Sole 24 Ore
Baldassarre Galuppi, Sonatas;
Andrea Bacchetti, piano
Baldassarre Galuppi’s touch on piano is aristocratic, elegant,
precious and light.
was born in Burano in the eighteen century and he was called “the
One hundred works for theatre, as many for keyboard and then “Cantate”,
works for liturgy, concerts, chamber music: he was one of the most
important productive artist of his age. And he was one among the most
forgotten, later.
The handwritten catalogue, that went lost, can be found in every library
of the world.
A certainty in the oblivion comes now from the recovery of eight “Sonate”
for piano, that Andrea Bacchetti plays with a rare beauty.
This is devotion to re-create a far world, made of perfect sounds, still
not bound to formal duties but only devoted to the pleasure of
If Naples school invented the colour, this Venetian a nation one, still to
be recovered, distilled in oriental stills the concept in music of magic. |