Classical Luciano Berio, fantasy in five pieces
"Andrea Bacchetti revives the pianist's compositions"
Corriere della Sera - June 9th, 2004 (E. Gir.)
The idea that the authors of the postwar vanguard had an aversion to the piano, because
of its bulky historical inheritance, is one of those commonplaces we should polish off. Their fund
in fact is never lacking of piano pieces and least of all Berio’s one, who never obeyed to the presumed
dogmas of that season. Here he is, then, the young, clever player, Andrea Bacchetti, who revives the
5 titles for piano solo: they are pieces which cover 50 years of activity of Ligurian composer (from
the 40s to the 90s) where a sharp imagination is supported by the refractions of the harmonic/timbre
plan. Bacchetti, among other things, matured the performance working in close contact with the master.
La Prealpina - June 11th, 2004 (Giancarlo Angeleri)
... This very recent Decca CD, perhaps among the first ones presents a wide selection
of Luciano Berio’s only pieces for piano. “Difficult” music? Not at all.. And this is the first
surprise. The others come opening the libretto. And not only for the player’s name, Andrea Bacchetti,
who is more and more mature and becoming a reference point of Italian “pianismo”. Carmelo di Gennaro,
a musicology of worth, a Berio's deep connoisseur besides a friend wrote the complete and easy to be
read notes of accompaniment. Another sweet”: the marketing manager of the CD is the great Giovanni
Mazzucchelli, president of “Quartetto Society” and of “Rossini Academy” of Busto Arsizio. This is not
enough, other well-known names for those who feed on “Musica” appear on its pages: Mirko Gratton,
executive producer, and engineer Giulio Cesare Ricci who, with Paola Maria’s assistance, placed at
disposal the fine art of his Fonè to record the recital at Imola Academy, with Master Franco
Scala’s authorization. Very beautiful, really everything was beautiful. Andrea Bacchetti’s piano does
not play in front of the speakers, like many others do, but inside and behind them, so that he lets
Berio's fine notes a universal life and a unique color. This music is not heavy at all: it’s the player’s
merit, and of the fact that it was recorded with the author’s supervision. ... Thanks to Andrea Bacchetti
we discover Luciano Berio's wonderful world. Thank you, really thank you to everybody.
The classical at the disco Berio's estrous piano
Gazzetta di Parma - June 14th, 2004 (g.p.m.)
... an important CD, certified by the esteem Berio felt for Andrea Bacchetti, whose
singular and precocious musical intelligence ha had understood, after listening him in Saltsburg,
in 1989, and then he had invited him to face his piano compositions. A prestigious and demanding
viaticum ...
"I dischi del Sole"
Luciano Berio, Piano works - Andrea Bacchetti, piano; Decca CD
Il Sole-24 Ore - June 20th, 2004 (g.p.m.)
Bacchetti was a tiny child, he could not reach the pedal with his feet, and yet
he amazed the audience playing with a strong technique and a stubborn confidence. A little
Mozart, moved people said coming out of Verdi Hall of Milan Conservatory. Years went by.
Bacchetti did not get lost, like it happens to many genius-children. He still has a technique
that is very agile, dry, and strong because of a lucid rationality. He oriented his fund with
intelligence. Here he is in a proper and beautiful homage to Berio, with the scores which are
set in chronological order ( Petit Suite pour piano, Five Variations, Sequence, Rounds,
Six Encore pour Piano ), in a CD that confirms the imaginative originality of the Master’s
writing and the liveliness of piano, the instrument still boasting the greatest literature,
that has been unbroken from ‘800 to the present.
Bacchetti is very rigorous in his execution. He has the strictness of the young. In the libretto
he quotes Berio’s indications for a not romantic, cold and impassible performance. How sly is Berio!
Cathy Berberian was his greatest player: Andrea, listen to her. She has got a smile behind each note.
Homage to Luciano Berio
An interview with the Genoese pianist for the publication of the CD dedicated to the big Master
Il Secolo XIX - June 22nd, 2004 (Andrea Casazza)
Andrea Bacchetti today is 27 years old but for Genoese people keen on Classical music
is difficult to separate his face and name from the memory of that only 13-years old pianist who,
in 1991, astonished the audience of GOG in a Mozart concert offered by Carlo Felice Ensemble.
Since that day much time went by, Andrea Bacchetti grew up not only as far as age is concerned.
He grew up as a player and today he comes back to the fore publishing a very difficult and beautiful
CD: "Luciano Berio: piano works", by Decca. A precious CD, that rose from the long and loving haunt
that Bacchetti kept with the composer from Imperia (diedlast May), and that was built, note after note,
following his encouragement and his advice. An homage to the invention that starts from Petit Suite
pour Piano (1947), goes on with Five Variations (1953), with the Sequence IV (1965),
with Rounds (1967), and ends with Six Encores pour Piano, cameos of invention that cover
a lapse of time between 1966 and 1990.
- Bacchetti, how was this CD born?
It was born from the interest for the composer but, also and perhaps above all, from an affective matter.
I met Berio in 1989 in Saltsburg, I was 11 and he was the guest composer of that year; he listened me
play and he wanted to know me. For me that meeting represented a turning point. Berio guided my studies
taking an essential role in my formation as a player.
- How did he it?
Driving me to study those authors who hide in themselves what he called "the germ of musical
revolution". Authors very beloved by Berio, like Boulez, Bach, Mozart, Debussy, Ravel, Strawinsky,
Webern ...
Classic Notes When Berio was in love with Ravel
La Stampa - June 26th, 2004 (Giorgio Pestelli)
This CD of Berio's music for piano (in the centre Rounds, the Five
Variations and the Sequence IV, between Petit Suite and Six Encores
stand out in relief) can be an effective way to open the doors of the most radical contemporary
music also to the audience of not-initiated people: first because the player, the very young
Andrea Bacchetti born in Genoa in 1977, is out of any vanguard "manierismo" and - yet he
has been Berio's disciple since he was 12 - get to this music with a different and original
sensitiveness, mastering with a rush and an amazing exactness a style and a new technique; then
because the choice (among the important things only the Sonata per piano of 2001 is absent) is
arranged with wily taste of "progressioni" and "accostamenti" (parallels).
My advice is to begin the listening from the "Encores", a little collection of encores,
quick pieces where the lightings and the glitters of Berio's piano invention are concentrated on
few minutes of immediate seizure for the wise, very measured contacts with tradition then is better
to go to the "Petit Suite pour piano", by a 20 years old Berio (1947) in love with Ravel,
it's clear, who already possessed that extra fine handicraft that will be one of his favorite field
of culture; so, after you learnt to know him well, you can face the most difficult pages, the 50's
and the 60's, in particular Sequence IV: at once, it seems that somebody gagged the most eloquent
among the instruments, the piano, so much restrained and implicit the groups or bunches of sounds
(not chords) sound... For Berio an important homage one year after his death, for Bacchetti a
demonstration of very sure maturity.
Cd Classic Berio's piano
L'espresso - nr.26 July 1st, 2004 (Riccardo Lenzi)
Italian Universal got together three years ago Luciano Berio and a talented soloist,
Andrea Bacchetti, to record the composer’s piano work. The happy intuition was the circumstance,
with Berio's death, of a sort of Baedeker to the stylistic evolution of the author, from Neoclassicism
like Nino Rota's of "Petite Suite" to the serial writing of "Five Variations", to
the stubborn virtuosities of Luftklavier's "Six Encores".
CD and Media Berio and Bacchetti
In a CD the composition for piano that the pianist studied with the composer
Il giornale della musica - nr.78 July, 2004 (Giorgio Pugliaro)
... In any time, but in particular in ‘900 and contemporary music, the store dues a share -
variable but not little - to the interaction between the composers creativity and the player’s
availability ... Also Luciano Berio cultivated this relationship for a long time, a relationship which
ended in the cycle of the fourteen Sequences: the goad of such an exacting musician, who is
ready to get to the limits of mistreatment towards his performers in order to get always the best from
them ... Perhaps it is less known, but not for this reason less important and even touching, if you
refers it to a man who passed off to be surly and difficult, a so called "didactic" projection,
an educative versant, of which a young Genoese pianist, Andrea Bacchetti, certainly got a benefit. Now a
CD with Berio's pieces for piano is going to be published in Bacchetti's executions – recordings that
already circulated in a semi-private form, now get in a accurate technical guise to the ultimate
consecration of Decca label (a very rare fact for an Italian artist).
Music composed with the big builder's ratiocination and forethought, leaves room to the person who plays
it projected towards utopia, confirming that all funds - and this player more than others - need interpreters
rather than executors. Andrea Bacchetti finds a way, that is certainly different from the one practiced by
the traditional torchbearers of the contemporaneousness, but his own way, a credible, individual, poetic
one, which he likes symbolizing in the light "puntilismo" of Brin, the first of the Six
CD Reviews That heated Sequence
Decca (Universal Distribution) - recorded 2000-2001 - lasting 44'
Suonare - 10th Year, nr.97 July/August 2004 (Angelo Foletto)
After commemoration and regrets, here is the joyful time of artistic meditation.
The occasion that is represented by this piano route - which was drawn by Bacchetti with rare
love and patience - goes in the right direction. There is a store of heated musical variety (and
in its middle we can easily put the two extraordinary works of the 60s, Sequence IV and
Rounds, which were made glimmering of colors and of expressive impatience by the execution)
that rewards creatively sumptuous seasons, which let us understand how much awareness the author's
writing was rich of and how much richness a deep and ardent (and also technically very tough and
easy) player can offer to the listening. The series of the last pieces is more enigmatic and
sophisticated, if we like: a bit because they cover years that are far by birth but homogeneous for
piano sensitiveness, a bit because the blaze of intelligence, of colorist imagination and of musical
richness of the first, Brin, which dated 1990, would be enough by itself to put Berio among
the big piano composer of the century and to assure to Bacchetti's performance (which is supported by
a seizure of sound of a particular grain timbre-acoustic) a special attention.
CD Reviews Berio, music for piano
Decca 476194 (Universal) - lasting 44'
Classic Voice - August 2004 (Gian Paolo Minardi)
... these recordings offer very satisfying outcomes, a result also of the regular
relationship of the young player with the composer and of his critic scrutiny, that is anything
but indulgent, like who knew him knows well. In fact you can grasp all the exactness of the focus
of Berio's particular piano version: it winds through a space that, after the young keen "Petite
Suite", amazed in its neoclassical neatness, seems to draw the diagram of something playful and
adventurous at the same time. Bacchetti proves to be very sensitive in his following and at the
same time translating into sound these always sharp experimentations, in the "Five
Variations", in the 4th “Sequence” in that creative tongue twister that “Rounds” is, without speaking
about the spirit which whom he plays that fleeting “Encores”, slightly charming pages, in the mobility
of the spectrum they compose and that Bacchetti defines singularly with infallible swiftness.
Listening A tribute to the innovator: a pianist's praise to his master
Gentleman (MF Milano Finanza) - nr.42 August 2004 (Andrea Milanesi)
Andrea Bacchetti goes back almost fifty years of contemporary Italian music, years that
are re-built through the extraordinary creative parabola of the Ligurian composer who died last year
in May, Luciano Berio.
"The meeting with Berio influenced my musical life in an extraordinary way" Bacchetti
said. ... The artistic homage the young artist pays to his master benefits from the deep and favorite
research that Bacchetti carried on in close contact with the author, exploring each expressive shade
and, above all, trying to go inside the innovative mark that characterized Berio's work.
Meeting with Andrea Bacchetti Homage to Berio
Suonare News - September 2004 (Filippo Milchelangeli)
- Bacchetti, how was this CD born?
On Berio's advice I started studying his music already in 1990 ... I started recording it in 1998.
Berio told me: "Do it, and then bring it to me". I prepared the master and then I went
to Florence in his study to make him listen to it. He told me it was not good, I had played the
pieces like I felt them ... then he explained in a detailed way how they had to be played. In 2000
I recorded the CD again, CD that was later published by Decca. ...
- Contemporary music finds difficulties to get its voice listened
to. Why doesn't the audience love it?
Berio used to say that contemporary music is an "elite", it is not for the mass, it is not
a tenor singing romances in a stadium. ... The language is the matter. You can't listen to it with the
parameters of traditional classical music. What is important is the effect that it gives. And if it
is written by geniuses like Berio, Boulez or Sciarrino it assures great emotions.
CD Reviews
BERIO. Petite Suite, Five Variations, Sequence IV, Rounds, Six Encores
Editor’s choice CD CLASSICS - Artistical: 9 Technical: 9
Compact Disc Classics - September 2004 (Riccardo Risaliti)
The young Andrea Bacchetti has always had Luciano Berio's esteem, at first as a tout
court player, then as an interpreter of his own pages... Andrea Bacchetti believes in this music,
and this is a good fact, because otherwise he couldn't play it; above all he couldn't play it so well,
with this perfection of reading and this speaking coherence. I don't know if one could do better.
The CD is accompanied by loving and grateful notes of the player himself, and by a Carmelo Di
Gennaro's hagiography.
Musica's Reviews
BERIO. Petite Suite, Five Variations, Sequence IV, Rounds, Six Encores
DECCA 476194 - DDD 43:33
Musica - nr.160, October 2004 (Gianluigi Mattietti)
Andrea Bacchetti was very bound to Luciano Berio, who came from Liguria like he is.
Berio, who had felt this young small, nervous, pianist's music intelligence, had invited him to
face his compositions, to study them under his own guidance, to become the owner of a fund with
whom he got the Special Prize Gulbenkian Fondation at Micheli contest in 2001. ... Bacchetti
offers a very rigorous anti-romantic but vivid performance (mindful of Berio's recommendations:
"Try always to play everything like it is written, even if the metronomes seem impossible;
then, the important thing is what will come out"), a performance that can always see the
sharp inventive imagination, the infinite "refractions" of the harmonic and timbre
schemes. Bacchetti shows a perfect agreement with Berio's language ...
Elle - November 2004 (E.A.)
A Decca CD of very recent publication, it confirms the story of a love at first sight.
In 1989, when he was 12, Andrea Bacchetti holds a recital in Saltsburg. Luciano Berio is present
and he becomes his "maitre a penser". The pieces he recorded, forty years of instrumental
though, are studied under the author's guidance. They are a homage and they are his witness and
CDs of the month, chosen by © Bacchetti plays Berio
© Classica - November 2004
... the recording witnesses the deep agreement between the author and one his elective
players. The "colouristic" splendor of Petite Suite, the driving vehemence of
Sequence and Rounds, the sophisticated virtuosity of the six final pieces would be
enough to put Berio among the great composers of our time. And to confirm that Andrea Bacchetti's
sensitiveness and expertise put him in the foreground among the executors of present-day music.
Classic Music Luciano Berio PIANO WORKS
8,5/10 Musical Quality -
8/10 Technical Quality
Suono - November 2004 (Rocco Mancinelli)
This CD, which was recorded between August 2000 and August 2001 in Imola, is a homage
to Master Luciano Berio's skinless and it's totally dedicated to his composition for piano. ...
An approval to Andrea Bacchetti's extraordinary cleverness ...
COMPACT Choices by Massimo Rolando Zegna
BERIO. Piano Works - Decca / 476 194-4 / Universal Music Italia Distribution/ 2000, 2001
/ DDD / booklet: good (italian) -
Artistic score:
Technical score 
Amadeus - December 2004 (c.f.)
The favourite relationship that Andrea Bacchetti could keep with Berio is known. With
this CD Bacchetti pays homage to the composer and to the master that had so much importance for
his professional growth offering a choice of his pieces for piano. ... In the cover notes Bacchetti
make us remind how much Berio taught him about the style of execution of the so-called contemporary
music and this recording expresses, even at the first listening, all the attention and depth of the
interpretative work. ... with a self-devotion that we could define "total" Bacchetti aims
at mirroring the virtuosity of Berio's writing in a limpid virtuosity of execution.
Classic Bacchetti, the young genius repeats Berio's lesson
Il Giornale - May 27th, 2005 (Alberto Cantù)
Andrea Bacchetti met Luciano Berio in Saltsburg in 1989, ... and that was the beginning
of an incessant and important haunt; we can say that Bacchetti directly learnt from the composer
just that music ... that now he commits to a beautiful Decca CD, as a homage to Berio two years
after his demise ... there is the whole Berio, his "phonic greed", the coexistence of
tradition and exsperimentalism ...
Bacchetti remains faithful with great cleverness to the master’s precept: "detachment, emotions
that were looked for in immobility and there were found", and "a witty and aggressive
touch". A landmark reading.
Amadeus Record Price 2005 The finalists
BERIO. Piano Works - Decca / 476 194-4 / Universal Music Italia Distribution
Finalist in "Contemporary" Section
Amadeus - June 2005
Eighth edition of "Amadeus Record Price", an initiative which aims to bring to
the notice the most important recordings choosing among the ones reviewed in the twelve issues of
the magazine published in the previous year. The editorial office selected the five finalists for
each of the five categories: Ancient, Symphonic and Chorale, Chamber, Lyric and Contemporary. ...
A jury consisting of Duilio Courir (artistic and cultural Director), Gaetano Santangelo
(editorial Director), Massimo Rolando Zegna (Editor of record reviews section), and of three
specialized assistants of the sector, (Cesare Fertonani, Nicoletta Sguben e Ruben Tedeschi) ...
is appointing the winner of each category ...
Reviews Record Magic for Luciano Berio
La Cronaca di Mantova - September 9th, 2005 (Roberto Chittolina)
... The further value of the recording is brought about by Andrea Bacchetti's performance,
a 28 years old pianist who can be right considered a faithful and competent performer of Berio's pages ...
in several occasions the Master himself showed his complacency for the way Andrea Bacchetti performed his
pieces, and that is with "a style - like the genoese pianist explains - lacking of
phrasing, ... no freedom, immobility, that is to say coldness and impassibility in front of the musical
line, that becomes modern since lacking of expression"”. ...
A very clever performer at keyboards, Andrea Bacchetti, who was elected as a "cantore" by Berio
when he was very young ... he assimilated the voice and reproposes it with great skill and absolute
Personalities Luciano Berio's omnivorous music
MUSICA E SCUOLA - 19th Year nr.19, November 15th, 2005 (Laura Ruzza)
... Decca CD dedicated to Luciano Berio'’s musics for pianoin Andrea Bacchetti's
execution, a young yet already great Italian pianist ... after his Master's death some pieces became
classic and Bacchetti is the only one (of a certain generation) who was able to meet Him and play them
with Him. ... He really plays like an “old” pianist, with great measure and confidence, always attentive
and reflective ... he plays in a wonderful way, with a beautiful sound and with a musicality that is
always controlled by intelligence. ...
Classical Music Classic CDs
Luciano Berio's “Piano Works” by Andrea Bacchetti, Decca
Cittànuova - nr.23 December 10th, 2005 (Mario Dal Bello)
... the young pianist Andrea Bacchetti has a clear touch, a phrasing that is given to
"embroidery", a precise sense of dynamics: his "pianismo" is played on rationality,
on the search for the infinite possibilities of the single sound, where sensitivity is dominated by
the very lucid control of colour and shading. Bacchetti is an architect of sound and his Berio fits
like a glove. A record you can't miss.
Novedades Discograficas Testamento vital
Luciano Berio - Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Decca 476 194 DDD, 43'33 minutos, texto publicado el 22.10.2007 (Roberto Díaz)
Es por todos sabido que Luciano Berio mimaba especialmente sus obras para piano
... esta relación con el piano llevó también a Berio a relacionarse habitualmente con
pianistas - tanto jóvenes como consagrados. ... Algo así ocurrió a menudo con Andrea Bacchetti,
a quien conoció cuando éste aún tenia doce años. La musica de este disco esta supervisada por
el proprio maestro y es "el testamento humano y artístico del hombre y del músico". ...
No tiene desperdicio el disco. Es un muestra controlada por Berio de lo que significaba el
piano para él, y una versión magistralmente interpretada de algunos de los fragmentos
pianísticos más interesantes del siglo XX: La relación ya antes comentada entre los protagonista
del compacto, ademas, lo convierten en un modelo de interpretación a imitar.
Reseñas Berio
Petite Suite, Cinque Variazioni, Sequenza IV, Rounds, 6 Encores
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Decca 476 194 DDD
CD Compact - n. 221 Julio/Auguste 2008 (Emili Blasco)
... un disco con varia peculiaridades. La primera y más evidente es la selección,
muy acertadamente presentada, cronológicamente, ya que de esta maniera es posible la observancia
del lenguaje del compositor en todas sus etapas. ... La segunda peculiaridad es la voz del
intérprete, Andrea Bacchetti, quien conoció a Berio y no solamente eso, si no que trabajó con
él y tuvo el privilegio de que el mismo compositor fuera su consejero durante la grabación del
CD (2000-2001). Claro, la exclusividad parece servida. El pianista funde sus intereses
interpretativos con los del autor y obtiene un resultado que para muchos puede ser el definitivo:
las versiones que el proprio Berio hubiera querido plasmar si hubiera tenido el nivel instrumental
De esta maniera la audición parece aún más recomendable. Pero por si esto fuera poco, apuntar que
Bacchetti, sabedor en todo momento de lo que tiene entre manos, plasma con veracidad y pulcritud
todos los minuciosos detalles propuestos en la música de su compatriota. El pianista se involucra
con convicción, y recrea los efectos requeridos ... Bacchetti ejecuta vorazmente y con precisión:
el intérprete "vive" las inquietudes del compositor y eso se percibe en las versiones. ...
Discos criticas de la A a la Z Berio pianístico
"Andrea Bacchetti y Berio; muy buena química"
Andrea Bacchetti, piano - Decca 476 194 43'33 DDD
Ritmo - diciembre 2008 (D.C.S.)
... las interpretaciones de Bacchetti poseen tanto un extraordinario nivel técnico
como una plena comprensión del universo de Berio, en un conocimiento que se benefició, además,
de los consejos del propio compositor. Los tempranos y neoclasicos moldes de la Petite Suite
y la abstracción serial de las Variazioni dan paso a la esplendorosa Sequenza IV,
cuyo nuevo virtuosismo Bacchetti sabe recrear con vigor, afilando sus contrastes y registros.
Lo mismo sucede con ese tour de force que es Rounds y con los seis universos en
miniatura que conforman los 6 Encores donde las indicaciones dan cuenta del valor que
Berio daba a los valores expresivos, del "Doux et immobile" Brin al "Teneramente
e lontano" del bellísimo Wasseklavier.