that assume a important role
as right abb.
FDS MUSICA CHERUBINI - Six Sonatas for piano
Andrea Bacchetti, pf. RCA 88697057742 - TOT: 75.35 - DDD 2007
FEDELTA' DEL SUONO - June 2007 (Luigi Bellingardi)
... An unitary collection, based on a major tonality bipartite construction, with
a first part in sonata form and the second part as a rondo, with da capo. The Genoese thirty-year-old
pianist gives a very charming and persuasive interpretation of these compositions with a variant
touch and his sensibility exhibited in phrasing, beside his well-known technical aplomb. ...
CRITIQUE CHERUBINI, Les six sonates pour clavier
Andrea Bacchetti (piano) - 1 CD RCA "Red Seal" 88697057742 (Distribué par Sony-BMG)
Texte de présentation en français - Enregistré en 2006 - Minutage: 1 H 15' - DDD
LE MONDE DE LA MUSIQUE - n. 321 juin 2007 (Marc Vignal)
... Cherubini n'était pas un virtuose du clavier mais savait écrire pour l'instrument.
Ses sonates évoquent parfois Mozart ou Haydn ... Andrea Bacchetti joue ces sonates avec délicatesse
et poésie sur un piano moderne, alors qu'on les connaissait jusqu'ici au clavecin. L'interpretation
au piano moderne les éclaire d'un jour nouveau et fait d'elles, pardelà leur modestie de surface,
des oeuvres au charme certain, "classiques" au plein sense du terme.
RECORDS & MEDIA Andrea's Piano
Cherubini, Six Sonatas for piano; pf Bacchetti. Italian Sony (1 CD)
Il giornale della musica - June 2007 (Roberto Iovino)
... Interpretations by Bacchetti are appreciable for dynamic variety, cleanness
of exposition and stylistic rigour.
PIANIST He played piano
CLASSIC VOICE - nr.45 June 2007 (Luca Chierici)
It seemed cembalo but was piano. And Cherubini dedicated to it six delicious Sonatas.
Now they have been repeated and recorded by Andrea Bacchetti. For the Italian label that
was Rubinstein's too.
... After being dedicated to Bach and Mendelssohn, nowadays it's time for Cherubini,
a quite-ignored author who is more famous for the opera production than the instrumental one.
Bacchetti's execution takes account of a praxis that doesn't disdain some changes to the original
text, at least about embellishments and varied repetitions. The pianist says: "I didn't think
of a closely philological recovery, and also the choice of a Fazioli has been made for revaluing
strong pianistic potentialities of music written in that age and for setting up a very interesting
discourse about timbre research and about the 'colour' of Cherubini's Sonatas" ...
Les disques de A à Z LUIGI CHERUBINI, Six sonates pour clavier
Andrea Bacchetti (piano) RCA 88697057742, distr. Sony-BMG (SACD hybride multicanal) 2006, TT: 1 h 15' DDD
5 diapason
DIAPASON - N.549 juillet-aout 2007 (Etienne Moreau)
... cet opus 1 de Cherubini est un bon exemple de ces pages classiques que le piano
moderne peut révéler différemment. ... Aidé d'un grand Fazioli, le jeune Génois Andrea Bacchetti
se tire avec les honneurs de l'exercice qui consiste à remplir ces pages où abondent les formules
d'une autre époque - si on les compare aux premières sonates de Clementi par exemple. Avec son
toucher discret, son legato impeccable, sa sonorité chaleureuse ... il parvient à dépasser la
joliesse de l'écriture et à mettre en valeur une variété d'humeurs qui fait le charme de cette
musique, plus aimable qu'émouvante.
CLASSICAL IN DISCOTEQUE Andrea Bacchetti and the young Cherubini
Gazzetta di Parma - August 20th, 2007 (Gian Paolo Minardi)
... Already on foreground since several years, Andrea Bacchetti is one of most
alive presences in youth scene of our pianism, and he's animated by a true musicality ...
As a sensitive and curious interpreter, Bacchetti frames these lucid pages in a prospective
that seems leaving behind the pure gallantry atmosphere and goes toward a more delineated formal
way ...
KULTURA - REGAL z plytami Cherubini 6 Sonatas
DZIENNIK POLSKI, Krakow - August 21st, 2007
... Szec sonat, ktore zostaly zarejestrowane na plycie, Cherubini skomponowal na
klawesyn. Andrea Bacchetti nagral ten cykl na fortepianie, przez co muzyka Cherubiniego otrzymala
nowy, nieznany wczesniej wyraz. Ciekawe!
(... Six sonatas, recorded on the CD, are composed by Cherubini for harpsichord. Andrea Bacchetti
played this cycle on modern piano, giving to the Cherubini's work a new mark and a performance never
listened before. Very interesting!)
L.Cherubini: 6 Sonates; Andrea Bacchetti, piano; 1 SACD Sony BMG 88697057742, 07/06 (75' 35)
PIZZICATO - nr.175 september 2007 (Isabelle Trueb)
Cherubini a également composè des oeuvres pour clavier! ... une musique gracieuse
et de style décidément classique. Le pianiste approche la partition avec respect et clarté, déroulant
habilement les longues lignes mélodiques et articulant les ornement avec grand soin. Une interprétation
lumineuse, intime et racée ...
Piano Cherubini Six Sonatas
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - RCA 88697057742
CLASSIC VOICE - nr.100 September 2007 (Gian Paolo Minardi)
... Avoiding impending risk of monotony, Andrea Bacchetti's sharp interpretation
is able to point out those characterizing aspects of adult Cherubini like modulating anxiety and
some harshness in pronunciation - although he never disturbs weaving homogeneity of this
neoclassicism ahead of its time. It's a conscious vision that our interpreter goes to recreate
with eloquent measure of his pianism characterized by a controlled but always intimately
solicited sound.
Kamer MUZIEK Cherubini Piano Sonatas
Andrea Bacchetti (piano) - RCA Red Seal 88697057742 * DDD 76'
LUISTER - September 2007 (H.Q.)
... Andrea Bacchetti speelt de werken voorbeeldig. Hij haalt eruit wat erin zit,
maakt ze niet groter dan ze zijn, versiert en fraseert met een bewonderenswaardig inlevingsvermogen ...
Classic Music Luigi Cherubini, Six Sonatas
A. Bacchetti RCA (SACD) - Artistic Quality: 8 - Sound Quality: 7
Audio Review - nr.283 October 2007 (Stefano Catucci)
... Sonatas are interesting because they reveal a pronounced sensibility that
emerges and a classic and already well-controlled style. The young Cherubini remarks not only
a notable inventive, but also an experimental look that tries to make the Italian cembalist
harpsichord tradition younger. ... Bacchetti, an anxious and unpredictable talent, interprets
these pages with seriousness and verve and shows musicality and touch sensibility. Execution's
intelligence is remarked also by little details like his reject to emphasize most expressive
transitions - like that beautiful one in minor key in first part of Sonata n.5 - on which
instead he was open to bet if he wanted to get a simple effect and be the pianistic Cherubini's
apologist. ...
L'actualité CD, SACD & DVD classique
Luigi Cherubini Six sonatas pour piano - Andrea Bacchetti (piano) - RCA 88697057742 (SACD)
ClassicToday FRANCE - octobre 2007 (Christophe Huss)
... On entend un pianiste habile et trés agile qui attache une grande importance
à chaque note. Cela signifie peu d'ombres et de lumière mais une exposition musicale constante.
... Le jeu de Bacchetti est trés cérébral et rigoureux, sans le moindre épanchement, sans
coquetteries et avec un minimum d'inflexions dynamiques. Il nous présente l'essence musicale
de ces Sonates avec tact et intégrité . ...
Le répertoire des CD de A à Z Entre baroque et classicisme
Classica-Répertoire - octobre 2007 (Philippe Thanh)
... les six sonates pour clavier de Cherubini sont interprétées avec délicatesse
par Andrea Bacchetti dont le toucher est magnifié par une prise de son naturellement réverbérée ...
Bacchetti, RCA/Sony BMG 88697 05774-2, (75 Min., Aufgen 7/2006)
RONDOplus - 10/2007 (Guido Fischer)
... Wenn nun Andrea Bacchetti das uber zwei Jarhunderte spater mit seiner
besonnenen Gewichtung der Konturen, mit schonsten Legatobogen und schlankem Ton bestatigt,
wurde man tatsachlich ruckblickend doch noch gern erfahren, was der reife Cherubini sich wohl
furs Klavier uberlegt hatte.
Concerts The "extraordinaire" Cherubini by Andrea Bacchetti
MUSICA E SCUOLA - 21st year n.17, October 15th, 2007 (Laura Ruzza)
A pianistic recital - that has been taken in Rome on last March 6th a few days
before the release of Super Audio CD RCC "Integral for keyboards by Cherubini" - that's
worthy of being considered extraordinaire for his precious program made of Italian instrumental
pages of late eighteenth century and first mid-nineteenth century.
"Italian Sony's project consist in rediscovering works by Italian forgotten authors",
Bacchetti said about his new discographic commission; "for Cherubini's Sonatas I wanted to
use the true pianistic sound, without looking for imitating past instruments' sound" ...
Music almanac A record for every day of the year
ET Einaudi Editore - 2007 (Carlo Boccadoro)
... Andrea Bacchetti doesn't waive any beauty canon of classic pianism, but he
reinterprets them always taking account of modern scores, which he's almost celebrated
interpreter of, finding curt timbre solutions without useless romances ...
Novedades discográficas Cherubini instrumental - 22/02/2008 (Michael Lukey)
... Bacchetti's playing throughout the recording is elegant end easy, and his
ornaments sound particularly natural and are brought off with great smothness. The distinction
between melody lines and accompaniment is always attractively clear, and tempi are weel-chosen;
while the pianist clearly possesses an accomplished technique, never is there a hint of pretencious
virtuosity. Furthermore, Bacchetti's control of dynamics is often exquisitely judged and executed.
The overall standard of piano playing and musicianship is excellent.
Anfang am Klavier Das Schweizer Kultur Magazin mit Internationaler Kompetenz
Musik & Theater - Februar 2008 (Reinmar Wagner)
... der italienische Pianist Andrea Bacchetti es ausgezeichnet versteht, genau
diese frischen, vifen, munteren Elemente herauszumodellieren und uns auf dem modernen Flügel
(ein Fazioli) mit Charme und Witz und ohne allzuviel demonstrative Entdecker-Schwere oder gar
Virtuosen-Allüren zu präsentieren.
Répertoire Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842)
6 Sonates en Fa, Do, Si bémol, Sol, Ré et Mi bémol - Andrea Bacchetti (piano) 2006-SACD-75'35" RCA
10 qualité de la prise du son,
10 pertinence des textes du livret,
8 intérêt du répertoire,
10 qualité de l'interprétation
Crescendo - fevrier-mars 2008 (Jean-Marie André)
... Bien évidemment, le pianiste a un toucher délicat, une belle sonorité exaltée
per le superbe piano Fazioli qu'il utilise. Mais, surtout, il a pris l'option de faire toutes les
reprises en en variant intelligemment les ornamentations. Nous avons ici un bel exemple de musique
galante ... un CD dont se réjouiront tous les passionnés de cette période classique ...
plyta miesiaca Luigi Cherubini 1760-1842
Andrea Bacchetti, fortepian - (cd of the month)
Muzyka21, (Polska) - 4/2008 (Andrzey Osinski)
Discos Criticas de la A a la Z
Excelente versión de las sonatas de Cherubini A
Ritmo - Año LXXIX n. 811, Septiembre 2008 (G.P.C.)
... fantástico trabajo del genovés Andrea Bacchetti, pianista muy asiduo en España.
Bacchetti hace algo más por esta música que simplemente tocarla tam bien. ... los contrastes,
la dulzura, las preciosas apoyaturas, irresistibles y moderadamente recreadas por Bacchetti,
buscando un equilibrio entre la gracia del estilo y la riqueza melódica ...
Music Six Sonatas by Cherubini recorded by Andrea Bacchetti in Sacile
il Piccolo, Trieste - November 2008 (Stefano Bianchi)
... Lucid formal and constructive consciousness, phrasing elegance and touch
cleanness characterize also this new discographic effort by Bacchetti. He adds an interesting
repertoire to quality of execution ... Simplicity and grace, typical of Eighteenth century,
are interpreted with fancy and inventive that are incisively expressive ...
Reseñas Cherubini - Seis sonatas, Op.1
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - RCA 88697057742 DDD
CD Compact - noviembre 2008 (Lluis Trullén)
... una interpretación servida bajo una indiscutible inteligencia musical por
parte de Bacchetti. Por un lado recala en la delicadeza de los tempi, juega con gran variedad
de recursos en los rondos, plantea unos tempi acertados, y ante todo saca el máximo partido
de un gran piano que, sin lugar a dudas, ayuda a reforzar todas las ideas melodicas expuestas
en estas obras. El pianismo de Bacchetti resulta refinado, elegante y lo convierte en un
intérprete idóneo para la interpretacion de la obra de Mozart; se siente cómodo con el
repertorio clásico no solamente por la diáfana claridad de su interpretación sino por su
adentramiento hacia los pormenores y los más mínimos detalles presentes en la escritura ...
Reviews Luigi Cherubini, Six Sonatas
Rondò - 1/2009 (Giona Saporiti)
... Spontaneous fluency brings us to feel musical routine like a sequence
made of clear episodes, also thanks to a fluent and confident interpretation by Andrea Bacchetti
who, precise and inspired, preludes to releases of other challenging and famous works' records,
in order to consolidate his international success.
Reviews Cherubini
Piano Sonatas - No.1 in F; No.2 in C; No.3 in B flat; No.4 in G; No.5 in D; No.6 in E flat -
Andrea Bacchetti (piano)
International Record Review - 6/2009 (Mark Tanner)
... One senses a shared agenda between the composer and the pianist, with some
beautifully restrained nimbleness and no hint of the faintly disconsolate, static characterizations
about which I quibbled in the slower movements of Bacchetti's Galuppi recording. There is genuine
artistry here, and a sparkling erudition of phrasing to enhance the interpretations.
Escuchar - Recomendados Cherubini - 6 sonatas
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - RCA VICTOR SONY BMG 88697057742
Melómano - n.147 Noviembre 2009 (redacción)
... Junto a Mario Marcarini, Bacchetti ha revisado estas piezas en una nueva
edición, lo que convierte al intérprete trasalpino en el experto en el piano de Cherubini en
la actualidad. Por otra parte, su versión de estas sonatas es primorosa de principio a fin,
pues los setenta minutos largos de este disco compacto en formato de audio SACD se escuchan
gusto, no sólo por las encantadoras partituras sino también por la calidad que impregna
Bacchetti con una interpretación sólida, animada, galante, asequible y amena.
Le Magazine Célébrations 2010 - Luigi Cherubini - 20/03/2010 (Maxime Kaprielian)
... Pièces relativement simples, qui témoignent à la fois des influences
du classicisme viennois et de l'art lyrique, elles trovent sous les doigts de ce pianiste
(né en 1977) une interprétation idéale pour se faire une idée du style musical italien
en cette fine du XVIIIe siècle.
Discos Los discos exceptionals del mes de Mayo
Las otras teclas de Cherubini - Andrea Bacchetti, piano
Scherzo - Mayo 2010 (Emili Blasco)
... El pianista ilustra las partituras, sabedor de lo que quiere expresar a
través de ellas, con carácter austero (aliñado momentáneamente con humorismo), cultiva el
sonido con mimo y erudición. Su toque, exquisito y suave, huye de la exageración sonora y
de las grandezas que podría ofrecerle el instrumento: se mantiene regular y atento con la
línea melódica a la que fusiona creatividad e imaginación, y se muestra impecable también
en las articulationes. ...