Galuppi's Sonatas according to Andrea Bacchetti |
Explains the
pianist: «Since postwar period only a few artists played Galuppi's
sonatas, I think of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli and Lya de
Barberis.» |
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Among more than 100 Sonatas, Bacchetti chose 8 of them: «The first one included in the disc is particularly interesting. It is in only one movement and it clearly takes the theme of “Le pupille amate” from Mozart's Lucio Silla . I think it is a particularly relevant quotation. … » Which editions did you follow to read Galuppi?
I worked with Mario Marcarini on the manuscripts preserved at Levi
Foundation in Venice. I did not want to take on exam the editions by press
that present not few mistakes. Actually there are many problems of
transcription. The Sonatas came to us as not autograph manu-scripts
and this fact present the risk of some errors by the copier of that time.
There are parts which are not easily to decipher. In front of strongly
altered (not-working harmonies, notes that reveal improbable) I took the
responsibility to make the proper corrections. Are they written for harpsichord? « Officially for keyboard, but maybe their destination was the cembalo. As I was explaining I love facing such authors on piano because there are some expressive potentialities to be expressed. » |