AMADEUS, october 2008  
      Baldassarre Galuppi, not only theatre      



... The listening of Galuppi's pages for keyboard reserves many surprises: the most sensational is about the ability to produce melodies of an unprecedented sweetness yet veiled by a sense of melancholy  able to turn unexpectedly into a soul perturbation.
The slow movements, set almost always at the beginning of the sonata are appreciated foe the cantabilità and not rarely during the listening one  remembers of similitudes with opera arias.
In the fast times an expressive virtuosity rules and it is never superficial in an excessive way held up by a refined technical mastery.


The choice of the composition of this anthology let us listen pages of a certain archaic taste, where the Scarlatti and Bach experience is evident, and let us reach scores which already let us anticipate the rising Romantic ferment.